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         Kyudo:     more books (30)
  1. Kyudo: The Essence and Practice of Japanese Archery (Bushido--The Way of the Warrior) by Hideharu H. Onuma, Dan De Prospero, et all 1993-07-15
  2. Kyudo: The Way of the Bow by Feliks F. Hoff, 2002-05-14
  3. Illuminated Spirit: Conversations With a Kyudo Master by Dan Deprospero, Jackie Deprospero, et all 1997-02
  4. Illluminated Spirit: Conversations With a Kyudo Master by Dan Deprospero, Jackie Deprospero, 2007-12
  5. Kyudo by Juliana Galende, 2008
  6. Kyudo the Japanese Art of Archery by William R.B. Acker, 1998-02-15
  7. Kyudo by Frederic P. Miller, Agnes F. Vandome, et all 2009-12-24
  8. Kyudo: The Art of Zen Archery by Hans J. Stein, 1988-09
  9. Do: Aikido, Karate, Kendo, Iaido, Bushido, Japanese Tea Ceremony, Kyudo, Nanbudo, Japanese Calligraphy, Yoseikan Budo, Koryu Uchinadi, Jodo
  10. Archery: Quiver, Arrow, Quarrel, Kyudo, History of Archery, Mounted Archery, Target Archery, Archery Games, Turkish Archery, Deer Hunting
  11. Tir à L'arc: Kyudo, Arc, Arc Long Anglais, Histoire Du Tir à L'arc, Yabusame, Arc à Poulies, Flèche, Tir à L'arc Aux Jeux Asiatiques de 2006 (French Edition)
  12. Kyudo Manual Volume 1 Principles of Shooting (Shaho) Revised Edition by Sakae Urakami, Yozaburo Uno, et all 1994
  13. Kyudo: The Way of the Bow by Feliks F. Hoff, 2002
  14. Bogenschießen: Bogen, Liste Der Olympiasieger Im Bogenschießen, Berittenes Bogenschießen, Kyudo, Compoundbogen, Traditionelles Bogenschießen (German Edition)

121. White Rose Kyudojo Home
This dojo in London is the oldest public kyudo club in Great Britain, features training address and email, club history, and kyudo background.
Welcome to the web page for the White Rose Kyudojo , the oldest public Kyudo club in the United Kingdom. Founded in 1986 the club has played a prominent part in the development of Kyudo in the United Kingdom and Europe. Our 5th and 6th dan instructors are qualified in other Budo as well as Kyudo and are uniquely able to teach with an overview of its relationship to other Japanese martial systems. The club practises at:
The Eric Liddell Centre, Eltham College, Mottingham Lane, London, SE9 4QF.
United Kingdom Email:

122. Kyudo
Click here to visit our sponsor kyudo. The Way of the Bow . kyudo is a Japanese target archery martial art. It is a highly meditative
"The Way of the Bow" Kyudo is a Japanese target archery martial art. It is a highly meditative martial art whose ultimate goals are Shin (Truth), Zen (Goodness) and Bi (Beauty). Styles can be divided into two broad categories, shamen uchiokoshi and shomen uchiokoshi. Shamen archers predraw the bow at an angle to the body and fix their grip on the bow before raising it. Shomen archers raise the bow straight over the head and fix their final grip on the bow in a predraw above the head. It is the oldest of Japan's traditional martial arts. The bow has been used in Japan since prehistoric times. From the fourth to the ninth century, close contacts between China and Japan had a great influence on Japanese archery, especially the Confucian belief that through a person's archery their true characters could be determined. Over hundreds of years archery was influenced by the Shinto and Zen Buddhist religions along with the pressing practical requirements of warriors. Court nobles concentrated on ceremonial archery while the warrior class emphasized kyujutsu, the martial technique of using the bow in actual warfare. With the introduction of firearms the bow as a weapon was neglected and almost died out all together until Honda Toshizane, a kyudo instructor at Tokyo Imperial University, combined elements of the warrior style and the court ceremonial style into a hybrid style which ultimately became known as the Honda Ryu (Honda martial school). With the American occupation banning all martial art instruction, traditional kyujutsu schools declined further and when the ban was lifted, Kyudo, as opposed to kyujutsu, became widely practiced. The Zen Nihon Kyudo Federation (All Japan Kyudo Federation) was established in 1953, publishing the standard kyudo textbook called the Kyohon. There now exists a European Kyudo Federation.

123. Kyudo - Die Kunst Des Japanischen Bogenschießens
Informationen zu Geschichte, Ger¤t und SchieŸtechnik, Erl¤uterung der Schulen und Stile, eine kritische Betrachtung der g¤ngigen Vorstellungen zum sogenannten ZenBogenschieŸen , Links, Literaturliste, Kontaktformular mit Dojoadressen.
Klicken Sie auf das Bild um den Internetauftritt
des Kyudo Verbands Hessen e.V. zu laden.

124. ‹|“¹H
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125. USADOJO.COM: About The Martial Art Style Of Kyudo
ABOUT kyudo. The Late Master Koyama Shinichiro. kyudo, which literally means The Way of the Bow, is considered by many to be the purest of all the martial ways.
The Late Master Koyama Shinichiro Traditional Japanese Archery From The Meishin Kyudojo Homepage Kyudo, which literally means The Way of the Bow, is considered by many to be the purest of all the martial ways. In the past the Japanese bow was used for hunting, war, court ceremonies, games, and contests of skill. The old word for Japanese archery was kyujutsu (bow technique) which encompassed the skills and techniques of the warrior archer. Some of the ancient schools, known as ryu , survive today, along with the ancient ceremonies and games, but the days where the Japanese bow was used as a weapon are long past. Modern kyudo is practiced primarily as a method of physical, moral, and spiritual development. No one knows exactly when the term kyudo came into being but it was not until the late nineteenth century when practice centered almost exclusively around individual practice that the term gained general acceptance. The essence of modern kyudo is said to be synonymous with the pursuit of truth, goodness, and beauty. Truth in kyudo is manifested in shooting that is pure and right-minded, where the three elements of attitude, movement, and technique unite in a state of perfect harmony. A true shot in kyudo is not just one that hits the center of the target, but one where the arrow can be said to exist in the target before its release.

126. Kyudo
Basisinfos, Trainingszeiten, Vereinsgeschichte, Anleitung zum Selbstbau von Pfeilen.
Kyudo-Verein Silbersee-Dojo Hasbergen Info Verein Training Aktuell ... Links Kontaktadresse: Michael Ende Am Lohkamp 5 49205 Hasbergen Tel.: 05405 - 6 97 03
Letzter Eintrag: 18.05.2004

127. Tozando Kyudo Shop
kyudo, the Way of the Bow, is the oldest of Japan s traditional martial arts. The bow has been used in Japan since prehistoric times.
Subscribe to our free e-mailings. Browse by Store Kendo Shop Iaido Shop Aikido Shop Kyudo Shop Naginata Shop Karate Shop Judo Shop Video Shop Yumi Ya Yugake Gi/Hakama ... Miscellaneous
Kyudo is a highly meditative martial art whose ultimate goals are Shin (Truth i.e. the ultimate reality), Zen (Goodness) and Bi (Beauty). When asked the question "What is Truth?" a master archer would pick up a bow and arrow and shoot it, without saying a word, allowing the level of mastery of the bow to serve as the gauge of the archer's progress along the "way" thereby showing the archer's knowledge of reality i.e. "Truth" itself.
Iaido Aikido Kyudo ... Contact

128. KYUDO
Translate this page kyudo - O Caminho do Arco. O que é o kyudo? O mesmo. A História do kyudo. As origens do kyudo estão cercadas de mitos e lendas.
Kyudo O Caminho do Arco O que é o Kyudo? O Kyudo tem muito em comum com as artes japonesas da cerimônia do chá ( chado ), caligrafia ( shodo ), esgrima ( iaido ) e tantas outras que tão bem espelham o coração e a mente dos japoneses. O Kyudo é rico em história e tradições, e é muito respeitado no Japão. Muitos o consideram como uma das mais puras artes marciais ( budo No passado, o arco era utilizado para diversos propósitos: caça, guerra, jogos e rituais da corte, cerimônias religiosas e torneios. Muitos dos jogos e rituais ainda são praticados atualmente, mas o arco japonês perdeu a sua utilidade como arma há muito tempo atrás. Hoje em dia, o Kyudo é praticado principalmente como um meio de desenvolvimento físico, moral e espiritual. A combinação de graça, dignidade e tranqüilidade dá ao Kyudo um ar solene, quase religioso, mas Kyudo não é uma religião. Ele recebeu, no entanto, grandes influências do Shinto (a religião nativa do Japão) e do Zen- budismo. O Shinto se manifesta mais visivelmente na cerimônia, na indumentária e no respeito demonstrado ao arco, flechas e Dojo (local onde é praticado). A influência Zen se dá mais na filosofia e prática do

129. Martial Arts - Kyudo
kyudo Links. Sub Categories. Websites. The kyudo Project Incorporated Featuring active kyudoka outside Japan, dedicated to timely and accurate information .
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Kyudo Links
Sub Categories
Websites The Kyudo Project Incorporated Featuring active kyudoka outside Japan, dedicated to "timely and accurate information". Worldwide contact addresses and links, lots of competent background information, articles, and translations of Japanese texts.
Meishin Kyudojo
Illustrated FAQs with information drawn from the authors book plus further reading, addresses, and links. American Kyudo Renmei The national governing body for all Kyudo in the USA affiliated to the All Nippon Kyudo Federation (ANKF). Contract addresses and home pages of the USA state organizations and dojos. Omuta Kyudo Renmei Views of a dojo in Omuta in the Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan. Includes links. [English/Japanese] Kyudo Renmei Nederland Contact addresses, links, dojos and pictures. Makiwara Kyudo FAQs with contributions from several authors. Seishinkan Kyudojo Contact information, translated texts of the Ogasawara Ryu and a longer text on the principles of training. [Palo Alto, CA] Shiseikan Kyudo Dojo Training schedules, contact information and test requirements. [San Jose, CA]

130. Kyudo Definition Meaning Information Explanation
kyudo. definition, meaning, explanation information in -. Kanjuro Shibata practicing kyudo. Purpose of kyudo.
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Kanjuro Shibata practicing Kyudo Kyudo "The Way of the Bow" ) is the Japanese art of archery . It is a modern Japanese martial art (a gendai budo In Japan , by most accounts, the number of female kyudo practitioners is at least equal to and probably greater than the number of male practitioners. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Purpose of Kyudo
2 Kyudo Equipment

3 Kyudo Technique

4 Kyudo Rankings
5 Major Traditions
Purpose of Kyudo
In its most pure form, kyudo is practiced as an art and as a means of moral and spiritual development. Many archers practice kyudo as a sport, with marksmanship being paramount.
Kyudo Equipment
The yumi (Japanese bow) is exceptionally tall (standing over two meters), surpassing the height of the archer ( kyudoka ). Yumis are traditionally made of bamboo, wood and leather using techniques which have not changed for centuries, although some archers (particularly, those new to the art) may use synthetic (i.e. laminated wood coated with glassfiber or carbon fiber) yumi. Ya (arrow) shafts were traditionally made of bamboo, with either eagle or hawk feathers. Most ya shafts today are still made of bamboo (although some archers will use shafts made of aluminum or carbon fibers), and ya feathers are now obtained from non-endangered birds such as turkeys or swans. Every ya has a gender (male ya are called

131. Corsi Di Kyudo
Translate this page kyudo, un arco teso tra cielo e terra. 011.898.04.06 - Fax. 011.890.30.21 e-mail Costo, 93 €. CENTRI DI PRATICA kyudo.
CINA CORSI Kyudo, un arco teso tra cielo e terra Il Kyudo, nel rispetto dell'antica tradizione giapponese, si pratica secondo un preciso rituale che prevede una sequenza di movimenti, Kata , apparentemente cerimoniali, in realtà funzionali a raggiungere la coordinazione necessaria al corretto sgancio della freccia verso il bersaglio.
I gesti degli arcieri che aprono l'arco si ripetono uguali ad ogni tiro, ampi ed equilibrati, armonici, decisi. Praticando in modo costante, lo spirito e il corpo vengono a trovarsi nella pienezza e, al momento dello sgancio, chi osserva vede la freccia separarsi naturalmente dall'arco.
L'aver centrato o meno il bersaglio è la verifica di quanto ogni arciere sia realmente presente a sé stesso, preciso e attento nei gesti, deciso nella realizzazione.
Il Kyudo si pratica con un arco molto lungo dalla particolare forma assimetrica, risultato dell'evoluzione, operata dalla tradizionale arceria giapponese, delle forme più antiche usate per caccia e guerra.
Tradizionalmente costruito con lamine di bambù e strati di legno di gelso, l'arco viene oggi fabbricato anche con fibre sintetiche, disposte comunque secondo le antiche tecniche. Le frecce, inn bambù o in alluminio, sono notevolmente lunghe, data l'ampia apertura dell'arco giapponese. L'attrezzatura è completata da un guanto in pelle, caratterizzato dal pollice rigido che trattiene la corda fino al momento dello sgancio.

132. M's-KYUDO
The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set.

133. What Is Kyudo?
ABOUT kyudo. No acceptance. The essence of modern kyudo is said to be synonymous with the pursuit of truth, goodness, and beauty.
ABOUT KYUDO No one knows exactly when the term Kyudo came into existance, but it was not until the late nineteeth century when the practice centered almost exclusively around individual that the term gained general acceptance. The essence of modern Kyudo is said to be synonymous with the pursuit of truth, goodness, and beauty. Truth in Kyudo is manifested in shooting that is pure and right-minded, where the three elements of attitude, movement, and technique unite in a state of perfect harmony. A true shot in Kyudo is not just one that hits the center of the target, but one where the arrow can be said to exist in the target before its release. Goodness encompasses such qualities as courtesy, compassion, morality, and non-aggression. In Kyudo, goodness is shown by displaying proper attitude and behavior in all situations. A good Kyudo archer is a person who maintains his or her composure and grace even in times of great stress or conflict. Beauty both enhances life and stimulates the spirit. In Kyudo, truth and goodness, themselves, are considered beautiful. Beauty can also be found in the exquisite grace and artistry of the Japanese bow and the elegance of the traditional archer's attire. It is also present in the refined etiquette that surrounds the Kyudo ceremony. Etiquette, which is simply common courtesy and respect for others, is an essential element of Kyudo practice.

134. - Kyudo: Way Of The Bow - Part 1
kyudo, or way of the bow, while derived from one of Japan’s oldest martial traditions is not practiced today as a martial art, or a sport, but as a form of

135. - Kyudo: Way Of The Bow - Part 2
kyudo Way Of The Bow Part 2. By Raymond A. Sosnowski, MS, MS, MA. Equipment. Unlike many other martial practices, kyudo has a lot of gear associated with it.

136. Kyudo
kyudo Origin Japan Back Article Index, Websites. Introduction to kyudo London kyudo Society, The Art of Japanese Archery.
Kyudo Origin: Japan Back Article Index Websites Introduction to Kyudo - London Kyudo Society The Art of Japanese Archery Kyudo - courtesy of Bushido Online Asahi Archery Kyudo FAQ - UT Archery Club Bushido Online Kyudo's Origins - courtesy of the Ryuko Kyudojo Kyudo in Action What is Kyudo? - courtesy of the Ryuko Kyudojo Seishinkan Kyudojo Rico's Martial Arts Server Information on Japanese Arts Information on Archery Aikijujitsu section Archery section Aikido section Japanese Swoard section ... Library Links checked 9-10-99

137. Sports, Martial Arts, Weaponry, Japanese: Kyudo
kyudo, literally the way of the bow, is the traditional Japanese form of archery. All Nippon kyudo Federation Short english page with contact adresses.
Top Sports Martial Arts Weaponry ...
Related links of interest:
  • Sports:Archery All Nippon Kyudo Federation - Short english page with contact adresses. American Kyudo Renmei - The national governing body for all Kyudo in the USA affiliated to the All Nippon Kyudo Federation (ANKF). Contract addresses and home pages of the USA state organizations and dojos. Chozen-ji Betsuin/International Zen Dojo of Wisconsin - An affiliate of Daihonzan Chozen-ji/International Zen Dojo in Honolulu, Hawaii, offers kyudo besides Rinzai Zen training. Hokkaido University Kyudojo - A Japanese site with some English content. Movie of a Kyudoka, Japanese texts with English translation, a Japanese-English Kyudo dictionary. Indiana Kyudo Renmei - Affiliated to ANKF/AKR. Practice times, location, photos and brief outlines of the art, the Wadokan dojo and instructors. Kyudo Renmei Nederland - Contact addresses, links, dojos and pictures. Kyudo in Japan - Bob Ridge's quite personal account of his training. Kyudo - Bavarian association (DKyuB member) offering introduction, contact addresses and events. [English/German/French] London Kyudo Society - Offering a short, illustrated introduction to backgrounds and history. Includes training schedule, events and links.

138. Hochschulsport Düsseldorf » Kyudo
Translate this page Hochschulsport Düsseldorf » kyudo. kyudo. Ort nach Absprache. Zeit nach Absprache. Heutzutage wird kyudo von vielen Japanern als meditative Übung gepflegt.
SS 2004
Home Sportprogramm Kampfsport Kyudo
Startseite Aktuelles Allgemeines / Organisatorisches Sportdies ... Sitemap
Kyudo Ort: nach Absprache Zeit: nach Absprache Obmensch: Walter Dmoch
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139. Kyudo --  Encyclopædia Britannica
kyudo Encyclopædia Britannica Article. ((Japanese “way of the bow”), ) Kyd bow drawn to its full extent kyudo bow drawn to its full extent Haruo Satake.

kyudo. The Japanese word kyudo is The Way of of the Bow . TOP. Instructors at SHODOKAN Dojo. Peter McDade. TOP. kyudo Links. kyudo Around The World. TOP.
Kyudo at SHODOKAN! Byakko Kyudojo

Instructors at SHODOKAN

Kyudo Links

Kyudo The Japanese word Kyudo is "The Way of of the Bow". TOP
Instructors at SHODOKAN Dojo Peter McDade TOP
Kyudo Links Kyudo Around The World TOP
11 Franklin Street, Salem, MA 01970 - Tel: 978-744-1232

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