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81. St. Andrews Korfball Club Features news, fixtures, results, photos, and general information about the sport. http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/~korfball/ | |
82. WELCOME TO THE CASTLE KORFBALL CLUB WELCOME TO THE CASTLE korfball CLUB (NewcastleUnder-Lyme). For the summer, we play Wed. at Welcome to Castle korfball s web site. We http://www.keele.ac.uk/depts/as/korfball/korfball.htm | |
83. CCCD Corfebol Portuguese club CCCD Carnaxide. Includes korfball history, club contact information and photos, and international korfball links. http://corfebol.no.sapo.pt | |
84. Korfball Club - Korfball, Europe, Uk, England, Britain, Club, Biography, Player, korfball Club. The ultimate web resource for korfball clubs in Europe. Team biographies and information on techniques, Match schedules, Submit Your Site! http://www.beckc.com/ | |
85. Korfball - Intro This is a website about korfball, your absolutely mustlearn new field game and a pasttime that s gaining new admirers by the hour! Las Vegas. korfball, da game. http://members.fortunecity.com/korfball/ | |
86. Korfball Translate this page Do 17.00-18.30 BABAPL Maren Eberhardt Ferienprogramm Do 17.30-19.00 BABAPL Maren Eberhardt. Weitere Informationen zum korfball gibt es ua unter. http://www.hochschulsport.uni-bonn.de/korfball.htm | |
87. Die Elbelche - Korfballmannschaft Der TU-Dresden Translate this page Die Elbelche Dresden korfball an der TU-Dresden. 06.04..2004 8. Dresdner korfball - Cup 2004 Die Einladungen wurden verschickt. http://www.elbelche.de/ | |
88. Highbury Korfball Club 24th February 04 We ran an Introduction to korfball session at the Sobell Leisure Centre on Sunday the 22nd. Sam lead an informative http://www.highburykorfball.com/ | |
89. .Nottingham Korfball Club. Nottingham korfball Club. Nottingham korfball Club http//www.nottskorfball.co.uk/index.php. http://www.nottskorfball.co.uk/ | |
90. :: Ez2Find :: Korfball Guide korfball, Global Metasearch Guides, korfball. ez2Find Home Directory Sports korfball (42) Clubs (27). Web Sites, British korfball http://ez2find.com/cgi-bin/directory/meta/search.pl/Sports/Korfball/ | |
91. Main http://www.korfball.org.hk/ |
92. Korfball A sportág, amely Hollandiában nevét adta egy tulipánhoz A korfball olyan önálló labdajáték, amelyet a világon egyedülálló módon azonos http://vizsla.origo.hu/katalogus/szorakozas,_pihenes,_sport/sport/labdajatekok/k | |
93. VL Of Sport - Korfball korfball is a mixed team sport, that combines the best of basketball and netball. More from The Cardiff University korfball Club. The Game. http://sportsvl.com/ball/korfball.htm | |
94. Mitcham Korfball Club Mitcham korfball Club Web Site Created and maintained by Dave Synott dave@mitchamkorfball.co.uk. Mitcham korfball Club 2004. http://www.mitchamkorfball.co.uk/ | |
95. Korfball - Korfballverein Korbjäger Lünen E.V. Translate this page korfball - Einführung. DAS SPIEL UND DIE WICHTIGSTEN REGELN. korfball Spielverständnis. WAS MACHT korfball ZU EINEM DER ATTRAKTIVSTEN SPORTSPIELE? http://www.korbjaeger.de/korfball/einfuehrung.html | |
96. Welcome To Castle Korfball! Welcome to the homepage of Castle korfball! Castle 1, Castle Badgers, and Castle Owls at our annual tournament on 14th June 2003. Latest Castle korfball news. http://www.castlekorfball.btinternet.co.uk/ | |
97. Polska Federacja Korfballu Twoja przegldarka nie obsluguje ramek. Aby obejrzec te strone musisz miec zainstalowan przegldarke obslugujc ramki. Np. http://www.korfball.pl/ | |
98. Stockholm Korfball stockholm korfball klubb, stockholm korfball club, stockholm korfball klub http://www.stockholmkorfball.org/ |
99. Magyarország Legjobb Korfball Csapata Legfrissebb, Fantasztikus sikert ért el a Szentendrei korfball Klub Felsõ csapata. A nagycsapat megnyerte a 20012002-es bajnokság http://www.szentendreesvideke.hu/24/korfball.htm |
100. Central England Korfball League - Part Of Central England Korfball Association Central England korfball League part of Central England korfball Association http//cekl.co.uk/. http://www.cekl.co.uk/ | |
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