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1. The National Ferret Welfare Society Site - Field Sports Why ferreting is a more humane way of controlling rabbits than the alternatives gassing, snaring, shooting and myxomatosis. http://homepage.ntlworld.com/ferreter/f-sport.htm | |
2. Country Pursuits Today - Hunting With Ferrets (Ferreting) The ferret, hunting, Code of Conduct, seasons, FAQ. From the Countryside Alliance. http://www.countryside-alliance.org/edu/edu2-3-4.htm | |
3. Moocher's UK Hunting > Ferreting Forum > Ferreting Forum Moochers UK Hunting provides discussion forums for UK fieldsport enthusiasts, including ferreting. http://www.moocher.uklinux.net/cgi-bin/ikonboard/forums.cgi?forum=3 |
4. Guardian Unlimited | Columnists | Ferreting Isn't Fun ferreting isn t fun Killing is always barbarous even when the victims are rabbits By Roy Hattersley Monday May 3, 1999 The rabbits are out in Stansdale. http://www.guardian.co.uk/Columnists/Column/0,5673,294179,00.html | |
5. Ferreting And Rabbeting ferreting Rabbeting. ferreting is an art, not just a matter of laying a net over a rabbit hole, throwing a ferret down and hoping to get a rabbit out. http://freespace.virgin.net/ken.knowles/ferrets/ | |
6. Ferreting.co.uk - The Site ferreting.co.uk is the only site you need for ferreting and more! http://www.ferreting.co.uk/ | |
7. WELLCOME TO KENS WEB PAGES WELLCOME TO KENS WEB PAGES. As I have more than one hobby I have put two web pages on one is for ferreting and rabbatting the other is for canaries. http://freespace.virgin.net/ken.knowles/ | |
8. Ferreting HUNTING. FALCONRY. ferreting. VEHICLES. LINKS. Join our FREE. newsletter, get all the latest information and news. ferreting. This section of the web http://www.fieldsports.uk.com/Ferreting.html | |
9. Ferreting : UK Category On LimeySearch.co.uk Listing all UK websites in the category UK Recreation and Sports Sports Country Sports ferreting Country pursuits today ferreting - The ferret, hunting, Code of Conduct, seasons, FAQ . http://www.limeysearch.co.uk/Recreation_and_Sports/Sports/Country_Sports/Ferreti | |
10. Western Australian Ferret & Ferreting Society Events, photos, online shop, ferret classification, and forum. http://www.waffs.org.au | |
11. Wired News: Ferreting Out Virus 'DNA' Wired News. Wire service news photos. Animations. Wired Magazine. HotBot (the Web) ferreting Out Virus 'DNA' By Michelle Delio Also by this reporterPage 1 of 2 next ». 0200 AM Nov. 05, 2001 PT http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,1282,48072,00.html | |
12. Ferreting In The Yorkshire Dales ferreting in the Yorkshire Dales. The weather report wasn t all that brilliant for the Sunday but we decided to chance a trip to Upper Wharfedale. http://homepage.ntlworld.com/ferreter/dales.htm | |
13. Scottish Countryside Alliance.. Promotes the interests of rural people, including all field sports (hunting, shooting, fishing, falconry, ferreting, coursing, stalking), sensible wildlife management, and wider countryside concerns (such as jobs, landscapes and freedoms) by representing these interests in the media, in Parliament, in schools and throughout Scotland. Site offers online 'Heather Route' newsletter, campaign and media center information. http://www.scottishcountrysidealliance.org/ | |
14. Wired News: Ferreting Out Virus 'DNA' Advertisement. ferreting Out Virus DNA . By Michelle Delio Also by this reporter Page 1 of 2 next ». 0200 AM Nov. 05, 2001 PT. http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,1282,48072,00.html?tw=wn_story_related |
15. Pakefieldferrets History and practise of ferreting. Ordering information for the book 'Ferrets Taking Their Work Welfare Into the 21st Century'. Simon Whitehead. http://www.pakefieldferrets.co.uk/ | |
16. Buy Ferrets And Ferreting At Walmart.com Ferrets and ferreting in Hardcover. ISBN 1861265646. http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://na.link.decdna.net/n/3532/4200/www.walma |
17. Wired News: Ferreting Out Virus 'DNA' ferreting Out Virus DNA . By Michelle Delio. Story location http//www.wired.com/news/technology/0,1282,48072,00.html. 0200 AM Nov. 05, 2001 PT. http://www.wired.com/news/print/0,1294,48072,00.html | |
18. Index Game and waterfowl, horse feed and equipment, pets, poultry and pigeons. ferreting and netting supplies. Ordering information. Dumfriesshire. http://www.robertthorne.co.uk |
19. The Caregiver's Home Companion - Ferreting Facts From Fiber Posted September 22, 2003. ferreting Facts from Fiber http://caregivershome.com/news/article_2003_09_14_fiber_facts.html | |
20. A Day Ferreting This day we took 3 of his Jill ferrets. ferreting can be a muddy and painful job, especially about hedge rows. A days ferreting. http://www.17lbcod.fsnet.co.uk/page29.html | |
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