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161. Shubukan Torino_Home Page Associazione sportiva che diffonde kendo e iaido informazioni e notizie. http://www.shubukan.it/ | |
162. Etobicoke Olympium Kendo/Iaido Club iaido is the way of drawing and attacking with a sword in one instantaneous action. The iaido way includes perfecting Japanese http://www.etobicokekendoiaido.com/ | |
163. Takeda Ryu Budo En Espaqa Takeda Ryu Nakamuraha Sobudo. Incluye Aikido, Jukempo, iaido, Jodo, Tachi kendo, Suggi jutsu y Shuriken jutsu. http://teleline.terra.es/personal/sobukai/pag1.htm | |
164. Memphis Iaido Club ZNKR sei tei gata training n Tennessee, USA http://personal.mem.bellsouth.net/mem/r/b/rbabin/ |
165. The Iaido Newbie Page The iaido Newbie Page. Click Page. The iaido Newbie Page Modified January 10, 1997 URL http//www.vantagepoint.com/ghayes/ WebMaster. http://www.journaled.com/Lists/iaido.newbie.html | |
166. Iaido In Berlin Dojo f¼r Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu. Kurzer Abriss der Geschichte des iaido, Trainingszeiten und ein Kontaktformular. http://www.iaido-in-berlin.de/ | |
167. Svenska Budo & Kampsportsförbundet : Kendosektionen : Iaido iaido. En idrott med koncentration och rörelsefulländning som främsta mål. Vad är iaido? iaido är konsten att dra och hantera det japanska svärdet. http://www.budo.se/kendo/iaido_index.asp | |
168. AIKIDO Union Vorstellung der Aikido Union Salzburg Stadt. Mit Trainingszeiten von AiKido und iaido, Trainern, Kontakten, Ort und Wegerkl¤rung und Informationen zur Kampfsportart Aikido. http://www.aikido-salzburg.at/ | |
169. Shidogakuin: Iaido iaido The history of iaido can be traced back over 400 years. iaido is a meditative discipline, it complements and enhances ones Kendo abilities. http://www.kendoka.org/iaido.html | |
170. HANTAIWEBPAGE Aikido, iaido en Jodo in Antwerpen. Info over onderwijsmethodes, zwaardvechten en een jodohandboek in pdf-formaat. http://www.shobukai.be/ | |
171. YOSEIKAN Perth based martial arts school offering Aikido, Karate, iaido and Kobudo. http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Court/9653/ | |
172. Nishijin Sword Japanese sword shop in Kyoto, Japan. Offers equipment for various koryu such as kenjutsu and iaido. Speciallizes in shinken and iaito. http://japanesesword.net/ |
173. Shin Shin Toitsu Do Shin Shin Toitsu Do Magyarországi Egyesülete. Hivatalos honlap Official homepage. http://home.tvnet.hu/~budo/ | |
174. Japanese Swordsmanship Society The Japanese Swordsmanship Society is a notfor-profit corporation dedicated to preserving, teaching and promoting in the United States the Japanese kobudô or http://www.ny-naginata.org/ | |
175. MasterSage The home of wit, wisdom and knowledge about Martial Arts http://www.mastersage.com/ | |
176. Santos Nalda Translate this page Ai. ki. do. En construcción. Pulse en la imagen para entrar. ZARAGOZA - día 22/02/03 Más información. Enlaces a otras webs de interes http://www.santosnalda.com/ | |
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