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21. Cross Country Skiing - World Cup This is a very unofficial site of. cross country skiing. World Cup. http://www.uwasa.fi/~hkn/WC-Skiing/ | |
22. CCBC Home Page to the home page of Cross Country BC, the Provincial Sport Organization for cross country skiing in the province of British Columbia!! http://ccbc.junction.net/ | |
23. Randonnee Aventure Activities include cycling, hiking, snowshoeing, cross country skiing, and social activities. Site offers membership information and activity schedule. (Montreal, Quebec) http://www.randonnee.ca | |
24. Winding Trails - Cross Country Ski Center facilities include 350 acres of woodland, 100 acre Dunning Lake, 8 acre Walton Pond, 12 miles of trails for hiking, mountain biking and cross country skiing. http://www.windingtrails.com/ski/ | |
25. Lake Tahoe Cross Country Ski Areas - VirtualTahoe.com With 65km of groomed trail and spectacular lakeviews, Tahoe Cross Country has some of the finest cross country skiing on the lake. http://www.virtualtahoe.com/SkiTahoe/XCountry.html | |
26. High Point XC Ski Center skiing. Learning to rollerski is easy for a person already cross country skiing. Contact Hans regarding Nordic Roller rollerskis. http://www.xcskihighpoint.com/ | |
27. DWA Home Activities include downhill skiing, cross country skiing, ice hockey, dog sledding and snowshoeing. Recreational and race programs, camps, codes and links. http://www.disabledwintersport.com.au/ | |
28. Cross-country Skiing: Minnesota DNR Crosscountry skiing. Ski trails. Click a region of the map to see cross country skiing and snowmobile trail conditions for that area. http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/skiing/ | |
29. SkiCentral - Cross Country Woodstock, New York. On premises cross country skiing, snowshoeing and skating. Downhill skiing, 15 min. to Belleayre. 3. Gunflint http://skicentral.com/xcountry.html | |
30. Pa. Dept. Of Conservation And Natural Resources State campground that offers tent and trailer rustic campsites, picnicking, fishing, hiking, hunting, as well as cross country skiing and snowmobiling in the winter. http://www.dcnr.state.pa.us/stateparks/parks/fowlershollow.asp | |
31. The Idaho Department Of Parks And Recreation - Cross Country Skiing The official cross country skiing site of the Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation. http://www.idahoparks.org/rec/ccskiing.html | |
32. Great Brook Ski Touring Center cross country skiing from midDecember to mid-March. Includes trail map, rates, directions, and rental information. http://www.greatbrookski.com/ | |
33. Alan's Cross Country Skiing Photographs CROSSCOUNTRY SKIING IN THE AUSTRALIAN ALPS. Skiing near The Horn, Skiing along the cross country ski trail near The Horn - Aug 00. http://www.pcug.org.au/~alanlevy/Skiing.HTM | |
34. Vermont Ski Touring Centers Cross-country Skiing In Vermont cross country skiing in Vermont. Guide Vermont CrossCountry Skiing Vermont Cross-Country Ski Touring Centers by Region. Vermont http://www.vtliving.com/xcountry/index.shtml | |
35. Glacier National Park - Cross Country Skiing cross country skiing. http://www.nps.gov/glac/activities/skiing.htm | |
36. Montecito-Sequoia Resort In Giant Sequoia Nat'l Monument, California 7500' in spectacular Sequoia Kings Canyon National Park. Winter cross country skiing, snowtubing, ice skating. Summer Family Vacation Camp Fall/Spring. http://www.montecitosequoia.com | |
37. Vermont X-Cross Country Ski Report And Cross Country Skiing Guide To Vermont Xco Continuously updated reports on Vermont cross country skiing conditions at more than 35 cross country ski centers throughout Vermont. http://www.xcountryski-vermont.com/index.cfm | |
38. Garnet Hill Lodge Hill Lodge is a four season Adirondack Inn / Resort in the Adirondacks of New York a summer vacation destination and a complete cross country skiing center in http://www.garnet-hill.com/ | |
39. Winter Conditions New! Buyer s Guide. Current cross country skiing Conditions Click here to return to the top of the page. Welcome to Great cross country skiing in New York! http://www.garnet-hill.com/winter.asp | |
40. Tobique & Serpentine Camps - 'Bear's Lair' - Riley Brook, NB, Canada Offering black bear and deer hunts, fishing, snowmobiling, snowshoeing, cross country skiing and bird watching. Includes details and contact information. Located in Riley Brook. http://www.bearslairhunting.com | |
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