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1. Directory Of Curling Links This Canadian Premiere curling website details curling clubs, curling links and championships of this popular winter ice curling sport. http://www.curling.com/ | |
2. Curling Basics Animated examples of curling terms. http://www.curlingbasics.com/ |
3. Welcome To The USCA Web Site! Arena curling. Biographies. Bonspiels. Calendar. Championships. curling 101. Junior curling. International links. Media. Member Services. More curling links. Past News. Recreational. Site Contents . http://www.usacurl.org/ | |
4. TSN.ca - Curling - Canada's Sports Leader The curling season ended on high note for fans in Gavle, Sweden as hometown hero Peja Lindholm led his foursome to an emotional victory in the gold medal game http://www.tsn.ca/curling/ | |
5. Saskatchewan Curling Centre : Saskcurl.com Saskatchewan curling Centre Saskatchewan's Official curling Website http://www.saskcurl.com/ |
6. Dansk Curling Forbund :: Curling, En Stensikker Sport Her stilles information til r¥dighed for de, der er interesseret i at vide noget om curling. Derudover vil der v¦re resultater fra de danske turneringer, og vigtige internationale st¦vner. http://www.curling.dk/ | |
7. Welcome To CurlTech The curling School. info@curlingschool.com. About CurlTech, Inc. About the curling School. The curling Manual. Basic Topics. Overview of curling. Spirit of curling. The curling Team. Equipment. Game http://www.curlingschool.com/ | |
8. Royal Caledonian Curling Club Official site. News, events, sponsors, competitions and development by region. Scotland. http://www.rccc.org.uk/ | |
9. Canadian Curling Association Canadienne De Curling This website is best viewed with Internet Explorer 5.5+ or Netscape 6.x+. L'affichage de ce site est optimisé pour Internet Explorer 5.5 ou Netscape 6.x et les versions supérieures. http://www.curling.ca/ |
10. Suomen Curlingliitto Tuloksia ja uutisia sek¤ taustatietoa lajista. http://www.curling.fi/ | |
11. Välkommen Till Svenska Curlingförbundet kalla sig efter att vunnit en mycket välspelad och spännande VMfinal mot Tyskland med 7-6 inför 3870 åskådare, nytt publikrekord för curling i Sverige. http://www.curling.se/ | |
12. Alpine Curling Supply, Monroe, Wisconsin Provides equipment for the sport of curling. Products include, brushes, shoes, sliders, clothing, gloves and other related accessories. Also a full line of rink and ice equipment. http://www.alpinecurling.com/ | |
13. Free Games: Free Java Curling Game For You To Play Online Lucky curling A free online java curling game, featuring a sport you will see in the winter olympics Free Dolphin Game. Free curling Game. Free Beaver Game In this free curling game, the object is simply to leave one of your "rocks" closest to the central white circle http://www.play-free-games.com/free-games/curling/curling.shtml | |
14. Curling (by Thomas Vogelsang) Offers overview of the sport, along with links to organisations, clubs, championships and tournaments, and bonspiels. http://users.adelphia.net/~tvogelsang/Curling.htm | |
15. Sport Ghiaccio- Curling In Italia Lo sport olimpico su ghiaccio del curling in Italia, e un club di grande tradizione a Cortina d'Ampezzo. Regole, istruttori, riferimenti e campi di gara. http://www.curling.it/ | |
16. LONDON CURLING CLUB WELCOME TO THE. LONDON curling CLUB. ONLINE. Fundraising Activities. Special Events. Announcements. 377 Lyle Street London, Ontario, Canada http://www.curling.com/london/ | |
17. International Curling Information Network Group (ICING) Web Site Magazine. http://icing.org/ | |
18. International Curling Information Network Group (ICING) Web Site International curling Information Network Group, information for sport of curling. Includes latest news, history, rules, science, organizations, clubs, past records, bonspiels, TV schedules, curling exercise, skill, integrity, sociability the sport for a lifetime! Le curling exercice, habileté, honnêteté, sociabilité le sport http://www.icing.org/ | |
19. Miniclip.com http://www.miniclip.com/curling.htm |
20. Pacific Rim Curling League (PRCL) Gay curling league in Vancouver B.C. (Canada). Includes news, calendar of events and Team Vancouver for the Gay Games. http://www3.telus.net/prcl/ |
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