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21. The American Football Association (AFA) Website, The Official Homepage For Flag One stop for all of your adult flag football needs. The AFA is an association of public and private adult flag football leagues across the country. http://www.afafootball.com/ | |
22. Women's American Flag Football Federation A National membership organization that is dedicated to the development and promotion of women's flag football. Includes organization profile, rules, membership information, leagues, teams, and tournaments. http://www.wafff.com/ | |
23. Northern Virginia Flag Football Association Northern Virginia flag football Association, Home, Tournaments, Links, Team Websites, About Us. Team Registration, Important Forms, Past Seasons, Hall of Fame, Photos. http://www.nvffa.com/ | |
24. Coco Football flag football and cheerleading for kids ages 513. http://www.creekfootball.com/ |
25. IFFL: Flag Football In Northern Virginia And D.C. League information about past seasons, rules and other leagues. http://vinc.userworld.com/iffl/ | |
26. Flag Football Ontario Listing of membership, tournament and league information. http://www.flagfootball-ontario.com | |
27. International Women's Flag Football Association Promotes the sport of women's and girls' flag football and works to professionalize the sport. http://iwffa.com/ |
28. Flag Football ..::.. Il Sito Ufficiale Italiano Interamente dedicato a questa disciplina, una versione del football con meno giocatori ed in cui non sono permessi blocchi e placcaggi. http://www.flagfootball.it/ | |
29. Ultimate Youth Football Camps Of America Lists camp calendar, tuition, schedule and related information. http://www.uyfc.com |
30. Outsports Flag Football In Los Angeles: For Gay Sports Fans And Athletes fans everywhere. Get news and post your opinion. LA flag football. We know there are plenty of guys out there playing flag football. http://www.outsports.com/ffball/lamotion.htm | |
31. LA Motion Flag Football -- Outsports.com Email Outsports.com. LA flag football Images from LA Motion flag football action in 2004. All photos by Brent Mullins. Click on image for larger view. http://www.outsports.com/local/2004/0223laflaggallery.htm | |
32. Index Dedicada a los amantes del Football Americano y flag football en C. del Uruguay y alrededores. http://www.aufa.8m.com/ | |
33. NFL Flag Football Alabama Alaska Arizona California Colorado Delaware Florida Georgia Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Mississippi http://www.eteamz.com/nflflag/ | |
34. Austin Sports, Contact Flag Football League, Capitol City Flag Football League, Austin Sports features 9Man Ineligible flag football,8-Man Ineligible flag football,8-Man Screen flag football,8-Man Non-Contact flag football,4 on 4 Flag http://www.austinsports.tv/ | |
35. Rosario Football League La Liga Rosarina de flag football se encuentra en un momento de transici³n. Invita a todo aqu©l que desee participar o conocer acerca de este deporte. http://rfl.4t.com/ | |
36. Contact Flag Football League - Austin,Texas Contact flag football is openhand blocking all over the field of play, linemen ineligible, bump and run style football. flag football At It s Best! http://www.austinsports.tv/Contact/ | |
37. Coaching Youth Flag Football By John T. Reed Home Page Coaching Youth flag football by John T. Reed Coaching Youth flag football is a 166page, 8 1/2 x 11, comb-bound book. That is even more true in flag football. http://www.johntreed.com/CYFF.html | |
38. Checkered Flag - Why Flag Football Is America's Dirtiest College Sport. By Josh Checkered Flag Why flag football is America s dirtiest college sport. You wouldn t mistake the flag football title game for the BCS championship. http://slate.msn.com/id/2096224/ | |
39. Flag Football Incident Ignited Melee At Girls Prison flag football incident ignited melee at girls prison. By Kathleen Chapman, Palm Beach Post Staff Writer Tuesday, May 4, 2004. Overwhelmed http://www.palmbeachpost.com/news/content/auto/epaper/editions/today/news_047911 | |
40. Bay Area Flag Football For more information about flag football leagues, teams, and tournaments in the SF Bay Area. Just click on the football shaped links on your left! http://www.sethut.com/ | |
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