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81. Home Page Listing of ongoing activities hockey schedules and standings, figure skating competition schedules, class times, public skating times and rates, party information. http://www.iceplay.com/ | |
82. Skateworld Roller skating rinks available for birthday and private parties. Also offers hockey and figure skating programs. Site includes a list of locations and skating schedule. http://www1.jump.net/~dandom/ |
83. Lovena's Ice Skating Page! - ©1996-2001 By Lovena Harwood General figure skating and ice skating EmailPals Club membership listings. http://www.mdc.net/~lovena/lo05000.htm | |
84. Oakland Ice Center Oakland, California. Provides public skating sessions 7 days a week as well as yearround pickup hockey and figure skating freestyle. Offers learn-to skate classes and hockey skill programs for all ages (including adults). http://www.oaklandice.com/ | |
85. Allexperts Figure Skating Q&A Internet. Category figure skating, Sort By None. Name, Expertise, Status. http://www.allexperts.com/getExpert.asp?Category=1600 |
86. Fanzam.com Figure Skating 2004 fanzam.com. figure skating. Google. General figure skating. Popular Sites. Ask Skating Moms Advice Column. CBS SportslineWomen s figure skating. http://www.fanzam.com/figureskating.html | |
87. 4Skate.com figure skating dresses and accessories for starting at size adult small. http://www.4skate.com/ | |
88. Kyle Figure Skating Club Information on club and open competitions, club times, skaters, events and fundraising. Includes contact information. http://www.crancher.fsnet.co.uk/ | |
89. Figure Skating, Sports And Recreation Comprehensive, easyto-navigate directory allows skaters to research figure skating Associations and Clubs. http://www.buyersguide.to/sports_and_recreation_figure_skating.html | |
90. Home Offering portable hockey, ice and figure skating rinks and resurfacing machines from PortaRinx and Bambini. http://www.portarinxandbambini.com/ |
91. Santa Rosa Figure Skating Club - Welcome! The Santa Rosa figure skating Club, founded in 1938 with Welcome to the Santa Rosa figure skating Club Website. Upcoming events May http://www.srfsc.org/ | |
92. Facility Management Corporation Provides information on ice hockey and figure skating programs, public skating, and parties. http://www.fmcarenas.com/chelmsford/ |
93. Refer To HawaiiFSC.org Hawaii figure skating Club. Website. has been moved to. www.hawaiifsc.org. Please update your Favorite or Bookmark. http://www.pixi.com/~hifsc/ | |
94. Figure Skating News figure skating NEWS. figure skating NEWS. HOT NEWS. Radka s Rendou velmi rádi odpoví na Vae dotazy prostrednictvím figure skating News, proto neváhejte! http://www.multiweb.cz/magazinfigureskating/ | |
95. Louisiana Hockeyplex Carencro, Louisiana. Offers family skating, hockey, and figure skating programs. http://www.lahockeyplex.com/ |
96. Figure Skating Dress, Figure Skating, Skating Dresses, Figure Skating Apparel Custom made figure skating competition dresses by Madeleine Akins. http://www.nicefashions.com | |
97. Figure Skating Music By Music2win.com figure skating Music Information Available by Music2win.com. figure skating music sources presented at Music2win.com. figure skating http://www.music2win.com/figure_skating_music_n.html | |
98. Skate.org I m currently doing a sweep to remove broken links. Site Overview. figure skating from a National Perspective. figure skating by Discipline. http://www.skate.org/ | |
99. A Canadian Figure Skating Fan Page A Canadian figure skating Fan Page. Canada s Sports Hall of Fame figure skating; The Guide to figure skating in Canada excepts from the book of the same name. http://www.skate.org/can/ | |
100. Chelmsford Hockey Association Offering Chelmsford youths an opportunity to participate in Clinic, figure skating and Hockey Programs at Chelmsford Forum http://spantech.com/hockey/ | |
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