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21. What IS Goalball - USA Goalball Information Page. Goalball Is A Highly Competiti goalball is a competitive Paralympic sport, played by the blind and visuallyimpaired, all throughout the year. What IS goalball, you may ask? http://www.angelfire.com/hi5/usa-goalball/what_is_goalball.html | |
22. Website Disabled Sorry, the site you requested has been disabled. For more information about Homestead services, use the links below. Homestead is your complete website building service. learn about Homestead websites. how it works. Homestead learning center http://www.pabagoalball.homestead.com/ | |
23. What Is Goalball? What is goalball? the referees. Purchasing a goalball. If you wishto purchase a goalball, write or fax the following company. It http://www.bestmidi.com/goalball/rules.sht | |
24. Soldir.solutionsadvancing.com: Teams, Goalball, Links, Players, History, Sport, Open directory content. Providing information on arts, business, computers, games, health, home, kids and teens, news, recreation, reference, regional, science, shopping, society, and sports. take learning to a new level. goalball Includes history, rules, how to play, results, organizations, links, and news. goalball - A unique team sports for the http://soldir.solutionsadvancing.com/Directory/Sports/Goalball | |
25. Goalball.co.uk, UK GOALBALL View our message board. The message board is designed for Teams to advertise goalballevents. If you ve got a tournament coming up let people know. UK goalball. http://www.goalball.co.uk/graphics/ukgoalball.html | |
26. 2003-2004 Junior Orange Bowl International Youth Festival Sports Ability Games Contacts and overview of an international youth competition in sailing, swimming, goalball and track and field. http://www.jrorangebowl.com/events/sports_ability/sports_ability.html | |
27. BORP: Bay Area Outreach & Recreation Program Sports, outdoor adventure, and family outings programs in California. Information on integrated cycling, wheelchair basketball, power soccer, goalball, track and field, and sport for disabled girls. http://www.borp.org/ | |
28. Blinde Og Svagsynedes Idrætsforening Dyrkning af goalball, Elektronskydning og gymnastik, til synshandicappede, i k¸benhavnsomr¥det. http://www.bsi-klub.dk | |
29. Goalball Fanclub FAQ. Q What IS goalball? The object is to throw a threepound goalball,which is sort of like a heavy basketball, past the opposing team. http://www.goalball.biz/faq.html | |
30. Home Page rligt st¦vne med b¥de sportslige og sociale indslag. Idr¦tsgrenene er elektronskydning, skydning, k¸restolsrugby, floorball og fodbold. Atletik, goalball, Elhochey og Boccia. http://www.val-open.dk/ | |
31. The Power Of Goalball Other Visions From the series TravelVision commentaries. Article written by Sue Wiygul Martin. http://kathyz.home.mindspring.com/ov/ov11.htm |
32. Goalball At FSDB United States Association of Blind Athletes Youth goalball National Championships. Formore information about goalball, contact Coach Legé. http://www.fsdb.k12.fl.us/sports/goalball/ | |
33. FISD Sicilia Torball E Goalball Documenti e risultati dei campionati. http://www.fisdsicilia.it/sport/torball&goalball.htm |
34. SSG Blista Marburg Das goalballteam der SSG informiert kurz ¼ber sich und seine bisherigen Turnierteilnahmen. http://www.ssg-blista.de/goalball/ |
35. Goalball.de - English Main Page ... A Movie Of goalball International Events Short Information Aboutgoalball Involved Persons goalball in Great Britain http://www.goalball.de/en/ | |
36. The Official Site Of Blind Sport New Zealand Inc. Home goalball Photos. goalball is floor burns. For more informationgo to goalball New Zealand website http//www.goalballnz.org. http://www.blindsport.org.nz/goalball.html | |
37. Finali Campionato Italiano Di Goalball Breve cronaca e risultati della finale di Viareggio. |
38. Goalball.com (Mai 07, 2004) Les mer om Nordisk Mesterskap i Sverige. goalball på Karl Johan17. mai? Kom og kjøp! (Mai 02, 2004) Les mer om goalball på Karl Johan 17. http://www.goalball.com/pn/ |
39. Vision Impairment Audio Network Designed for people with vision difficulties. Includes channels on goalball, cricket, soccer, bowls, athletics, beepball and tenpin. Requires realplayer. http://www.yrguk.com/sports/blindsports.htm | |
40. Website Disabled Coverage of news, fixtures, statistics and photos of the PABA goalball teams including Tornado Alley and Vultures Nest. http://www.pabagoalball.homestead.com/index.html | |
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