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Hashing: more books (72) |
101. San Diego Area Hash House Harriers, California. A Drinking Club With A Running P Guide to hashing in and around San Diego. Includes latest run information from the San Diego, California Larrikins, Mission Harriettes, North County, Humpin', Intergalactic, Hair of Dog, San Diego Full Moon, and Iron Rule Hash House Harriers. http://sdh3.com/ | |
102. HMAC: Keyed-Hashing For Message Authentication The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.ipa.go.jp/security/rfc/RFC2104JA.html | |
103. Index, Silicone Valley Hash House Harriers Home page of the Silicone Valley Hash House Harriers. hashing in the San Jose and Menlo Park, CA areas. http://www.svh3.com/ | |
104. Hashing hashing is an exhilaratingly fun combination of running, orienteering, and partying.For drinkers with a running problem! Search. Running / Jogging, hashing. http://running.about.com/od/hashin1/ | |
105. The Pinkadero hashing from a Southern California perspective and the online home of Hash Boy and Foamy http://www.geocities.com/pinkyoch3/ | |
106. Phuket Hash House Harriers hashing on the beautiful tropical island of Phuket, Thailand. Mixed runs every Saturday. http://www.phuket-hhh.org/ | |
107. The Code Project - Crypto & Hashing Wrapper Classes - C# Programming All Topics, C , .NET C Programming Security Crypto hashing Wrapper ClassesBy Brad Vincent Simple class wrappers that encapsulate all the built in http://www.codeproject.com/csharp/CyptoHashing.asp | |
108. Bangkok Monday Hash House Harriers Home Page HHH Mixed Thailand kennel who have been hashing every Monday evening since 1982. http://www.geocities.com/bangkokmondayhhh/ | |
109. AnandTech Forums - One-way Hashing Secure hashing needs more steps designed so that a small change has a profound effecton the hash, and more importantly that change is highly dependent on the http://forums.anandtech.com/messageview.cfm?catid=50&threadid=1307779&enterthrea |
110. .: Etna (H)ash House Harriers :. Located in Sicily. Provides details on upcoming events, a photo gallery, a description of hashing, related links, and a chat room. http://www.etnahash.com | |
111. What Is Hashing? What is hashing? Some say hashers are drinkers with a running problem , othersare not so kind. in Princeton at 2PM on Sunday and give hashing a try. http://www.princetonol.com/groups/phhh/whatishashing.htm | |
112. Hashing Function For Strings hashing function for strings. int hashfunction(s) char *s; { int i; for(i=0; *s; s++ ) i = 131*i + *s; return( i % m ); }. C source (331.hash.c). http://www.dcc.uchile.cl/~rbaeza/handbook/algs/3/331.hash.c.html | |
113. Wanchai Hash - Welcome! Lists upcoming hashes, news items, pictures, contacts, and a brief history of hashing. http://www.wanchaih3.com | |
114. Sparse Binary Polynomial Hashing And The CRM114 Discriminator Sparse Binary Polynomial hashing and the CRM114 Discriminator. William S.Yerazunis, PhD. The Mathematics of Sparse Binary Polynomial hashing http://crm114.sourceforge.net/CRM114_paper.html | |
115. Hashing In Hong Kong And China Provides schedule and links to the hashing teams. http://home.netvigator.com/~hasher/ | |
116. CaribSeek Kaleidoscope | Grenada Hashing By Michael DeFreitas Grenada hashing by Michael DeFreitas Late one Saturday afternoon, belowthe forested slopes of Hospital Hill, above Grenada s capital of St. http://kaleidoscope.caribseek.com/Michael_DeFreitas/Grenada_Hashing/ | |
117. Philadelphia Hash House Harriers Welcome Page Provides details about weekly runs, contacts, upcoming events, and an overview of hashing. http://members.aol.com/jtharbo/welcome.html | |
118. ASPN : Python Cookbook : Simple File Hashing Title Simple file hashing Submitter Unknown or nonregistered userLast Updated 2003/12/22 Version no 1.0 Category Files. Rate http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/259109 | |
119. Philadelphia Hash House Harriers The home page of the Philadelphia Hash House Harriers. Come here for hashing in and around Philadelphia. http://www.users.voicenet.com/~huxster/Phhh/OnHHH.html | |
120. A Program That Performs Minimal Perfect Hashing, Whatever THAT Is Reciprocal hashing A Method for Generating Minimal Perfect Hash Functions G.Jaeschke Communications of the ACM December 1981 Volume 24, Number 12 pp. http://www.softdocwiz.com/MinPerHash.htm | |
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