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61. Floorball http://floorball.uw.hu/ |
62. DIGILAND La breve storia di questo sport in Italia e tutte le informazioni sulle societ e le competizioni. http://digilander.libero.it/unihoc/ | |
63. Caltech Floorball Club The Caltech floorball Club welcome page. Tournament standings. Upcoming events. floorball tactics. Rules of floorball. Equipment. Other floorball links. http://www.cco.caltech.edu/~bandy/floorball.html | |
64. Stran Floorball Kluba FBC Borovnica floorball (dvoranski hokej) klub iz Borovnice. http://www.fbc-borovnica.net | |
65. Glebe Floorball Club Home Page, Sydney, Australia Glebe floorball Club Home page, Sydney, Australia. The Glebe floorball Club has been playing at Glebe High School since 1999. Team s http://www.glebefloorballclub.com/ | |
66. Tactical Tips From The Caltech Floorball Club Tactical tips. These are a collection of pages containing tactical tips for the game floorball. Text and graphics files copyright Caltech floorball Club. http://www.cco.caltech.edu/~bandy/tips.html | |
67. Herlev Floorball Club Klubbens hjemmeside med nyheder, billeder mm. http://www.herlevfloorball.dk/ | |
68. CNN Website Is Loading Spelar innebandy i S¶dert¤lje Korpens storm¥lsserie div 2 herrar http://www.peel.org/cnn/ |
69. - = V A L L E N S B Æ K F L O O R B A L L = - For mere information om den kvalitetsbevidste køreskole, kig un Læs mere. VF optimerer teamet omkring 1.holdet 150404 Vallensbæk floorball har evalueret http://www.vf-supreme.dk/ | |
70. WIENER FLOORBALL VEREIN ausf¼hrliche Informationen zu den VereinsspielerInnen und Trainings, Fotos, Witziges ¼ber die floorballgeschichte in Wien, Hall of Fame. http://www.geocities.com/wienerfv/index.html | |
71. Vanløse Floorball 9. Celtic 2, 6, 10. 10. BKVendskab, 3, -9. 11. FCKragerup, 3, -19. 12. FC Wailers, 1, -31. © 2003 Vanløse floorball, , Yderligere info, , webmaster@vanlosefloorball.dk. http://www.vanlosefloorball.dk/ | |
72. USA Floorball - New Website Online Soon The first floorball Development Camp is going to be held i Raleigh, NC, February 11th15th, 04. It will be designed by the Team http://www.usafloorball.org/ | |
73. Mic http//hjem.get2net.dk/floorballklub/web/. http://www.b-floorball.subnet.dk/ | |
74. The Floorball Club Click Here to Enter. http://floorball.sa.utoronto.ca/ | |
75. Welcome To Stuckert Floorball Club Øbro Her er det muligt at se udvalgte billeder fra Stuckerts billedbog, kampprogram, diverse lister og kampreferat fra udvalgte kampe http://www.stuckert.mobilixnet.dk/ | |
76. Hvidovre Attack Floorball Club - Viderestilling De nyeste opdateringer Resultater, stillinger og info. rets floorballhjemmeside 1999. http://hjem.get2net.dk/attackfc/ | |
77. UHC Wild Boars Varese Informazioni sulla societ e sul floorball; attivit , risultati, foto e link. http://utenti.lycos.it/uhc/ | |
78. Singapore Floorball Association Men s World floorball Championships 2004 Match Reports! The men s national Michel Boudville! Men s World floorball Championship 2004. The http://www.singaporefloorball.org.sg/ | |
79. IFK Paris Floorball Club News. floorball Training Camp in Provence 1724 July. What is floorball? floorball was developed in Sweden in the 1970 s as an alternative to hockey. http://perso.club-internet.fr/colparis/IFKParis/ | |
80. Floorball.allhere.com It contains over 1'000 links which provide instant acces to teams around the globe. http://www.mysunrise.ch/users/guerra/linkpage/ | |
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