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         Kyudo:     more books (30)
  1. Kyudo : L'art des archers japonais by William Reynolds Beal Acker, 2000-08-18
  2. Introduction to Kyudo by Sherman, 1990-06

41. 1.J.C. Samurai Offenbach 1953 E.V.
Der Verein f¼r asiatische Kampfkunst informiert ¼ber kyudo, JuJutsu und Judo, die Trainingszeiten und vereinsinterne Aktivit¤ten.

Ju-Jutsu Kyudo
Aktuelle Infos Gesamtverein:
Bilder der Regionalliga und vom Grillen 2003
Ergebnisse der Regionalliga 2003
- 50 Jahre Samurai Offenbach die Highlights auf einen Blick

Du bist Besucher Nummer

42. Shung Do Kwan Budo Genève
Club d'arts martiaux traditionnels   Gen¨ve, avec 9 disciplines a¯kido, ¯aido, karat©, kendo, kyudo, jodo, judo, jujitsu, yoseikan budo.
Shung Do
Kwan Budo Shung Do Kwan Budo

43. Kyudo - Japanisches Bogenschießen - In Bayern
Translate this page kyudo in Bayern allgemeine Informationen, Veranstaltungen, Vereine, Kontakt
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45. FFKT: Présentation Du Kyudo, Art Martial
kyudo, un art martial.
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Le Kyudo, un art martial
La voie de l'arc
Page d'accueil - Le Kyudo, un art martial
  • Présentation Historique Équipement du kyudojin Équipement du Dojo La FFKT ... Plan du site FFKT 35, avenue Jean-Jaurès
    34170 Castelnau-le-Lez
    Tél. : 04 67 79 69 95
    Contact web Anzawa Sensei (1887-1970) Le Kyudo est considéré au Japon comme l'un des Budo les plus purs. Cet art martial très ancien, dont les origines se perdent entre mythologie et légende, est aujourd'hui pratiqué par quelques 200 personnes en France, licenciées à la Fédération Française de Kyudo Traditionnel. Si l'arc japonais était utilisé avant tout pour la guerre par les samouraïs entre le XIIe et le XVIe siècle, il n'est plus une arme depuis longtemps... Aujourd'hui, le Kyudo est pratiqué avant tout pour atteindre à un certain niveau physique, moral et spirituel. L'influence philosophique très forte du zen, adopté il y a plusieurs siècles par les samouraïs comme méthode d'entraînement moral, permet aujourd'hui aux pratiquants modernes du Kyudo de mieux se comprendre et de mieux comprendre le monde autour d'eux. Il ne s'agit pas de viser une cible extérieure, mais l'archer et la cible sont unis, on intégre la cible à soi-même. Il faut oublier l'arc qui tire, oublier soi-même, ne faire qu'un avec l'arc et la cible, tendre vers l'infini sans en connaître le point d'aboutissement...

Training center in the Rinzai Zen tradition. Founded in 1981 by kyudo Nakagawa Roshi (Dharma successor of Soen Nakagawa Roshi).
Photo of Kyudo Roshi
History: Founded in December of 1981 by Kyudo Nakagawa, Roshi (dharma successor of Soen Nakagawa, Roshi, former Abbot of Ryutakuji Monastery in Japan), the Soho Zendo is a training center in the authentic Rinzai Zen Tradition. (In keeping with its ancient lineage, Kyudo Nakagawa Roshi was appointed twelfth Abbot of Ryutakuji Monastery in early 1990). Training at the Soho Zendo emphasizes the discipline of zazen, employing the koan practice established by Ryutakuji’s founder, Hakuin, in the eighteenth century. Because Rinzai Zen demands rigorous and committed practice, sitting at the Soho Zendo is available on a membership only basis.
Membership Fees: The membership fee for new members is $25 per month for the first 2 months. Thereafter, dues are $50 per month, payable before the fifteenth of each month, regardless of attendance. After 2 months non-payment of dues, membership will be terminated.
Hours: Sittings take place on every Monday and Thursday from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

47. Suomen Kyudoliitto Ry - Finnish Kyudo Federation
Suomen kyudoliitto ry Finnish kyudo Federation. e-mail kyudo. Japanilainen jousiammunta, perinteinen
Suomen Kyudoliitto ry - Finnish Kyudo Federation
e-mail :

Kyudo-Jousen Tie
artikkeli ASE lehdessä 1/89
About Kyudo in English

The history of
Heki Ryu Insai Ha
The ... y of Kyudo in Finland
  • Japanilainen jousiammunta , perinteinen budolaji
  • Suomessa harrastettu tyylisuunta on Heki Ryu Insai Ha
  • Suomen Kyudoliitto ry
    • leiri- ja koulutustoiminnan koordinointi
    Euroopan Kyudoliittoon - European Kyudo Federation ( EKF ) Japanin Kyudoliiton - All Nippon Kyudo Federation ( ANKF ) kanssa.
  • Hikari ry , Helsinki
    Puheenjohtaja Virva Ohtonen
  • Yosaiki ry , Porvoo
    Puheenjohtaja Susanna Bagge
    Tarashi ry , Turku
  • Haya ry, Tampere
  • Zanshin ry, Oulu
Sipoon Kyudo ry:n toiminta on lopetettu. Jäsenet harjoittelevat Porvoossa.
Hallitus 2003
Puheenjohtaja Veikko Karppinen (Hikari ry ) Leif Bagge ( Yosaiki ry ) Jarkko Helenius ( Yosaiki ry ) Mikko Kaunisto (Haya ry) Tapani Lehto ( Tarashi ry ) Gustaf Rönnholm ( Yosaiki ry ) Suomen Kyudoliitto ry:

48. Chozen-Ji Betsuin/contact Us
Provides a place of Rinzai Zen training through rigorous mind/body discipline. The Chozenji lineage of Zen emphasizes the integration of traditional Zen training with training in the martial and fine arts. Training in Chozen-ji kyudo is available.
The website has been moved to

49. Kyudo - The Way Of The Bow
kyudo The Way Of The Bow. kyudo is japanese bowmanship. It is Bagge. The History of Heki Ryu . History of kyudo in Finland. Back
KYUDO The Way Of The Bow KYUDO is japanese bowmanship. It is one of the traditional BUDO ( martial ) arts developed from the military skills of the old times japanese warrior, SAMURAI . Kyudo has the same speciality that lies in all the true martial arts. The developement of the "self". By training seriously, according to the standards set by the old masters, shooting a large number of arrows per day for some decades one will reach understanding of his true self. HISTORY It is with the history of kyudo as it is with the bowmanship in general. The origin is so old that there is no record of when and how the bow was invented. Many old japanese bows are found, the oldest dating back to about 6000 BC. The form of the composite bow that is preserved until our days was depeloped during the Heian Period around the eleventh century. The bow was at that time used for hunting and as a main weapon of the japanese warrior. The bow was mainly used on horseback so even the code for the warrior was called KYUBA NO MICHI , the Way of the Bow and Horse. Practice at that time was of course targeted mainly on the technical part of the shooting

50. Black Moon Zendo
Open sittings on Sundays in Northampton, MA. Rinzai/Soto practice led by Adam Genkaku Fisher, student of kyudo Nakagawa Roshi, abbot of Ryutakuji Monastery in Japan.
Northampton, Mass.
A place where all those
wishing to practice zazen are welcome. Beginners most welcome.
Better your own truth,
however weak, than the truth of another, however noble. Shakyamuni Buddha EMAIL BLACK MOON ZENDO NEXT


52. Omuta Kyudo Renmei
(kyudo in Omuta). Seisha Seichu. Since 25/06/1997. Though it s old, we are deeply attached to it . We are members of Omuta kyudo Renmei (Omuta kyudo Federation).
Kyudo in Omuta) Seisha Seichu Since 25/06/1997
For Japanese

The Dojo This Dojo (training place) was built in the 1950's. Though it's old, we are deeply attached to it . We are members of Omuta Kyudo Renmei (Omuta Kyudo Federation). There are about one hundred members. We have two Hanshi (masters),eight Kyoshi (teachers),twenty Renshi (instructors) and others. We open the Dojo from early in the morning until far into the night . We train kyudo hard for ourselves.
The pictures of Saita Sensei our great master is playing Kyudo. Training Sight
This is our training scene. Maxim This is the old saying which we use basically when we practice. Greetings A voice from a writer of this homepage Links This is the link to another homepage concerned with kyudo.
Our kyudo is affected by the philosophical way of thinking which is connected with Zen and Chinese Jukyo. We practice kyudo day by day to form humanity because it requires courtesy. It is difficult to put in words, but if you have any interest in kyudo on this homepage, I 'm very glad. If you have any questions or opinions, please send me E-mail. I'm looking forward to hearing from you by E-mail. mailto

53. Kyudo - Meditation Archery
kyudo is traditional Japanese archery the Zen Art of Archery. Miyako kyudojo in Washington, DC area. kyudo Meditation Archery. Miyako kyudojo.
updated Apr. 28, 2004 Instructors Training, Barnet VT Photo by Marie-Antoinette Crivelli
Meditation Archery
Miyako Kyudojo
of Washington, DC
Click the Fan for
Local Events in 2004

Other Schedules:
Shibata Sensei's 2004 Schedule
What Is Kyudo?
Kyudo is traditional Japanese archery the "Zen Art of Archery." At Miyako Kyudojo in the Washington, DC area, Kyudo is not a sport, but a form of meditation. Starting with the precision of the movements, peaking with the power of the arrow's release, and continuing with everyday life, a process unfolds in which the practitioner has the opportunity to see his or her mind, pure and spacious. To practice Kyudo in this way, one must have a good teacher a master.
Who is our teacher?
Kanjuro Shibata, Sensei is such a teacher. Since the early 16th century the Shibata family has maintained an unbroken lineage of master archers and bow makers for the shoguns and warrior families of Japan. In 1877 the 18th Kanjuro Shibata received appointment to the post of official Bow Maker and Archer to the Emperor. Since then, the 19th and 20th Shibata lineage holders have continued to make bows for dignitaries, official functions and for the practice of Kyudo. In 1994, Sensei's son, Nobuhiro Shibata, was recognized as the 21st in the lineage. The 20th Kanjuro Shibata continues as a "Living Treasure of Kyoto," and the head of the Bishu Chikurin-ha branch of the Heki-ryu school of Kyudo. In 1980 Kanjuro Shibata (XX) established his first dojo in the west, in Boulder, Colorado (USA). Since then he has expanded to over 30 locations in North America and Europe. For a full list, see the

54. ç—tŒ§‹|“¹˜A–¿FHOME
Last Updated :
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55. The Shiseikan Kyudo Dojo
Training schedules, contact information and test requirements. San Jose, CA
Shiseikan Kyudo Dojo!
A nifty kyudo dojo (mostly) located in San Jose, California, USA
Founded in 1994 Shiseikan is one of the most active dojos in America which is pretty amazing considering there is no physical dojo! By converting a car garage to a makiwara dojo and renting facilities around the south San Francisco bay area, Shiseikan has grown into a dojo which enables students to train in the Way of the Bow in a manner consistent with the principles of archery as stipulated by the All Nippon Kyudo Federation,
The Shiseikan Kyudo Dojo is run by Yoshiko Buchanan , renshi, 5th dan.
You are the person to visit this web page.
This page last updated on May 24, 1998
Go to The Kyudo Project Inc. homepage.

56. Kyudo Tübingen - Japanisches Bogenschießen
Translate this page kyudo - japanisches Bogenschiessen - Infos zu kyudo in Tübingen - Bogenschießen in Tübingen - Welt des kyudo - Westliches Bogenschießen und kyudo.
im Ki-Dojo Kyudo
Westliches und
Reutlingen , Metzingen, Stuttgart, Hechingen, Herrenberg

57. Kyudo
Une pratiquante de cet art pr©sente, en texte et en images, la philosophie du tir   l'arc, son stage au Japon, des livres sur le sujet et son dojo qui fait face au Mont Blanc. France.

58. Gako Kyudojo Wien
Translate this page Gako kyudojo Wien Japanisches Bogenschießen in Wien, Zenbogenschießen AlpenNIC /\° (
Gako Kyudojo Wien
Japanisches Bogenschießen in Wien, Zenbogenschießen

59. The Asahi America Kyudogu Catalog
A wide range of kyudo equipment and accessories (for US customers only).
Click on these icons to go to their respective homepages (Home) (Introduction) (Resources) (Bows) ... (Ordering) Welcome to the Asahi America Kyudogu Homepage To access the individual catalog pages choose from the list above or click the icons below. Home Resources Strings/Covers Introduction Bows Arrows Nocks/Quivers Gloves Uniform Accessories Ordering You may also download our catalog to view at your leisure or print out if you so desire. Download the PDF file by clicking on the catalog graphic to the right or on the download button below. The file can then be saved by your browser as either a text or source file (recommended). It can then be opened using Adobe Acrobat Reader If you do not already have Acrobat Reader on your computer, or wish to update to the most recent version, it is available at no charge at readstep.html The catalog, in its PDF form, is just over 1 meg in size, so it may take a little while to download. It does, however, fit on one floppy disk, and you are quite welcome to copy and distribute it freely. (Home) (Introduction) (Resources) (Bows) ... (Uniform) Click on these icons to go to their respective homepages (Accessories) (Ordering) Revised November 22, 2002

60. Kyudo In Hannover
Translate this page Die Abteilung kyudo informiert über die Technik, die Ausrüstung und den Trainingsaufbau. Es gibt
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