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61. Rushbrooke Lawn Tennis & Croquet Club, Cobh, Co. Cork Rushbrooke Lawn Tennis croquet Club Email rushbrooketennis@eircom.net . Clubhouse Tribes Tennis Competition starting on Friday February 6th. croquet. Bowls. http://homepage.eircom.net/~dodonovan/rushbroo.html |
62. Carrickmines C & LTC Provides tournament information, forms, results, news and photos. http://www.carrickmines.com/ | |
63. Croquet Australian Sports Commision Logo, croquet. Australian Sports Commision Logo, croquet Australia. World croquet Federation. Check out any http://www.ausport.gov.au/info/croquet.htm | |
64. Croquet Ottawa Basic Club Information 2003 Season Overview 2004 Preview Club history Interface with world of croquet Archive. http://www.magma.ca/~acna/co.htm | |
65. Clarkpoint Croquet Company Southwest Harbor, Maine; United States of America sets and mallets. http://www.clarkpoint.com/ | |
66. Lombardia In Rete [Articoli] Intervista di Lidia Zaffaroni al campione italiano 2002 di Golf croquet. http://www.lombardiainrete.it/03/Articoli/Articolo/?t=104&Ta=Interviste |
67. SCA Title Page (begin Here) The Scottish croquet Association organises competitions and coaching for its individual members and nine affiliated clubs. Whether http://www.grue.demon.co.uk/sca/ | |
68. OSNews.com - Exploring The Future Of Computing Brief news story with forum and comments, on this research 3D environment for Squeak. OSNews.com http://osnews.com/comment.php?news_id=3006 |
69. Curious About Croquet? Curious about croquet? Contents. Introduction. What croquet isn t. First, let me ask you a rhetorical question do you have a croquet handicap? http://www.grue.demon.co.uk/guide.htm | |
70. Gewinnen Sie Noch Oder Spielen Sie Schon? Der sterreichische croquetDachverband bringt Infos zu Events, Presse-Informationen und Spiel-Regeln. http://www.croquetclub.at/ | |
71. 403 Error - File Not Found News and results from clubs in the region. Includes members, calendar, results, rankings, and links. http://croquetgctr.virtualave.net/coolangatta.html | |
72. Croquet Competition Series Information about participating in and/or hosting a croquet Competition Series tournament. http://hometown.aol.com/huney1322/myhomepage/index.html/ | |
73. Croquet Store All About Croquet Oakley Woods croquet provides both competitive and recreational croquet players with the finest equipment and accessories. WHAT IS croquet ? http://www.oakleywoods.com/whatis/aboutcroquet.htm | |
74. The World Of Croquet - NATIONAL CROQUET CALENDAR Equipment List Extensive list of croquet equipment providers, both with and without websites. http://www.croquet.com/calendar/equiptoc.html | |
75. New Page 1 Covers the London, Kent, Surrey and Sussex area. Information about the Committee, the Godfathers and competition results. http://www.croquet.org.uk/secf/index.htm | |
76. Croquet Canada - Roquet, Triple Peel, Hoop, And Mallet Welcome to croquet Canada s www site. Viewing this page requires a browser capable of displaying frames. Welcome ! croquet Canada s National Website. http://www.croquet.ca/ | |
77. Jersey Croquet Club - Redirect By cri! Now I don t have to go all the way to Quennevais! The Grouville High Bisquers, Probably the best designed croquet site on the web. Scottish croquet http://user.itl.net/~mnl/jcc/ | |
78. Buy Jaques Croquet And Accessories Printable version of this page. History of croquet. Mallet and ball its name. The modern game of croquet appears to be Irish in Origin. A http://www.mastersgames.com/cat/outdoor/croquet.htm | |
79. The Rules Of Croquet From Masters Games The Rules of croquet. International Association croquet. Equipment. A standard croquet lawn measures 35 x 28 yards marked by a white line. http://www.mastersgames.com/rules/croquet-rules.htm | |
80. South West Federation Of Croquet Clubs Covers Gloucestershire, Avon, Wiltshire, Somerset, Dorset, Devon, Cornwall, Worcester and South Wales area. News, fixtures, article archive, league rules, results and league tables. Directory of clubs. http://www.swfcroquet.supanet.com/ | |
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