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1. Foxhunting In Virginia Doug Morris's entertaining and informative site of worldwide fox hunting traditions, commandments, glossary of terms, cartoons, animal rights blog and photographs. http://www.foxhunting.freeservers.com/ | |
2. Old Norris' Foxhunting Page With Countryside Web Services Guest Book? Email Nick. Click Here to Visit foxhunters.net - raising funds for hunts in the UK. Old Norris' Fox Hunting Page. This country is going to the dogs, when it should be following hounds . http://www.btinternet.com/~countryside.webservice |
3. Foxhunting Information on mounted foxhunting (aka riding to hounds), from Matt Simpson s personal perspective. Fox Hunting. Important Information! http://jmatt.net/foxhunting/ | |
4. FOXMAN ON Fox Hunting FAQ about foxhunting in the UK, including necessity, history, rules, and research. http://dspace.dial.pipex.com/foxman/ | |
5. MFHA - About Foxhunting REGISTRATION. ATTIRE. THE FOX. THE COYOTE. CONCLUSION. AMERICAN foxhunting. INTRODUCTION. foxhunting is the sport of mounted riders chasing wild quarry with a pack of hounds. It is a union of humans http://www.mfha.com/abfo.htm | |
6. K1DWU Dot Net: K1DWU Ham-Links - Category: FoxHunting K1DWU Hamlinks page specializing in the foxhunting. Ham-Links is a collection of over 4500 Ham Radio links verified every week. 3) FCC / Government - ( 3) foxhunting - ( 30) Hamfests/Conventions http://www.k1dwu.net/ham-links/foxhunting.phtml | |
7. ARDF Holland Amateur Radio Direction Finding in the Netherlands, all about foxhunting http://www.ardf.nl/ | |
8. American Field Sports Davenport Films Thoughts on foxhunting Davenport Films Titlebar, American Field Sports Thoughts on foxhunting. The thoughts presented http://www.davenportfilms.com/pages/afs_foxhuntingpage.html | |
9. Foxhunting Information on mounted foxhunting (aka riding to hounds), from Matt Simpson's personal perspective. Anyone interested in the future of foxhunting should check this out. As you may be aware, foxhunting is under serious attack in Great Britain, and its fate there could have http://www.jmatt.net/foxhunting | |
10. Foxhunting On The Web Simpson. We re talking about real foxhunting here, with horses and hounds, not that ham radio stuff. foxhunting on the Web. This http://jmatt.net/foxhunting/hunts.html | |
11. New Page 1 Supports foxhunting through bench shows and performance trials open to hounds from registered packs. Site offers calendar, publications, photos and membership information. http://www.fcna.com/ | |
12. SOURCE PAGE FOXMAN ON FOXHUNTING FOXMAN ON foxhunting IN THE UK. Source Page. What evidence is there that foxes would be worse off without foxhunting? Unsupervised http://dspace.dial.pipex.com/foxman/findex.htm | |
13. Telegraph | News Jonathan Petre. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2001/03/11/nhunt211.xml |
14. COMMANDMENTS - Foxhunting In Virginia One fellow, all dressedup for a day s foxhunting, was asked, Where you goin dressed like that? He answered, Church. Someone else observed that foxhunting http://www.foxhunting.freeservers.com/PgsMain/commandments.html | |
15. YouGov Poll Commons Wins Foxhunting Vote 25% support an outright ban, 14% regulation, 60% no change and 0% don't know. http://www.yougov.com/news.jsp?news.id=20016560&reveal=yes |
16. Foxhunting Michael Portillo. http://www.michaelportillo.co.uk/archive/articles/Foxhunting.htm | |
17. Foxhunting Tales A collection of foxhunting tales as submitted to the Foxhunters Online email discussion list A long and collaborative tale of the foxhunting adventures and misadventures of an intrepid group of http://rivendell.cc.uky.edu/Foxhunting/Tales | |
18. Tally TallyHo! The Fox! The NKARC Foxhunt Page. About foxhunting, When s the hunt? foxhunting is the fine art of wandering aimlessly over http://homepages.donobi.net/nkarc/foxhunt.html | |
19. Cookies Otis Ferry. The son of rock star Bryan Ferry explains why he believes so passionately in the countryside way of life, including hunting. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,176-415109,00.html | |
20. North Hills Hunt Education about riding to hounds and traditional foxhunting. The sport of riding to hounds http://www.nhh.glencarry.com/ | |
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