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21. GORP - Nordic Skiing Trails In New York State nordic skiing Trails in New York State. http://gorp.away.com/gorp/location/ny/skinord.htm | |
22. Adventure Travel Vacations-Gunflint Trail Minnesota-Boundary Waters Canoe Area W Northern Minnesota adventure vacation specialist. Dog sled trips, nordic skiing, snowmobile vacations. Guided canoe trips in the BWCAW, canoeing/biking vacation. Offers a guesthouse and cabin on Little Ollie Lake. http://www.boundarycountry.com/ | |
23. Oregon Nordic Club Chapters The Oregon Nordic Club with its twelve chapters offers yearround outdoor activities with an emphasis on nordic skiing, ONC CHAPTERS. Blue Mountain. http://www.onc.org/ | |
24. Sports Timing Provides sports timing services throughout the country including alpine and nordic skiing, mountain biking, and running. http://www.racetiming.com/ | |
25. Norwalk Ski Club A 60 year old organization with membership participating in both Alpine and nordic skiing. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/4866/ |
26. Sun Valley Adaptive Sports Program Improves the quality of life for persons with disabilities through sports and recreation. Program includes alpine and nordic skiing, water skiing, and whitewater rafting. http://www.svasp.org | |
27. Alaska Mountaineering + Hiking Rent and sell equipment for mountaineering, climbing, hiking, sea kayaking and nordic skiing. http://www.alaskamountaineering.com/ | |
28. The Mountain Shoppe Recreational outfitting for alpine and nordic skiing, snowboarding and snowshoeing, backpacking and climbing, hiking and camping, bicycling and inline skating. Offers online ordering. http://www.mountainshoppe.com/ | |
29. Telemark/XC/nordic Ski Injuries nordic skiing per se The ankle is also at risk of injury in this form of nordic skiing, being afforded little protection by trainerlike or leather boots. http://www.ski-injury.com/nordic.htm | |
30. Cross Country Skiing TrailSource - Find Your Epic Cross-country Ski Trails Anywh Guide to worldwide nordic skiing tracks, organized by region. http://www.trailsource.com/skiing/index.asp | |
31. Nordic Skiing Touring In Norway, Holidays And Ski Tours Nordic mountain touring in an ideal skiing environment. A week of relaxed Nordic ski touring GRADE Nordic touring Introductory/Early Intermediate. http://www.telemarkskico.com/trips7.htm | |
32. The Ontario Nordic Ski Committee Presented by the Ontario Nordic Ski Committee is a volunteerbased organization committed to the development and promotion of nordic skiing in the southern Ontario region. Provides information on where to ski, what and where to buy, and who to ask about cross-country skiing in Ontario. http://www.xcontario.com | |
33. Cross Country Skiing - Cross Country Ski Magazines- Equipment, Technique - Xc Va Cross country skiing equipment, technique and xc ski reports from Cross Country Skier Magazine, the oldest journal on recreational nordic skiing in the World. http://www.crosscountryskier.com/ | |
34. NSW Nordic Ski Club nordic skiing in the Kosciusko National Park, NSW, Australia for beginners to advanced. Activities include, back country touring, snow camping, day tours, skating, citizen racing, mountain hut maintenance, and ski instruction. http://www.ozemail.com.au/~nordski/ | |
35. GORP - Oneonta, Utica, Cortland, Oswego And The Finger Lakes - Nordic Skiing Tra DESTINATIONS nordic skiing New York Oneonta, Utica, Cortland, Oswego and the Finger Lakes http://gorp.away.com/gorp/location/ny/ski_oneo.htm | |
36. London Region Nordic Ski Club nordic skiing, Nordic or cross country skiing originated in Norway thousands of years ago. Today it is a sport enjoyed by many people at all levels of fitness. http://www.micromission.co.uk/lrnsc/ | |
37. About Nordic Skiing nordic skiing. Nordic or cross country skiing originated in Norway thousands of years ago. In the the pistes. Types of nordic skiing. http://www.micromission.co.uk/lrnsc/AboutSkiing.htm | |
38. Maine Nordic Ski Club Links to other nordic skiing Web Sites Links to training in and physiology of nordic skiing. Dr. Stephen Seiler s Home Page from Kristiansand, Norway. http://www.bangornews.infi.net/~cdorion/ |
39. Welcome To Marquette Country In Michigan's Upper Peninsula!! Marquette Country has nearly a dozen marked crosscountry ski trails and several nordic skiing events. http://www.marquettecountry.org/skiing/index2.html | |
40. Huntly Nordic Ski Club, The Best Nordic Skiing In Scotland There is a picture history of the year for club members ask Sandy at the ski centre for your copy if you ve not already got the CD.. http://www.huntly.net/nordicski/ | |
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