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101. Appuldurcombe, Isle Of Wight - Holiday Cottages And Falconry Centre I SL E O F WIGHT OWL falconry CENTRE at Appuldurcombe House. Tel Please contact us. The Isle of Wight Owl and falconry Centre. The http://www.appuldurcombe.co.uk/falconry.html | |
102. Westwealdfalconry.co.uk falconry and ferreting equipment. Price list, order form, falconry information and links. Kent, England. http://www.westwealdfalconry.co.uk | |
103. Falconry falconry. falconry is the art or sport of training raptors to hunt or pursue game. Traditional views of falconry state that the art http://www.fact-index.com/f/fa/falconry.html | |
104. Norfolk Held every June, it includes shooting competitions and demonstrations of dogs, horses, ferrets, falconry and fly casting. Vintage parade. Norfolk. http://www.fenlandfairs.com/norfolk.htm | |
105. Sports Activity Experience Gifts | Football & Golf Lesson Experience Days TOUR OF TWICKENHAM WITH GARETH CHILCOTT £99, RED LETTER DAYS GOLF SCHOOL £139, SNOOKER WITH JOHN VIRGO £149, falconry DAY £125. http://www.redletterdays.co.uk/Search/Subsection_Results.asp?Subsection=Sport |
106. CPHA Royal Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals The RSPCA is against hunting, shooting, coursing, snaring and any use of animals in other countries. No position on angling, falconry and terrier work. Includes campaigns, pet care, membership and jobs plus a link to their minisite about hunting. http://www.rspca.org.uk/servlet/ContentServer?pagename=RSPCA/Campaigns/FoxHuntin |
107. Falconry American Flag. falconry. Thank you for visiting our site. Please click on the information about falconry that you want to learn. Information About falconry. http://www.huntingsociety.org/falconry.html | |
108. Online Falconry Home A site dedicated to the pursuit of modern falconry. http://www.onlinefalconry.com | |
109. Falconry Listserve To join the falconry Listserver, follow the directions below. A listserver is a mail list of falconers and those interested in falconry. http://www.falconry.org/ | |
110. Falconry Used To Secure North American Airports This Story Birds. Related Sites Stories. - E-mail this story. Sponsored in part by. falconry Used to Secure North American Airports falconry Past and Present. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2003/03/0325_030325_falconry.html | |
111. Falconry Displays - Demonstrations With Birds Of Prey, Static And Flying Display Information about displays by falconer. http://www.falconry-displays.com | |
112. Crown Falconry Equipment And Supplies Manufacturers and suppliers of falconry equipment including rubber topped perches and blocks. http://www.crownfalconry.co.uk | |
113. GCSF - Home Page Held every July, the site contains details for visitors including tickets, the ring events, shooting, fishing, dogs, falconry and The Game Conservancy sponsors. Scone Palace, Perthshire. http://www.scottishfair.com/ | |
114. Welcome To East Anglian Acadamy Of Falconry British Birds of Prey Centre, Stonham Barns, Pettaugh Road, Stonham Aspal, Suffolk IP14 6AT Tel 01449 711425 Fax 01449 710018 email info@falconry-east.co http://www.the-owl-barn.com/bbop/falconry.html | |
115. Bird Control International Specializing in the controlling of problem birds through the use of falconry techniques, trained dogs, live trapping. Also operates a raptor breeding facility. http://www.birdcontrolintl.com | |
116. Falconry - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia falconry. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. falconry is the art or sport of training raptors (birds of prey) to hunt or pursue game. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falconry | |
117. Birdguy's Falconry Page This falconry site is owned by Eddie B. Horvath. Want to join the falconry Web Ring? Skip Prev Prev Next Skip Next Random Next 5 List Sites. http://users.sisna.com/ehorvath/falconry.html | |
118. Home Page For The Cotswold Falconry Centre http://www.cotswold-falconry.co.uk/ | |
119. Falcon Fayre Suppliers of falconry furniture and accessories, including HiTrak and night vision equipment. Photographs, prices and ordering information (no online ordering). Kidderminster, Worcestershire, UK. http://www.scoot.co.uk/falconfayre/ | |
120. Welcome To The Free Falconry Club Directory. Welcome to the. Online falconry Club directory. The one stop reference guide to your local falconry club. This falconry site is owned by Paul Carrier. http://www.falconclubs.fsnet.co.uk/ | |
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