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Croquet: more books (102) | |||||||||||||
1. The Croquet Association United Kingdom governing body provides introduction to the game, history, equipment, clubs, tournaments, http://www.croquet.org.uk/ |
2. The World Of Croquet The World of croquet www.croquet.com The 1 Site for croquet on the Internet. croquet Clubs, croquet Equipment, croquet hoops, croquet http://www.croquet.com/ | |
3. About Open Croquet croquet croquet http://www.opencroquet.org/ | |
4. Croquet On The Web Links to croquet information on the web. United States croquet Association. croquet Canada Home Page and The World of croquet ( croquet Canada, BC Branch http://www.cs.unc.edu/~kupstas/croquet_web.html | |
5. Croquet Info Page croquet For discussion of croquet. About croquet. This list is for general discussion of issues related to playing croquet. Although hosted on a system owned by http://lists.nottingham.ac.uk/mailman/listinfo/croquet | |
6. Croquet In America - Official Site Of The USCA croquet In America is the official website of the United States croquet Association This Website is supported by the croquet Foundation of America. USCA croquet Overview http://www.croquetamerica.com/home.asp | |
7. The Oxford Croquet Site http//www.oxfordcroquet.com/welcome.asp. Dr Ian Plummer. Oxford croquetWelcome. Gabrielle Higgins and Samatha Symonds in the ladies' doubles at Hurlingham. Photo courtesy Russell Bretherton croquet is a satisfying sport utilising tactics and touch in equal measure ages and sexes on an equal basis. croquet combines strategy and touch and is a bit like snooker http://www.oxfordcroquet.com/ |
8. Croquet links to this page Screenshots of Squeak 2. The future of Squeak. What croquet Needs and Why. Screenshots of Squeak. croquet. croquet is a next generation virtual OS written in Squeak a modern variant of Smalltalk. http://minnow.cc.gatech.edu/squeak/2901 | |
9. The Croquet Store; Providing The Best In Recreational Equipment For Croquet,bocc Brighton, Ontario; Canada sets, mallets, balls, hoops and similar products. http://www.oakleywoods.com/ | |
10. Croquet In America - Official Site Of The USCA National governing body introduces the sport, player rules and conduct guide, tournament schedule, club information, and details the American Rules. http://www.croquetamerica.com/ | |
11. Home Free Web space and hosting fanspace.com. Choose an ISP NetZero High Speed Internet Dial up $14.95 or NetZero Internet Service $9.95. http://www.croquetinwa.fanspace.com/ | |
12. The Dauphiné Croquet Club Championnat, tournois, r¨gles, photos d'une variante simplifi©e du jeu de croquet. http://croquet.dauphinois.free.fr/ | |
13. "Ecco Il Croquet, Che Bellezza, Che Relax, Che Classe!!!" - 18 Giugno 2001 - L'e Un editoriale di Massimo Licari sull'espansione del gioco in Italia. http://www.akkuaria.com/sport/18_giugno_editoriale.htm | |
14. Tasmanian Croquet Association Inc Membership information and other details. http://www.tased.edu.au/tasonline/croquet/ | |
15. Croquet In British Columbia - Hoops, Mallets And Balls The World of croquet Games and courts in British Columbia, Vancouver croquet Club, Juan de Fuca croquet Club. Bob Imhoff. croquet in British Columbia. http://www.croquet.com/vancouver/ | |
16. Croquet World Online Magazine Comprehensive reporting of croquet events and issues world wide. http://www.croquetWorld.com/home.asp | |
17. Croquet Equipment - Croquet Equipment Croquet Set Croquet Mallet Croquet Ball Cr Phoenix, Arizona; United States of America balls, mallets, and equipment. http://www.croquetequipment.com/ | |
18. The Croquet Association Shop We sell all types of croquet related items, including croquet sets, books, mallets, hoops, balls, clothes and a variety of other equipment. http://www.croquet.org.uk/shop/ |
19. Federazione Italiana Sport Croquet Informazioni sulla federazione, le societ , presentazione del croquet, albo d'oro, eventi, news e link. http://www.croquetitalia.it/ | |
20. CroquetWeb: Home Links to international bodies, national bodies, state associations and local clubs, tournaments and results, people, laws, publications, history, commercial and advertising, variants, simulations, mailing lists. http://heracles.itsc.adfa.edu.au/~sme/croquet/croquetweb | |
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