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141. Jamaica Hash House Harriers - Home Page hashing in the shadow of the Blue Mountains, running loose in the land of rum, reggae and JAH3 runs. http://jah3.virtualave.net | |
142. UK Hash House Harriers Directory about hashing in the United Kingdom and Europe, including a UK event list and related links. http://www.cix.co.uk/~bicesterh3/uk/ | |
143. Traditional Applications Of Hashing Traditional applications of hashing. hashing as we know it is used forperformance improvement, error checking, and authentication. http://www.usenix.org/events/hotos03/tech/full_papers/henson/henson_html/node3.h | |
144. WWW.BARNAHHH.COM hashing in Spain. The Barna HHH meets the last Saturday of each month in the Barcelona/Sitges area. http://www.geocities.com/barnahhh/ |
145. [JargonF] Hashing Translate this page hashing. nm. algorithmie Voir la francisation hachage. Article liéà celui-ci hachage. Articles voisins hardlock - hardscroll http://www.linux-france.org/prj/jargonf/H/hashing.html | |
146. Sans Clue Hash House Harriers This club for running and drinking in parks and forests to the west of Paris. Information and links to all Paris hashing events. http://schhh.free.fr/ | |
147. Athens Hash House Harriers - Jogging And Social Club - Greece Upcoming runs, social events, hashing weekends, run reports, club records and achievements, related links and contact information. http://www.athenshash.com | |
148. CEFRIEL :: Topics :: Security & Protection :: Research Interests :: Current :: D CEFRIEL, Topics, Security Protection, Research interests,Digital Watermarking and hashing for Media Applications. http://www.cefriel.it/topics/interest/default.xml?id=48&tid=31 |
149. RibAreaHarriers Serving central Wisconsin's hashing community since 2001. Based in Wausau. http://www.geocities.com/ribareahashers/RibAreaHarriers.html | |
150. CEFRIEL :: Topics :: Audio & Video :: Research Interests :: Current :: Digital W CEFRIEL, Topics, Audio Video, Research interests, DigitalWatermarking and hashing for Media Applications. http://www.cefriel.it/topics/interest/default.xml?id=48&tid=26 |
151. Global Trash Hash Home Page The Global Trash Hash House Harriers host occasional hashing weekends wherever Stray Dog happens to be. Includes contacts and history. http://www.gthhh.com/gthash/gthash.htm | |
152. Linear Hashing Linear hashing A new Tool for File and Table Addressing. Linear hashing (formally)Let C be key space, h0 C {0, 1, .., N1 } be the base hash function. http://swig.stanford.edu/pub/summaries/database/linhash.html | |
153. JuneauEmpire.com: State & Regional: Senate Hashing Out Deal To Balance '05 Budge Web posted Tuesday, May 11, 2004 Senate hashing out deal to balance 05 budget By MIKE CHAMBERS THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. Senate Democrats http://juneauempire.com/stories/051104/sta_education.shtml | |
154. Upstate Hash House Harriers Running in Greenville since 1998. General information about hashing, contacts, and the location of the next run. http://upstatehhh.jesussaveus.com/ | |
155. Xml-dev - Hashing hashing. To xmldev@lists.xml.org; Subject hashing; From Eric Hanson eric@aquameta.com ;Date Thu, 29 Apr 2004 195817 +0000; User-agent Mutt/1.2i. http://lists.xml.org/archives/xml-dev/200404/msg00929.html | |
156. H4 Home Page hashing in Delaware http://www.ravenet.com/hhhh/ | |
157. Xml-dev - Re: [xml-dev] Hashing Re xmldev hashing. Subject Re xml-dev hashing; From David Megginson dmeggin@attglobal.net ; Date Thu, 29 Apr 2004 162643 -0400; http://lists.xml.org/archives/xml-dev/200404/msg00931.html | |
158. Security Evaluation Of Microsoft .NET Framework And IBM WebSphere - Application Cryptographic hashing. Cryptography The sections that follow contain the resultsof @stakes analysis of the Cryptographic hashing topic. Each http://www.atstake.com/research/reports/eval_ms_ibm/analysis/2.3.2.html | |
159. Latency-Sensitive Hashing For Collaborative Web Caching LatencySensitive hashing for Collaborative Web Caching. Kun Finally,Section 5 summarizes the paper. 2. Latency-sensitive hashing. To http://www9.org/w9cdrom/301/301.html | |
160. C S R C - Cryptographic Toolkit http://csrc.nist.gov/encryption/tkhash.html | |
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