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1. CUJJC_INTRO Student organization listing training times, events, FAQ, gallery and related links. http://www.cam.ac.uk/societies/cujjc/ | |
2. Www.majaheicha.nl Een sportvereniging die actief is in meer dan 5 gemeenten in Brabant. http://www.majaheicha.nl/ | |
3. News The Machado Brothers have developed their system of jiujitsu (gentle art) over the last 25 years. The Machado jiu jitsu in Utah! Champion http://www.machadojj.com/torrance_academy/default.html | |
4. Bushidoarts Thomas Ono G¼nthner berichtet ¼ber die Urspr¼nge der Kampfk¼nste allgemein und jiu jitsu im besonderen, bietet Informationen zur Notwehrsituation und philosophiert ¼ber die Beste Kampfkunst . http://www.bushidoarts.de/ |
5. HJJK Startside I klubben tr¦nes jiu jitsu/selvforsvar for alle fra 8 ¥r og opefter. Tr¦ningen sker efter Dansk jiu jitsu og Selvforsvars Forbunds pensum. Tr¦ningen giver kondition, selvtillid, styrke, balance og ogs¥ det sociale samv¦r er i fokus. http://www.hjjk.net/ | |
6. Welcome To The Shido School Of Self Defense Web Site Self defense techniques combining Karate and jiu jitsu. Includes gallery, techniques, links, FAQs and contact details. Offers locations in Ridgefield, New Jersey and Lusby, Maryland. http://www.shidoselfdefense.com | |
7. Jiu Jitsu Ãsland etta er s°a jiu jitsu ¡ slandi This is the homepage of the Icelandic jiu jitsu Federation, a part of the World jiu jitsu Federation http://www.wjjf.com/ |
8. Gracie Jiu Jitsu | Gracie Jiu Jitsu Instructional Videos Gracie jiu jitsu Information and Instructional Videos. If you are looking to learn gracie jiu jitsu from the very best, look no further! http://www.gracie-jiu-jitsu-videos.com/ | |
9. Deutscher Jiu Jitsu Bund - DJJB Der DJJB bietet Auskünfte über Landesverbände, Vereine, Lehrgänge, Meisterschaften, Regeln und http://www.djjb.de/ | |
10. NVJJL - Nederlandse Vereniging Voor Jiu-Jitsu En Judo Leerkrachten Vereniging die de belangen behartigt voor alle bij haar aangesloten judo, jiu-jitsu- en aikido-leraren. http://www.nvjjl.nl | |
11. Martialart-team.nl Informatie Over Jiu Jitsu Do & Shaolin Kempo, Martialart Team Filmpjes en foto's van Shoalin Kempo en jiu jitsu Do. http://members.lycos.nl/martialart/ | |
12. Österreichischer Jiu Jitsu Bund - ÖJJB Translate this page Homepage des Österreichischen jiu jitsu Bundes (ÖJJB) - Homepage of the Austrian Ju Jitsu Federation (OEJJB) - jiu jitsu in Österreich - Ju Jitsu in Austria. http://www.oejjb.or.at/ | |
13. ÖJJB - Österreichischer Jiu Jitsu Bund - Austrian Ju Jitsu Federation Translate this page Der Bundesverband bietet Videos Fotos und Infos rund um Jiu-Jitsu an, informiert über aktuelle Veranstal http://www.oejjb.or.at/oejjbd.htm |
14. LINKS Features news, tournament results, interviews, video of Brazilian JiuJitsu and Mixed Martial Arts, and submission wrestling. http://www.kamole.com | |
15. Gracie.stanford.edu/ Yamasaki Academy of Washington, DCWelcome to the Yamasaki Academy homepage. We are the Washington DC area s first Brazilian jiu jitsu Academy and we also have an excellent Thai Boxing program. http://gracie.stanford.edu/ |
16. Gracie Jiu Jitsu Brasiliano E Vale Tudo, Italia And Bjj Thailand .: Club Jitsu : Corsi accellerati di difesa personale sistema Helio Gracie jiu jitsu Brasiliano. http://clubjitsu.com | |
17. University Of Surrey Jiu Jitsu Club (The Jitsu Foundation) jiu jitsu. Site Map What s New Search. Vote in this year s awards. What is Jitsu? Training Times Events and Social Activities What http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Societies/jitsu/ | |
18. Welcome To New York Jiu Jitsu First Degree Black Belt Testing on May 23!! FREE Rape Prevention Seminar June 18!! June Introductory Course Begins June 1!! 6 Week http://www.nyjiujitsu.com/ | |
19. Niagara Sport Jiu Jitsu Association Introduction to organization, rules, events and registration information. http://nsja.ca |
20. Machado Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Australia, John Will Buy John s world class books on Brazilian jiu jitsu jujitsu jitsu, purchase online, Contains information on BJJ Australia, classes, Seminars, pics and http://www.bjj.com.au/ | |
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