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81. Nordic Skiing nordic skiing. MN 5535. Both shops are well equipped and staffed with people who really know what they are talking about when it comes to Nordic ski equipment. http://www.cretin-derhamhall.org/Departmental/CompSci/CBabcock/ns/Nordic.html | |
82. Wapiti Nordic Ski Club - One Of The Finest Nordic Skiing Facilities In Canada. AB. Spring/Summer Activities at the WNSC. Starting April 26th the Wapiti Nordic Ski Trails has organized summer activities Hiking http://www.wapitinordic.com/ | |
83. Nordic Skiing - Encyclopedia Article About Nordic Skiing. Free Access, No Regist encyclopedia article about nordic skiing. nordic skiing in Free online English dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. nordic skiing. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Nordic skiing | |
84. 2002 Olympic & Paralympic Education | Sports About nordic skiing. http://2002.uen.org/html/sports/sportspara_nordicskiing.html | |
85. Maine Nordic Ski Council - Homepage - 800-SKI-XCME - P.O. Box 645, Bethel, Maine The Maine nordic Ski Council was formed in 1984 to foster and promote the sports of cross country skiing and ski touring. The Council http://www.mnsc.com/ | |
86. XC Skiing Information From Cross Country Ski Areas Association Cross country ski recreation and vacations. Hundreds of U.S. and Canadian cross country ski areas, nordic centers, and xc trails from Cross Country Ski Areas Association. Cross country ski snow http://www.xcski.org/ | |
87. Great Lakes Nordic Ski Council Great Lakes nordic Ski Council, The nordic ski areas that comprise the Great Lakes nordic Ski Council are committed to providing you with the finest and most diversified crosscountry skiing, plus http://www.skinordic.org/ |
88. Maine Nordic Ski Council - Ski Centers - 800-SKI-XCME - P.O. Box 645, Bethel, Ma The Maine nordic Ski Council, a member of the Cross Country Ski Areas Association, fosters and promotes the sports of cross country skiing and ski touring. http://www.mnsc.com/xcski.htm | |
89. Telemark Skiing Holidays, Nordic Ski Touring And Cross-country Courses Offering vacations and instruction in freeheel, telemark, nordic and cross country skiing and ski mountaineering in France, Italy, the USA, Scotland and Norway. http://www.telemarkskico.com | |
90. Madnordski Skiing Page Current Conditions. Ice Age Challenge. Events. Where to Ski. The Club. MadNorSki Juniors. The XC List. Notices. Links. MadNorSki ( aka Madnordski) Sponsored by the Madison nordic Ski Club. This page http://danenet.wicip.org/madnord | |
91. Ski Sleds By Ridge Runner Products, Inc. Sleds (pulks) for cross country skiing and snow shoeing, used for pulling children and/or gear. http://www.nordicsleds.com/ | |
92. Jelling Rejser Jelling Rejser arranges nordic and alpine skiing trips http://www.jellingrejser.dk/ |
93. XCSKIWORLD.com "The World Of Cross Country Skiing!" Featured Ski Spot. Viking nordic. Classic Vermont Trails Children's XC Ski Sleds. All About Roller skiing. Technique Basics http://www.xcskiworld.com/ |
94. Nordic Ski Racer - Training, Trails, Races, & Equipment Ezine covering crosscountry and roller skiing, XC training strategies and daily training log of masters skier Mike Muha. http://nordicskiracer.com | |
95. Nooksack Nordic Ski Club Home Page Provides information about cross country skiing, membership benefits, and club activities at Salmon Ridge near Mt. Baker. http://www.nooksacknordicskiclub.org/ | |
96. Cayuga Nordic Ski Club Web Site Schedule of activities, membership information, and newsletter articles about crosscountry skiing near Ithaca, NY. http://spidergraphics.com/cnsc/ |
97. Kawartha Nordic Ski Club 30 minutes north of Peterborough, with facilities for cross country skiing. Weather and trail conditions, maps, accommodation, membership form, newsletter and links. http://www.x-c.com/clubs/kawartha/index.htm | |
98. Waterloo Region Nordic Sports Club Provides programmes and opportunities for youth and adults to learn and enjoy all aspects of cross country skiing. http://www.wrnsc.on.ca/ | |
99. Welcome To Viking Nordic Center! - Vermont's Best Cross Country Fun! 40km of crosscountry skiing. Photo gallery, ski conditions, trail map, rates, local links, directions, guest house and online request form. http://www.vikingnordic.com | |
100. Ski Anthony Lakes : Anthony Lakes Ski Resort Provides Alpine downhill and nordic cross country skiing, snowboarding, snowmobiling, and other winter sports. http://www.anthonylakes.com/ | |
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