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         Iaido:     more books (38)
  1. The Art of Japanese Swordsmanship: A Manual of Eishin-Ryu Iaido by Nicklaus Suino, 2008-07-08
  2. Iaido: History, Teaching & Practice Of Japanese Swordsmanship by William de Lange, 2002-05-01
  3. Iaido Sword: Kamimoto-Ha Techniques of Muso Shinden Ryu by Richard Babin, 2003-01-01
  4. Iaido: The Way of the Sword by Michael Finn, 1994-09
  5. Iaido by Sueyoshi Akeshi, 2008
  6. Zen Nippon Kendo Renmei Iaido
  7. Kung Fu, Tai Kwondo, Tai Chi, Iaido Shinto Ryu (Practical Handbooks (Lorenz)) by Fay Goodman, 2000-01-25
  8. IAIDO DREAM GOD TSUTAE RYUU [ Translation of the Japanese title ] by Yoshi Shigeru Ivy Mountain, 2000
  9. Kung Fu: A Practical Guide to Kung Fu, Tae Kwondo, Tai Chi, Kendo, Iaido and Shinto Ryu by Fay Goodman, 2000-01-03
  10. Art Martial Japonais: Aïkido, Hakko-Ryu, Zen Hakko Kaï, Iaido, Kyudo, Goshindo, Bushido, L'âme Du Japon, Ninjutsu, Budo, Kenjutsu, Shintaido (French Edition)
  11. Do: Aikido, Karate, Kendo, Iaido, Bushido, Japanese Tea Ceremony, Kyudo, Nanbudo, Japanese Calligraphy, Yoseikan Budo, Koryu Uchinadi, Jodo
  12. Iaido
  13. Kenjutsu: Katana, Wakizashi, Iaido, Daisho, Bokken, Budo, Koryu, Musashi Miyamoto, Livre Des Cinq Anneaux, Hyoho Niten Ichi Ryu, Itto-Ryu (French Edition)
  14. Iaido The Way of the Sword

101. SCIA
Recommend This Group to a Friend. Welcome to the webpage of the Southern California iaido Association (SCIA). The SCIA (member of
var nEditorialCatId = 155; MSN Home My MSN Hotmail Shopping ... Money Web Search: document.write(''); Groups Groups Home My Groups Language ... Help SCIA What's New Join Now Message Board Getting Started ... Recommend This Group to a Friend Welcome to the webpage of the Southern California Iaido Association (SCIA). The SCIA (member of the Southern California Kendo Federation (SCKF) and All United States Kendo Federation (AUSKF)) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion and preservation of Zen Nippon Kendo Renmei (ZNKR) seitei iaido and Muso Shinden Ryu iaido through classes and seminars. Our current instructors are Takeshi Yamaguchi sensei, Ichiro Murakami sensei and Henry Asai sensei Visit this community often and you can view the site's content (messages, pictures, calendar, etc.) and access the 'Links' page or become a member to receive event information or post a message and pictures. Membership in this website is restricted and will require the manager's (Dennis) permission. Please provide your real, full name and reason(s) for joining the website when applying for membership. Members of the SCIA, SCKF or AUSKF will be admitted without any screening.

102. Ni Kawa Kai
Based in Christchurch, Dorset. Teaching mainly Karate Jutsu but also Aikido, iaido, Jodo, Sai Jutsu and Nanchaku.
Please go to:

103. - Iaido
iaido. By Deborah KlensBigman, Ph.D. iaido Definition. iaido is the contemporary Japanese art of drawing the long sword. iaido contrasts

104. Under Construction
Teaches Shotokan Karate, Aikido, iaido and aerobic kickboxing in Lomita. Includes style summaries, schedule, photos, FAQ, special needs program, and instructor profiles.
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  • 105. - The Study Of Iaido
    The Study Of iaido. by Deborah KlensBigman, Ph.D. Next to kyudo (long bow archery), iaido is probably the most esoteric martial art form.

    106. Alameda Aikido Homepage
    USAF affiliated dojo in Alameda, CA. Offers zazen meditation, iaido, and aikido classes for both children and adults.
    Home Location Children Adults
    Alameda Aikikai
    Michael Flynn, Chief Instructor
    Alameda Aikikai is a member of the United States Aikido Federation Western Region under T.K. Chiba, Shihan. The chief instructor, Michael Flynn, studied directly under Chiba Shihan and has achieved the rank of 6th Dan, Shidoin. Additionally, Alameda Aikikai has two certified fukushidoin (literally, vice-instructors) as well as several senior dan grade students. Alameda Aikikai is one of only a few dojos within the western United States to offer a kenshusei program to serious students of Aikido. The kenshusei program is a rigorous teacher training program with strict requirements that is meant for dedicated practitioners of the art. Alameda Aikikai offers beginning through advanced classes in body art and weapons. The dojo provides a program for children and adults of all ages. Visitors are welcome to watch or participate in their first class, free of charge Last updated

    107. New York Budokai
    New York Budokai primarily teaches Muso Shinden ryu iaido, as taught by our founder, Sensei Yoshiteru Otani. We also practice other
    Welcome to New York Budokai's website.
    Popularly known as "the art of drawing the sword," iaido is the contemporary legacy of the samurai of feudal Japan. A professional warrior class, both samurai men and women practiced warrior skills. Hayashizake Jinsuke Shigenobu is considered the legendary founder of iaido as a concept and practice distinct from sword fighting in the 16th century, paralleling the development of a unified country. After Japan was finally unified under Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu early in the 17th century, the samurai combined their war skills with their interest in personal and spiritual refinement, including the study of Zen. The combination gave samurai a venue for practicing their skills with a sense of meditative mindfulness. New York Budokai primarily teaches Muso Shinden ryu iaido, as taught by our founder, Sensei Yoshiteru Otani. Sensei Otani holds a ninth degree black belt in iaido, 7th degree in kendo, six degree in judo and holds black belt rankings in various other martial arts. We also practice other styles of iaido, iaijutsu, and kenjutsu taught to us by Mr. Otani and by dojo members who travel back and forth to Japan. The chief instructor for the Budokai is Sensei Phil Ortiz who has studied iaido with Sensei Otani for more than 20 years. Sensei Ortiz also studies and teaches kyudo (traditional archery). Deborah Klens Bigman, Dojo manager, is also an associate instructor. Sensei Otani oversees Dojo practice and promotions.

    108. DFWKIK
    Class times and locations, history of styles, mission, philosophy, goals, affiliations and links. Includes scheduled activities and gallery.
    Updated 12//5/2003 We have moved. Please click on the link below to go to our new site. the concept of kendo is to discipline the human character through the application of the principles of the katana.

    109. Iaido
    iaido MJER ZNKR. Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu (MJER or Eishin Ryu) iaido is one of the several older styles of iaido still practiced today. Welcome to ZNKR iaido
    ZNKR Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu (MJER or Eishin Ryu) iaido is one of the several older styles of iaido still practiced today. The older Japanese martial art styles are referred to collectively as koryu.
    Hayashizaki Jinsuke Minamoto Shigenobu (1546-1621) is acknowledged as the founder of MJER, making this style about 500 years old. Since that time, there have been 22 generations of Soke, or headmaster, including Hayashizaki himself. The current soke is Ikeda Takashi Soke.
    Ikeda Soke is also the president of the Zen Nihon Iaido Renmei (ZNIR) or All Japan Iaido Association, a large organization that establishes standards of practice for several of the iaido styles practiced today.
    The ZNIR is represented in North America by the Canadian Iaido Association (CIA), of which Ted Davis Sensei is president. Davis Sensei holds the rank of 6th dan in iaido and is the only person authorized to conduct rank tests for the ZNIR in North America. The CIA is overseen by Esaka Seigen Sensei, 10th dan, current vice president of the ZNIR.
    The MJER iaido practiced in the CIA is the "mainstream" branch known as Seitokai. As with every martial art, there exists a number of branches and offshoots that still come under the broad heading of Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu Iai. There are a number of outstanding instructors in the Seitokai and other MJER traditions scattered throughout North America, including

    110. IAIDO
    iaido. Enter.
    IAIDO Enter

    111. Takeda Ryu Seibukan Homepage (
    Der Verein pflegt die ¼ber 800 Jahre alten Kampfk¼nste der TakedaSamurai und unterrichtet auf traditionelle Art die waffenlosen K¼nste Aikido, Jukempo und Jujitsu sowie die Waffenk¼nste Jodo, iaido und Kendo. Man findet Infos zu den Kampfk¼nsten, zum Verein, den Trainern und zum Training.
    BORG Hegelgasse 14
    1010 Wien
    Tel: 0699-1/48-18-914

    Takeda Ryu Seibukan



    der Takeda-Samurai in Wien!

    Kendo Letzte Aktualisierung: 22. Mai '04 (Vers. 3.33)

    112. Iaido
    Translate this page iaido ist eine körperliche und geistige Kampfsportdisziplin, die auf dem vorgeschriebenen Gebrauch des traditionellen japanischen Schwertes beruht.
    Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
    Sommersemester 2004 Sportangebot von A bis Z Aktuelles ... Jahr des Hochschulsports
    Iaido ist eine körperliche und geistige Kampfsportdisziplin, die auf dem vorgeschriebenen Gebrauch des traditionellen japanischen Schwertes beruht.
    Heute ist Iaido über die Techniken der Schwertführung hinaus vor allem eine Übung der eigenen geistigen und körperlichen Disziplin. „Iai“ bedeutet frei übersetzt: „Der Situation entsprechen“.
    Das Ziel des Trainings besteht in der Entwicklung situationsadäquaten Handelns im Sport - mit der Hoffnung, dies auch über das Training hinaus im täglichen Leben zu schaffen.
    Das Training ist ohne weiteres für Anfänger/innen, die noch nie etwas mit Budo-Sportarten zu tun hatten, geeignet. Benötigt wird nur normale Sportkleidung.
    Lernkurs für Anfänger/innen Fr 19.30-21.00 RÖSP 7 Dr. Heinz Beck Ferienprogramm: Sa 8.30-10.00 GYM Dr. Heinz Beck Kontakt: Tel.: 0228-734185 Tel.: 0228-737045 Hochschulsport Bonn 1998 L etzte Änderung: Dr. R. Jansen:

    113. Budo Sportvereniging Kiryoku Zoetermeer
    School in Zoetermeer. Getraind wordt in iaido (zwaardvechten), Jodo (stokvechten), Kendo, Karate en kickboksen. Informatie over deze vechtkunsten en een groot aantal foto's.
    var google_language="en"; var adHB=true; wDoL("top","FPZUMIF"); wCls("FPZUMIF"); wDoL("btm","FPZUMIF"); showA("FPZUMIF"); Uw systeem onder steunt geen frames, ga naar Onze andere site zonder frames

    114. FSKA / Föreningen Stockholms Kendo Allians / Träna Kendo Naginata Och Iaido I
    Vi utövar budoarterna kendo/iaido/naginata och finns i Stockholm, Föreningen Stockholms Kendo Allians, är Sveriges största kendoklubb.
    FSKA , Föreningen Stockholms Kendo Allians, är Sveriges största kendoklubb. Vi utövar även budo-arterna iaido och naginata. Vår verksamhet sträcker sig från vanligt motionsutövande till elitnivå. FSKA har funnits sedan 1989 och medlemsantalet har hela tiden stigit. Just nu består klubben av ca. 100 kendotränande, samt ca. 30 iaido och naginata-utövare. Vi välkomnar nybörjare vid varje terminsstart, och tar väldigt gärna emot gästtränande från andra klubbar eller länder. ANMÄL DIG HÄR!
    Vanliga frågor om träningen


    Landslagets kalendarium

    Förening Anmäl dig till FSKAs nybörjar-
    kurser för hösten 2004
    Nu börjar vi ta in intresseanmälningar till nybörjarkurserna för höstterminen 2004. Du kan anmäla dig via vår hemsida.
    Cribba ny K1-mästare! Kendo 1s första inofficiella KM-turnering Måndagen den 24 maj hölls FSKAs första inofficiella klubbmästerskap för kendo 1. Tävlingen kom som en total överraskning för Kendo 1arna som var närvarande- lite av ett "Pop quiz".

    115. Aikido De La Montagne
    USAF East affiliate dojo offering Aikido and iaido instruction for adults and children in Montreal, Quebec. Includes class schedule, beginners' guide, and FAQ. English/French
    Dernière mise à jour 6 avril 2004
    Aikido de la Montagne
    3724 avenue du Parc, Montréal (Québec), Canada, H2X 2J1
    English home Accueil
    Claude Berthiaume

    Horaire et inscription

    Pour nous contacter:
    Tél: 514-845-2729
    L'Aikido de la Montagne sous la direction de Claude Berthiaume est ouvert depuis 1988 et offre des cours 7 jours par semaine. On y donne des cours d' aikido , de iaido et des cours pour enfants L'Aikido de la Montagne est affilié à la Fédération d'Aikido de la côte Est des États-Unis ( USAF ), et avec le Hombu Dojo , la maison mère de l'aikido au Japon. Notre dojo est situé au coin des avenues du Parc et des Pins. Les deux stations de métro les plus près sont Sherbrooke et Place-des-arts. Les lignes d'autobus 535, 80 et 129 arrêtent en face du dojo. Stage annuel du mois de mai
    Notre stage printanier aura lieu comme prévu, malgré le décès de M. Kanai Shihan. Tous les profits du stage seront versés à la famille Kanai. Les dons de personnes qui ne peuvent pas assister au stage sont aussi acceptés. Le stage aura lieu cette année les 30 avril, 1er et 2 mai 2004 et sera donné par:

    116. Jyväskylän Jigotai Ry - Iaidojaosto: Index
    ETUSIVU Iaidô on perinteinen japanilainen budôlaji joka perustuu samuraiden miekan käytön taitoon ja taktiikkaan. Sen lähtökohtana

    iaidô suomessa

    Iaidô on perinteinen japanilainen budô-laji joka perustuu samuraiden miekan käytön taitoon ja taktiikkaan. Sen lähtökohtana on ollut tarve kyetä vetää miekka nopeasti ja käyttää sitä äkillisessä hyökkäys- tai puolustustilanteessa. Lajin harjoittelu on pääasiassa yksin tehtäviä, ennalta määrättyjä liikesarjoja, joiden alussa miekka on tupessa, ja lopuksi se myös palautetaan tuppeen. Laji periytyy 1500 ja 1600-lukujen taitteessa eläneeltä samurailta Hayashizaki Jinsuke Shigenobulta . Pääosin hänen toimintansa pohjalta on Japanissa kehittynyt vuosisatojen varrella useita satoja koulukuntia, joista tällä hetkellä elossa on joitakin kymmeniä. JIGOTAI ssa harjoiteltava iaidôn tyylisuunta on Musô Shinden ryû, joka on periytynyt katkeamattomana linjana opettajalta oppilaalle alkuperäiseltä perustajalta aina nykypäivään Japanissa Yokohamassa asuvalle iaidô-mestari Gakudô Takadalle, tyylisuunnan 20. perinteen jatkajalle. Takada-sensei vierailee säännöllisesti Suomessa opettamassa iaidôta.
    Palaute: Webmaster tiedustelut

    117. SDKsupplies, Unique And Custom Martial Arts Equipment, Books, Videos And Uniform
    Providing videos, manuals, books and martial arts equipment with a focus on kendo and iaido. Special and exotic hardwoods are available for weapons.
    Sei Do Kai
    44 Inkerman St.
    Guelph Ontario
    Canada N1H 3C5
    SDKsupplies offers you the best selection of custom-made and high quality martial arts equipment on the internet. Check out our departments below and if you don't find what you're looking for, drop us a line, chances are we can find it for you
    New for January:
    Saya Bokuto with groove
    New for October:
    Shiro Kashi Bokuto with groove
    Shiro Kashi Itto ryu bokuto
    Shiro Kashi Niten Ichiryu bokuto pair
    3 new shiro kashi tonfa ... In Canada? try Certapay
    Instructional Materials
    Check out the Sei Do Kai
    Training manuals
    And here are the Sei Do Kai
    Training videos
    Wooden Weapons
    I'm making unique and custom designed Wooden weapons
    Standardized weapons
    what you're looking for and maybe more than what you expect
    Leather (and fur)
    Tsuba for Bokuto and Shinai
    And for the Karate folks, unique and custom designed Karate/Kobudo Weapons
    Now we have a line of unique Kung Fu / Tai Chi weapons
    How about the Western Side? Western Wasters
    Student Kits Discounts on uniform and weapon sets
    The Sei Do Kai Uniform Shop SDK brand Iaido uniforms, sageo and obi.

    118. Do-Academy La Loggia-Torino, La Scuola Di Arti Marziali.
    Torino Scuola di kendo, iaido, judo storia, avvenimenti, calendario dei corsi.

    FORUM DI DISCUSSIONE User name: Password: hai dimenticato username e password? Vuoi essere informato sulle attività, gli eventi della Do Academy e avere accesso al forum di discussione? registrarti sul questo sito
    ultimo aggiornamento: 06-05-2004

    119. Listing Of Directory: /Iaido91/
    Listing of directory /iaido91/. FileName. Last Modified. Size.
    Listing of directory: /Iaido91/ FileName Last Modified Size

    120. Huskvarna Kyokushin Karate
    Tr¤nar kyokushun karate samt iaido. Klubbinformation, tr¤ningstider och kalendarium samt bildgalleri och filmklipp.

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