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Nordic Skiing: more books (102) | |||
141. Caledonia Nordic Ski Club Of Prince George, BC Snow Phone 5643809. The Otway nordic Centre, home of the Caledonia nordic Ski Club, is located minutes west of Prince George, British Columbia, Canada. http://members.pgonline.com/calnord/ | |
142. El Dorado Nordic Ski Patrol The El Dorado nordic Ski Patrol promotes winter backcountry safety with educational classes on survival skills such as clothing, equipment, shelters, fires http://www.ednsp.org/ | |
143. Www.geocities.com/Colosseum/2373/SKI.HTM Adelsman s CrossCountry Ski Page Home Madison nordic and Tyrol Basin will host a short distance ski race on snow that Tyrol has been storing for a June festival. Start http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/2373/SKI.HTM |
144. New Hope Nordics Cross Country Ski Club Founded in 1980, New Hope Nordics is a ski club in the Middle Atlantic that is dedicated to cross country skiing. Run by volunteers. http://prnt4u.com/nhn1.htm | |
145. WHALEBACK NORDIC SKI CLUB, STEPHENVILLE, NEWFOUNDLAND, CANADA whaleback nordic ski club is a family oriented ski club in stephenville with 30k of groomed trails. 2003 2004 http://www.whaleback.ca/ | |
146. Foothills Nordic Ski Club The Foothills nordic Ski Club (FNSC) is an active club in Calgary. 2002 2004 Foothills nordic Ski Club. All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy. http://www.foothillsnordic.ca/ | |
147. The Australian Nordic Ski Instructor Manual The Australian nordic Ski Instructor Manual. A crosscountry ski instruction manual for instructors and skiers alike. This was the http://www.alia.org.au/~ivan/ski.manual/home.html | |
148. Huntly Nordic Ski Centre - Home Page Refit of the Centre. The best nordic Ski Facility in Scotland is getting better. The Centre is ongoing radical change just now. http://www.huntly.net/hnoc/ | |
149. Home Welcome to North Bay nordic Ski Club. Located fifteen minutes. from North Bays city centre on. Northshore Road. 705495-0332. The http://www.onlink.net/nbnsc/ | |
150. Montecito-Sequoia Resort In Giant Sequoia Nat'l Monument, California Reservations Office 800227-9900 or 650-967-8612 - You ll be amazed! WHAT. The Los Angeles Times. SAYS ABOUT US. Montecito-Sequoia nordic Ski Resort is a high http://www.montecitosequoia.com/ | |
151. Welcome To Hardwood Hills Nordic Ski And Mountain Bike Center Just 1 hr North of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Phone (705) 4873775 or Toll Free (800) 387-3775 E-mail info@hardwoodhills.ca. http://www.hardwoodhills.ca/ | |
152. Alaska Pacific University http://nordic.alaskapacific.edu/ |
153. Hardwood Hills Nordic Ski And Mountain Bike Centre Hardwood Hills nordic Ski Mountain Bike Centre Ontario, Canada. we have changed our web address to www.hardwoodhills.ca Please reset your browser as the .on http://www.hardwoodhills.on.ca/ | |
154. Sheffield Nordic Ski Club Sheffield nordic Ski Club. Sheffield nordic Ski Club has about 30 members. We usually meet on the first Thursday of the month from http://www.btinternet.com/~jordanwww/snsc.html | |
155. Duluth East Nordic Ski Team Duluth East nordic Ski Team Team web site hosted at eteamz Duluth, Minnesota 55812 USA. Duluth East nordic Ski Team, Trip to West Yellowstone. http://www.eteamz.com/denordic/ | |
156. NENSA News! Ski for K s Bill Koch League Bill Koch Festival Masters Training Coaches Sports Medicine Officiating. http://www.nensa.net/news/index.shtml | |
157. Methow Valley Sports Trail Association http://www.mvsta.com/ |
158. We've Moved!! We ve Moved!! The new NENSA web site is located at. please update your bookmarks!! Click on the address, or. you will be automatically http://www.sover.net/~nensa/ | |
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