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61. National Women's Flag Football Association - National Womens Flag Football Assoc NWFFA/FlagA-Tag National Kick-Off The Largest US Women s Tournament February 13-16, 1997 Key West, Florida. San Francisco s Premier http://keywest.com/nwffa3.html | |
62. CMSA: Home Page Large gay and lesbian sports organization in the Midwest. Bowling, flag football, softball (men and women), tennis, volleyball, beach volleyball leagues and tournaments. http://www.chicagomsa.com/ | |
63. American Flag Football League In Jakarta, Indonesia Play is open to men and women of all nationalities (must be above 15 years of age), anyone who has interest in playing American flag football. http://www.expat.or.id/orgs/americanflagfootball.html | |
64. Flag Football - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia flag football. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. flag football is a version of American football that is popular across the United States. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_football | |
65. Grand Prairie Raiders North Texas Pee Wee Football Association team offering flag football for 5 year old kids and tackle football for kids ages 611. Includes registration information, photos and a map of the area. http://members.tripod.com/~grandprairieraiders/ | |
66. Skyhawks Sports Programs flag football academy, The Skyhawks flag football Academy is a great way to introduce young athletes to this popular sport rich in tradition. http://www.skyhawks.com/sports.asp?MI=19 |
67. DAFF ------ Dansk Amerikansk Fodbold Forbund Organsation for amerikansk fodbold. Turneringenr, klubadresser, kurser og flag football. http://www.daff.dk/ | |
68. City Of Colorado Springs - Topic Pages flag football Sports Office 1315 East Pikes Peak Avenue (in Memorial Park) Phone (719) 3855981 Fax (719) 385-6013 flag football Questions? http://www.springsgov.com/Page.asp?NavID=701 |
69. Intramurals > Block 4 > Flag Football Rules flag football Rules. 4. 2 (two) current intercollegiate football players may play Intramural Men?s flag football during Spring Semester. http://www.stolaf.edu/athletics/intramural/block4/flagfootballrules.html | |
70. Intramural Sports At UVM - Flag Football Misc. flag football Rules. Teams are comprised of 7 players. The cooling of period for flag football is 4 minutes game time. Regional flag football Information. http://www.uvm.edu/~recspts/flag_football_home.htm | |
71. Intramural Sports At UVM - 4on4 Flag Football Tournament Register a Team The ONLY way to register a team for 4on4 flag football is to do so from the Registration link at the top of this page (or from the side menu). http://www.uvm.edu/~recspts/4on4_ff_home.htm | |
72. Flag Football During the 2002 Fall Semester, there will be Men s, Women s, and CoRec flag football Leagues. All sign-up forms can be found in http://www.fordham.edu/general/Student_Activities/Flag_Football7268.html | |
73. Flag Football Magazine Football Equipment flag football Magazine Post a Message flag football Magazine . (no subject) BIG RON 5/21/2004, 256 pm http://members3.boardhost.com/FlagMag/?976646428 |
74. The Official Website Of Berlin Thunder Translate this page NFL flag football NEWS. Ältere Nachrichten NFL flag football UPCOMING EVENTS. 22.03.2004 Inseason Activities 2004 Das Team trainiert ab dem 28. http://www.berlin-thunder.de/ffne.asp | |
75. INTRAMURALS FALL 2002 FLAG FOOTBALL INTRAMURALS SPRING 2004 ARENA FOOTBALL. TEAM ENTRY FORM LEAGUE PLAY Arena Football Wednesday League 70010 pm @ Klotsche Schedule Standings Playoff Schedule. http://www.uwm.edu/Dept/Athletics/intramurals/Flag Football/football.htm | |
76. Home League information about teams, schedule, fields, rules and registration. http://www.fairfaxadultflagfootball.com/ | |
77. Flag Football Leagues flag football ENTRIES. We will be October 16. Games will be held at the new flag football fields, north of interstate 35. Competition http://www.emporia.edu/recsport/football.htm | |
78. Flag Football Showdown Our FlagFootball Showdown will feature 2 of the top men s competitive teams and 2 of the top women s team s from intramural flag football competition. http://www.emporia.edu/recsport/footballshowdown.htm | |
79. ArlingtonBlueDevils Pee wee tackle/flag football and cheerleading program for kids ages 5 to 11. Registration requirements, event calendar, rules and related club information. http://www.homestead.com/ArlingtonBlueDevils/ArlingtonBlueDevils.html | |
80. JCCC Programs For Youth - Sports Clinics - Flag Football (9-12) Sports Clinics. Flag/Touch Football Clinic, Boys and Girls. In this introductory clinic, Dave Noteboom, JCCC coach, will teach the http://web.jccc.net/youth/sports/football.htm | |
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