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81. Monadnock Review: Falconry, By Rilke falconry. A prince survives by unseen acts. Note Emperor Frederick II (11941250) composed De arte venandi cum avibus, a sixvolume treatise on falconry. http://www.monadnock.net/translations/rilke_falcon.html | |
82. The Hawk Conservancy Trust - History Of Falconry Home All sorts- History of falconry Brief History of falconry. There is no hard evidence as to exactly when and where man first http://www.hawk-conservancy.org/histfalc.shtml | |
83. Raphaelfalconry.com Specialists in the art of medieval falconry and performers of Roman, Norman, Elizabethan and Victorian falconry displays, courses, corporate events, film work, school and museum programmes. http://www.raphaelfalconry.com/ | |
84. IAF-home Page The International Association for falconry and conservation of Birds of Prey dedicated to preserving the ancient art of hunting with trained birds of prey. http://www.i-a-f.org/ | |
85. History Of Falconry A History of falconry. falconry is the art of hunting wild prey with trained hawks. It is also certain that falconry came to Europe with the Germanic tribes. http://www.i-a-f.org/history.htm | |
86. Breeders Of Birds Of Prey Exporting Falcons And Hawks To Falconers Throught The Breeders of a wide variey of falcons and hawks for falconry purposes. http://www.kentishfalconry.co.uk | |
87. Online Zoologists: Falconry falconry. Page by Wesley R. Elsberry. Last Updated 980228 Their prey items range from grasshoppers up to small rabbits. *. falconry resources. http://www.rtis.com/nat/user/elsberry/raptbio/falc.html | |
88. Hawking Holidays Falconry Holidays All about falconry, hawking holidays and courses in the Scottish Highlands. Sutherland. http://www.highlandhawking.co.uk/Highland_Hawking.html | |
89. Firstscience.com - Ancient Falconry Ancient falconry, Click here for others comments about this article. falconry has long been regarded as a noble sport, and it has a very ancient pedigree. http://www.firstscience.com/SITE/articles/dobney.asp | |
90. Suffolk Schedule, competitions and photos for the annual fair in May which includes clay pigeons, gun dog and terrier competitions, field archery, falconry, vintage machinery, vintage cars and crafts. Suffolk. http://www.fenlandfairs.com/suffolk.htm | |
91. AFA Alberta falconry Association. This site is dedicated to informing people about the sport of falconry as practiced in the Province of Alberta, Canada. http://www.connect.ab.ca/~falcnr/ | |
92. Sallymitchell.com - Dog Pictures, Dog Prints, Limited Edition Prints Online shopping for art prints, original paintings and greeting cards. Subjects include beagling, deerstalking, fishing, hunting, shooting and falconry. Based in Nottinghamshire. http://www.sallymitchell.com/ | |
93. UK Hunting Working Terriers Lurchers Ferrets And Falconry. If your passion is working terriers, running lurchers and longdogs, ferreting or falconry, join our forums and make your views known. http://www.moocher.uklinux.net/ | |
94. League Against Cruel Sports Ltd LACS campaigns and lobbies politicians against hunting with hounds, shooting, falconry, snaring, hare coursing, terrier work and the Grand National horse race. Neutral on angling because different people take different positions on it. Site includes news and politics, events, wildlife sanctuary, membership information, online shop and job vacancies. http://www.league.uk.com | |
95. Falconry/Hawking falconry / Hawking. We can be confident that these protoPoodles were present in reality and making themselves useful. But how? Read on About falconry. http://www.poodlehistory.org/PFANDH.HTM | |
96. Falconry-Displays Mobile falconry display team. Also pest control and tuition. http://www.falconry-displays.co.uk | |
97. Countryman Books Specializing in scarce and outof-print sporting books. Includes bibliography, prices and order informat http://www.countryman.co.uk/falconry.htm | |
98. Heart Of England Falconry falconry courses, hawking parties, The Scottish Hawking Experience, online equipment store, map and schedule. Stratfordupon-Avon, Warwickshire. http://www.heartofenglandfalconry.co.uk/ | |
99. Appuldurcombe, Isle Of Wight - Holiday Cottages And Falconry Centre Our Owl and falconry Centre offers flying displays daily with birds of prey from around the world. Please note, no dogs allowed in the falconry Centre. http://www.appuldurcombe.co.uk/ | |
100. Falconers Web Articles Directory Articles on many aspects of falconry. Features health problems and care, captive breeding, and raptor management. http://www.falconers.com/ | |
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