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         Iaido:     more books (38)
  1. The Art of Japanese Swordsmanship: A Manual of Eishin-Ryu Iaido by Nicklaus Suino, 2008-07-08
  2. Iaido: History, Teaching & Practice Of Japanese Swordsmanship by William de Lange, 2002-05-01
  3. Iaido Sword: Kamimoto-Ha Techniques of Muso Shinden Ryu by Richard Babin, 2003-01-01
  4. Iaido: The Way of the Sword by Michael Finn, 1994-09
  5. Iaido by Sueyoshi Akeshi, 2008
  6. Zen Nippon Kendo Renmei Iaido
  7. Kung Fu, Tai Kwondo, Tai Chi, Iaido Shinto Ryu (Practical Handbooks (Lorenz)) by Fay Goodman, 2000-01-25
  8. IAIDO DREAM GOD TSUTAE RYUU [ Translation of the Japanese title ] by Yoshi Shigeru Ivy Mountain, 2000
  9. Kung Fu: A Practical Guide to Kung Fu, Tae Kwondo, Tai Chi, Kendo, Iaido and Shinto Ryu by Fay Goodman, 2000-01-03
  10. Art Martial Japonais: Aïkido, Hakko-Ryu, Zen Hakko Kaï, Iaido, Kyudo, Goshindo, Bushido, L'âme Du Japon, Ninjutsu, Budo, Kenjutsu, Shintaido (French Edition)
  11. Do: Aikido, Karate, Kendo, Iaido, Bushido, Japanese Tea Ceremony, Kyudo, Nanbudo, Japanese Calligraphy, Yoseikan Budo, Koryu Uchinadi, Jodo
  12. Iaido
  13. Kenjutsu: Katana, Wakizashi, Iaido, Daisho, Bokken, Budo, Koryu, Musashi Miyamoto, Livre Des Cinq Anneaux, Hyoho Niten Ichi Ryu, Itto-Ryu (French Edition)
  14. Iaido The Way of the Sword

81. Brussels Yaegaki-Kai
iaido Club located in Uccle. Seitei Iai of the Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu. Contains information about the Zen Ken Ren iaido together with history and contact information for the club.
The Brussels Yaegaki-Kai - Iaido Club Ucclois - Website The Brussels Yaegaki-Kai dojo hope that this website will promote the development of this not
well-known martial art coming directly from the samurai-time. Visitors are welcome. If you're interested in joining the Brussels Yaegaki-Kai Iaido Club Ucclois and want to scope it out first, or would just like to come and observe a training , please make yourself comfortable in one of the chairs surrounding the practice floor.
The Brussels Yaegaki-Kai The Brussels Yaegaki-Kai Iaido Club Ucclois is an affiliate of the All Belgium Kendo Federation (ABKF), which itself is part of the International Kendo Federation (IKF). Membership in the Brussels Yaegaki-Kai dojo is open to anyone interested in learning Iaido and all skill levels are welcome. View our training hours page.
3rd Iaido Koryu Seminar 2004.

List of Senseis has been added.
Subscriptions for the seminar will start 3rd May.
- Date 27,28,29/08/2004.
More infos

News : 10th European Iaido Championships 2003.
- Date 30/11/2003.

82. Lexikon - Iaido Definition Erklärung Bedeutung
Translate this page iaido. Definition, Bedeutung, Erklärung im Lexikon. Artikel auf Englisch iaido. iaido (?) (oder Iaijutsu) gehört
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Definition, Bedeutung, Erkl¤rung im Lexikon
Artikel auf Englisch: Iaido
Iaido (居合道) (oder Iaijutsu ) geh¶rt zum groŸen Bereich der Budo -Disziplinen und ist aus der Kampfkunst der alten Kriegerkaste Japan s, den Samurai , entstanden.
Der Samurai Hayashizaki Jinsuke Shigenobu (* ) soll der Legende nach die wahre Natur des Schwertkampfes erkannt haben. Bis aber das heute bekannte Iaido entstand, vergingen noch mehr als f¼nfhundert Jahre. Der Begriff Iaido allein entstand ¼berhaupt erst in den Jahren des 20. Jahrhundert s.
Die einzelnen Silben bedeuten:
  • "I" bzw. "Iru" steht f¼r "anwesend sein", k¶rperlich wie geistig. "ai" = bedeutet in diesem Kontext so viel wie "sofortige Aktion und Reaktion, wann immer notwendig". "do" = "der Weg" oder auch "das Prinzip".
In etwa also: "Ganz auf dem Weg dabei sein". Besser bekannt ist Iaido aber unter "Kunst des Schwertziehens". Zentral betrachtet ist das Schwert das wichtigste Utensil eines Iaidoka. Es handelt sich dabei um eine spezielle Form des japanischen Langschwertes, des

Classes offered in Aikido, weapons, and iaido.

iaido has very old roots in the Japanese martial arts.In the latter half of the fifteenth century, Izasa Ienao founded the Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto Ryu, a
I aido has very old roots in the Japanese martial arts.In the latter half of the fifteenth century, Izasa Ienao founded the Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto Ryu, a school that devised the dynamic art of iai-jutsu. There were over 200 ryu (~school) founded that are primarily concerned with sword-drawing techniques in the afterglow of this amazing and inspirational man. Iaido was formed only after World War II when a series of ten kata (~forms) were chosen, out of four koryu, called seitei kata. Iaido is a way of defending and attacking with a real sword. You can see it as an equivalent of the cowboy’s fast gunfighting. Iaido is most performed in kata in witch attack and defence are prescribed. Because of the danger of injuries, iaido is practised single with a imaginary opponent. The sword was seen as the soul of the samurai and was therefore a sacred and very respectable weapon. In our school Muso Shinden Ryu and Hoki Ryu are the two ryu mainly practised.
Would You like to watch a iaido movie? Click to dwonload (622K .mpg)

85. Martial Arts, Judo, JKD, Self Defense, Private Lessons
School teaching Jeet Kune Do, iaido, Tai Chi, and Kickboxing in El Paso. Contains class schedule, news, events, and contact information.
Hayashis Martial Arts Academy
4780 Doniphan
El Paso TX 79922

86. Martial Arts Seishinkan Sogobudo
Martial arts instruction and supplies. Illustrating a variety of techniques and providing overviews of weapons. Teaching Jujutsu, Aikido, iaido, Goshin Jutsu, Sogo Budo and Karate. Located in Rochester Hills.
Martial arts Seishinkan sogo budo / bujutsu dojo. Martial arts supplies and equipment.
Visitor Comments: "What a fantastic site, it took me over an hour to see it all!" - Gary Swift - AIWA START HERE - or explore the links below. Martial Arts Supplies are HERE
Ohio Martial Arts Instructors and Organizations have requested a representative from Japan to come and provide authentic Sogo Bujutsu. Their request has been granted. Sogo Bujutsu is now open to all sincere Ohio Martial Arts Instructors and students. Click the link above for more information and to inquire about classes, seminars, Instructor Training, International Weaponry Certification and more. Classes include: Toyama Ryu Iai, Yagyushinganryu Iai, Yagyuryu Jujutsu / Kenjutsu, Seishinryu Karatejutsu, and Koryu Bukijutsu.

Recent OHIO Promotions
August 2003 Tanbo Jutsu Shiken - Canton Ohio
L to R - Jim Komara Shidoin, Annette Marsolais, John Viol Shihan, John Paxton, Dan Passerini Shidoin, Rhonda Bagaglio Shidoin

87. Magyar Kendo Szövetség ::: MKSZ

88. Iaido - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
iaido. Most modern schools consider samurai called Hayashizaki Jinsuke Minamoto no Shigenobu (1546 1621?) as the originator of iaido.
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Iaido Iaijutsu ) is the art of drawing the katana , chopping down the opponent, flipping blood from the blade, and then re-sheathing the katana in one fluid movement. The emphasis is on drawing the sword and attacking as quickly as possible. Starting positions can be from combative postures or from everyday sitting or standing positions. Practitioners could expect a surprise attack at any time, and the ability to react quickly from an everyday starting position was considered essential. An original date of 1200AD has been claimed, but some time during the late 15th or early 16th century is more likely. Most modern schools consider samurai called Hayashizaki Jinsuke Minamoto no Shigenobu (1546 - 1621?) as the originator of iaido. Not much is known about his life, and some scholars doubt his existence as a historical figure. The two largest schools of iaido that are practised today, Muso Shinden Ryu and Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu, both claim a lineage starting with Hayashizaki. While not a hard and fast rule, frequently the word iaido is used to refer to the modern self improvement oriented form taught by the

89. Iaido In NRW. Informationen Zur Japanischen Schwertkampfkunst Iaido
Translate this page iaido in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Informationen zu Vereinen und Trainingszeiten. Was ist iaido? Lehrgänge, Meisterschaften und Prüfungen im iaido.

90. Welcome To The Tateyama Kendo And Iaido Club
Notfor-profit organization dedicated to the practice of Kendo and iaido swordsmanship. Meeting information, event calendar, photo gallery. English French
english english

91. ASAHI Union Budokan Austria
Die Schule f¼r fern¶stliche Kampfsport und Kampfkunstsysteme berichtet ¼ber den Gr¼nder der Schule, Erwin Steinhauser und die angebotenen Lehrg¤nge und Seminare im Bereicht Judo, iaido, Aikido, Wellnes-Judo, Zen-Meditation und andere fern¶stliche Bewegungsformen im Raum Nieder¶sterreich.

92. Iaido
Translate this page iaido - a tradição dos samurais na cultura japonesa, kendo - the samurai tradition in the Japanese culture. A Tradição do iaido.

A Tradição do Iaido
Desde tempos mitológicos que o Iai é considerado como a grande arte da espada do Japão. Esta atribuição ocorre na senda da forja das espadas que foi o centro do historial das artes marciais deste país. A tradição do Iai tem passado de geração em geração atribuindo-se a sua maior evolução pelas mãos de Hayashizaki Jinsuke Shigenobu à 400 anos atrás. Nascido na velha provincia de Oshu, Shigenobu prestou oração no templo de Hayashizaki Myôjin na Tateoka-Chô, Perfeitura de Yamagata, e por revelação divina acordou para uma realidade diferente acerca da verdadeira natureza do Iai. No seguimento Shigenobu sistematizou o Iai numa arte marcial independente, a que chamou de Hayashizaki Ryu, ou Shigenobu Ryu. Desde a sua morte Shigenobu é visto por muitos como o fundador e génio creativo do Iai. Apartir desse período floresceram no Japão muitas escolas tradicionais de Iai de estilos diferentes das quais apenas 25 se mantiveram até aos dias de hoje. A aplicação do Iai O Iaido é a arte de desembainhar, cortar, perfurar e defender, com a espada japonesa, numa grande diversidade de situações, contra um oponente.

93. RKV Fu Metsu Rotterdam
School in Rotterdam waar wordt getraind in Kendo, iaido and Jodo. Uitleg over deze vechtkunsten, lestijden en trainingslocatie.

94. Saku Shu Kan Aikido Dojo
Aikido and iaido training in Quebec. Dojo information and instructor profile. English/French

95. The Japanese Sword Arts
next Next The Japanese Sword Arts The Japanese Sword Arts. Al Bowers
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The Japanese Sword Arts
Al Bowers []
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  • 96. SAMURAI
    Equipment and uniforms from Japan for Kendo and iaido.

    97. Iaido/Iaijutsu
    iaido/Iaijutsu. Iai is considered a classical bujutsu or budo. The reason for the kendo federation having oversight of iaido is quite simple.
    Next: Photos Up: Sword Arts Previous: Kendo ("the way of
    Iai is considered a classical bujutsu or budo. It is more difficult to characterize iai, as the student progresses the -do aspects are left behind and the -jutsu aspects become more pronounced. Iai is believed to have its origins about 1200 AD, with about 800 ryu cataloged since then. It is possible that the present art of iai had its origins in an ancient reference to "tachi-gake" from about 1000 AD. Iai is differentiated from the ken styles in that the sword is initailly at rest in the scabbard instead of already drawn for combat. Iai is composed of drawing the sword (nukitsuke), bringing it to combative use in minimum time, and returning the sword to the saya (scabbard). Starting positions for iai can be from combative postures or from everyday setting or standing positions. Traditional gi are worn as in kenjutsu. Advancement can be either in the traditional method, without dan and kyu, or can include it similar to kendo. Iai within the Zen Nihon Kendo Renmei is ranked, and several instructor credentials are also available; called renshi, kyoshi and hanshi, which are also available in kendo. The reason for the kendo federation having oversight of iaido is quite simple. Early this century, kendo practioners were aware that kendo was not properly teaching the sword. A shinai is not a Nihon-to (Japanese sword) and does not handle like a sword. Kendo did retain ten kata as a part of their promotion process, but they were felt to be insufficient to properly teach the "way of the sword."

    Insegnamento di kendo e iaido notizie e informazioni.
    Dojo di kendo e iaido fondato nel 1980
    E N T R A

    99. Iaido - Meido-Kan Ry
    MeidoKan iaido. iaido on budolaji, jossa harjoitellaan japanilaisen miekan käyttöä. Taito on kehittynyt Japanissa keskiajalta
    Pääsivu Seurainfo Aikido Judo ... Karate Iaido Taiji Liikunta-
    Kursseja ... Yhteystiedot Iaido on budolaji, jossa harjoitellaan japanilaisen miekan käyttöä. Taito on kehittynyt Japanissa keskiajalta lähtien ja sen lähtökohtana on ollut tarve kyetä vetää miekka nopeasti ja käyttää sitä äkillisessä hyökkäys- tai puolustustilanteessa. Iaidon liikesarjojen alussa miekka on tupessa, ja se myös palautetaan tuppeen liikkeen lopussa. Useimmissa liikesarjoissa miekan veto muodostaa myös ensimmäisen lyönnin. Iaidon varsinaisena perustajana pidetään samuraita nimeltä Hayashizaki Jinsuke Shigenobu (n. 1546 - n. 1621). Pääosin hänen toimintansa pohjalta on Japanissa kehittynyt vuosisatojen varrella useita satoja koulukuntia, joista tällä hetkellä elossa on joitakin kymmeniä. MEIDO-KANissa harjoiteltava iaidon tyylisuunta on Muso Shinden Ryu, jonka historia juontaa suoraan edellä mainittuun iaidon perustajaan. Japanissa Yokohamassa asuva iaidomestari Gakudo Takada on tyylisuunnan päämies 20. sukupolvessa. Iaidon harjoittelussa käytetään oikeaa japanilaista miekkaa (katana) tai sen jäljitelmää (iaito). Harjoittelu aloitetaan puisella harjoitusmiekalla (bokken). Pääosa harjoittelusta koostuu ennalta määrätyistä liikesarjoista (kata), joita harjoitellaan yksin. Pitemmälle ehtineet iaidon harrastajat harjoittelevat myös parin kanssa tehtäviä liikesarjoja. Iaidossa ei kilpailla, vaan harjoittelu tähtää kunkin harjoittelijan omaan fyysiseen, tekniseen ja henkiseen kehittymiseen.

    Dojo f¶r kyokushin karate, iaido, jiujitsu, aikido och kickboxning. I G¶teborg.
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