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41. Goalball Tournaments Sheffield goalball Home Page. Skip to main contents on this page Forthcominggoalball Tournaments in the UK. Mar 1617, BBS goalball Cup, Melton Mowbray, M+F, http://www.dcs.shef.ac.uk/~diana/tournaments.html | |
42. Goalball Winning medals in five of the eight team competitions basketball - (men women),goalball - (men women), rugby, soccer, volleyball - (men women). http://www.usparalympics.org/paratext/goalball.htm | |
43. Goalball Performance Plan goalball. US Paralympics, Phone 719471-8772. 2003-04 Sport Strategy TheRoad To Athens , Fax 719-471-0196. October 31, 2002, www.usparalympics.org. http://www.usparalympics.org/goalball.htm | |
44. Goalball goalball originated in Europe and is the only international team sport for thevision impaired played at the Paralympics. goalball Nationals held annually. http://www.sportingwheelies.org.au/sport/goalball.htm | |
45. Canadian Paralympic Committee goalball was invented in Europe in 1946 and was used for sport andrehabilitation for the post WW II blind veterans. The game was http://www.paralympic.ca/english/sports/sports/goalball.asp | |
46. Comité Paralympique Du Canada Translate this page Le goalball a été inventé en Europe en 1946. Il servait DESCRIPTION Le goalball a été inventé en Europe en 1946. Il servait http://www.paralympic.ca/french/sports/sports/goalball.asp | |
47. BBS - Goalball goalball. REPORT ON THE LEEDS DEVELOPMENT TOURNAMENT, 6 MARCH 2004. Leicestertriumph at Leeds. goalball regions. REGULATIONS FOR goalball. http://www.britishblindsport.org.uk/goalball.htm | |
48. BBS - Goalball British Blind Sport. goalball. REGULATIONS FOR goalball. 0.1.1 A game is played bytwo teams of three players with a maximum of three substitutes on each team. http://www.britishblindsport.org.uk/goalball_txt.htm | |
49. International Sport Academy international sport academy Sofern Ihre Domains nicht weitergeleitetwerden, wenden Sie sich bitte an den Support United Domains. http://www.goalball.net/ | |
50. Comitato Regionale FISD Sicilia - Torball Translate this page TORBALL e goalball. Risultati e Documenti. Calendario. calendario campionato italianodi goalball di Serie A. calendario campionato italiano di goalball di Serie B. http://www.fisdsicilia.it/sport/torball&goalball.htm | |
51. Handikappidrott.se/goalball på svenska! Gå till Vad är goalball? och till NM i goalball 2123 majunder Svenska Handikappidrottsspelen i Halmstad Den 21-23 maj http://www.handikappidrott.se/goalball/ | |
52. Gaucho Goalball Translate this page Novo Endereço. www.gauchogoalball.kit.net. http://www.gauchogoalball.hpg.ig.com.br/ | |
53. Goalball goalball, goalball@groups.msn.com, Recommend This Group to a Friend. Nowyou can download the new goalball Rules 2002 2006 from this site. http://groups.msn.com/goalball | |
54. Introduction To Goalball Introduction to goalball. This 536142). Characteristics of goalball. Asits name suggests goalball is a ball game; it is also a team game. http://www.paralympic.org/sports/sections/gb/introduction.htm | |
55. :: Ez2Find :: Goalball Guide goalball, Guides, goalball. ez2Find Home Directory Sports goalball(13) Torball (2). Related Categories Sports Disabled Blind (15) Web Sites, http://ez2find.com/cgi-bin/directory/meta/search.pl/Sports/Goalball/ | |
56. Goalball, Goalball Directory, Goalball Sites, Goalball Search with. Find goalball Using the 2020 Search Toolbar, Its FREE! Havingtrouble finding goalball? more! Having trouble locating goalball? http://www.findingweb.com/~Goalball | |
57. LAVIA GOALBALL goalball. Boldspil for blinde og svagtseende. Da der er klokker iden 1500 gram tunge bold, spiller vi alle med masker for øjnede. http://www.lavia-aarhus.dk/goalball.htm | |
58. Goalball New Zealand Home Page Official goalball New Zealand Web Site. Welcome to the Official goalballNew Zealand Web Site. Please feel free to browse the site http://www.goalball-nz.org/ | |
59. MAB Recreational Goalball League MAB Recreational goalball League. http://www.gaulins.ca/goalball/ | |
60. Hammarby Goalball domain names and web hosting and url forwarding from V3. Hammarbygoalball. Hammarby goalball Click here to continue. http://go.to/hammarby | |
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