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101. Sled Dog Racing Posters Sled dog racing Posters. Sale! At AllPosters.com Use coupon CVLEKZ-Z48-ZU5-82U to get 25% off on everything (only till May 3, 2004)! http://sports-posters.junglewalk.com/Sled-Dog-Racing-posters.asp | |
102. AOL Canada Search: Search Results Main Sports Sled dog racing Sponsored Links Get the latest books, music and movies from Amazon.ca. SubCategories In Sled dog racing http://search.aol.ca/cat.adp?id=73540&layer=&from=subcats |
103. Disease Puts Dog Racing On Hold CNN http://cnn.com/2003/US/South/03/30/dog.racing.illness.ap/index.html |
104. Stephen R. Lee's Home Page Stephen Lee's Home page, a resource for mushers worldwide. for several years, and are one of the oldest web pages around that deal with racing sled dogs particular area of interest. The dog http://www.ooowoo.com/ | |
105. SIBERIAN HUSKIES SLEDDOGS SIBERIAN HUSKY MUSHING WINTER DOG SPORTS Siberian Husky and mushing resource site. Learn about dog sledding, skijoring, the Iditarod plus informative links to other sled dog sites. http://www.husky-petlove.com/mushing.html | |
106. MaineMade Dogsleds - Home Supplying sleds for racing, recreation and touring, plus bags and accessories. Illustrated catolog and design details. http://www.mainemadedogsleds.com/ | |
107. Sibenah Siberian Huskies & Quiksilver Sled-dog Team Importing, loving, racing and selectively breeding Anadyr based Siberians in NSW Australia. http://members.hn.ozemail.com.au/sibenah/ | |
108. Sled Dog Central - Your On-line Sled Dog Advertising & Information Source! 2004 Seminars Socials 20032004 Race Results. The Training racing Journals of Roland Louise Lombard; Meet Frida Oderstål, Swedish 4 dog Sprint Racer; http://www.sleddogcentral.com/ | |
109. Junk Yard Dog Terri Kimball is the only Lady Pro mud racer and she's a Grandma. http://hometown.aol.com/junkyarddog1/ | |
110. Welcome To Corpus Christi Dog Track Provides racing and facilities information and adoption details. Texas. http://www.corpuschristidogs.com/ | |
111. Midwest Skijor Home Covers the basics of skijoring equipment and accessories, dog command training, racing advice and local club listings. http://www.skijor.org | |
112. Welcome To Studmasters Greyhound racing database containing full descriptions, bloodlines and a search tool to help find the best breeding dog for your needs. http://www.studmasters.com.au/ | |
113. Alaskan Husky Homepage FAQ, history and breeders of this unregistered type of racing sled dog. http://home2.inet.tele.dk/jens_eva/AlaskanHusky.htm |
114. Nobby On The Net A look into the life of a retired racing dog as he adapts to living as part of a family. Diary, pictures, and a video clip. http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~sarnij/ |
115. Sled Dog Action Coalition: Iditarod Information dog deaths and injuries are common in the Iditarod, and when they are not racing, the dogs live under inhumane conditions. Iditarod Race Facts Iditarod dog. http://www.helpsleddogs.org/ | |
116. Walkin' The Dog, History Of The Houndog Drag Racing Team Offer history of drag racing from the 70s and 80s. Includes photo gallery and old press information. http://www.houndogdragracing.co.uk/ |
117. Bay Area Association Of Disabled Sailors Outdoors disabled sailing sports, cruising, racing, daysailing and dog Days Regatta. http://www.baads.org/ | |
118. Dirt-Dog.com Information on activities for Jack Russell Terriers such as Earthdog, lure coursing and racing. http://www.dirt-dog.com/ | |
119. Teambaddog Pro Dargracing And Jr Dragsters Pro Drag racing and Jr Dragsters racing in St Croix, Virgin Islands. http://teambaddog.tripod.com/id52.htm | |
120. Independent Tempers Rise Down At The Dog Track Paul Vallely. The Society of Greyhound Veterinarians was unanimous that the levels mentioned in the drug tests would not have a performanceenhancing effect on a whippet. And the Journal of Analytical Toxicology has published test results that show that the levels of theobromine, theophylline and caffeine being detected in the tests are no more than would be found in half-a-dozen chocolate buttons, which have traditionally been the standard treat to reward racing whippets. http://www.independent.co.uk/story.jsp?story=8410 |
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