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81. Intro2 20,000 seat outdoor concert ampitheatre showcasing top artists and musicians. Located at 2121 North 83rd Avenue, Phoenix Arizona 85035 or call (602)254-7200. http://cricket-pavilion.com/ |
82. Hornsby Ku-Ring-Gai And Hills District Cricket Association Includes team details and results, a gallery of photos, list records and information on umpiring opportunities. http://www.hkhdca.asn.au | |
83. CricKet Pavilion Official Website American Express, SOUTHWEST A Symbol Of Freedom, CocaCola, XM Satellite Radio. Contact cricket Pavilion. JOIN THE CLEAR CHANNEL STREET TEAM. Instant Live. http://cricket-pavilion.com/home.html | |
84. The Worcestershire Cricket Board Features information about clubs, leagues, umpires, coaches and groundsmen. http://www.thewcb.org.uk/ | |
85. An Explanation Of Cricket An Explanation of cricket. Contents. together again. The Two Forms of cricket. cricket is played in two very distinct forms. The first http://www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/hosking/cricket/explanation.htm | |
86. University Of Bristol Staff Cricket Club News, results, fixtures and history. http://www.bris.ac.uk/Groups/UBSCC/ | |
87. Ultra Cricket Free simulation including full management of a squad of players, and ballby-ball description of match output. http://www.ultra-sports.com/Cricket | |
88. Cricket Victoria NEWS, HOWZAT cricket news for all Victorians . Friday, 21 May 2004. The May edition of the Howzat newsletter is now available on line. http://www.cricketvictoria.com.au/ | |
89. Islehamcc Home Village side provides details of fixtures, results, social events and contact numbers. Contains a photo gallery and links to other teams in their county league. http://www.islehamcc.ukgateway.net/ | |
90. United States Of America Cricket Association The United States of America cricket Association. Official Website of the United States of America cricket Association. http://www.usaca.org/ | |
91. Essex County Cricket Club Profiles of every player to play firstclass cricket for Essex and club information http://www-uk.cricket.org/link_to_database/NATIONAL/ENG/FC_TEAMS/ESSEX/ |
92. Cricmania - Cricket And Only Cricket cricmania.com provides latest cricket news, comprehensive statistical cricket database and live cricket matches. Latest cricket News, http://www.cricmania.com/ | |
93. Play-Cricket The ECB Cricket Network Fixtures, results, and information on a cricket team based in Headingley, and playing in the Wetherby and District League. http://stchadsbroomfield.play-cricket.com/ | |
94. Sky Sports - The Best Sport Coverage From Around The World HOME. cricket. Lloyd and Willis. Ian Ward. Tim Abraham. more sports More sports Euro 2004 Sky Sports Shows Sky Sports Experts Football cricket Rugby Union Rugby http://msn.skysports.com/skysports/cricket | |
95. Womens Cricket Tasmania Includes background information, competition fixtures, contacts, newsletters, registration forms and other general items of interest about women's cricket in Tasmania. http://www.tased.edu.au/tasonline/wct | |
96. Salute To Women's Cricket : Home Page Women s cricket International, Statistics, Players Profiles, UK Domestic Matches. West Indies Tour the SubContinent. South African Annual cricket Awards. http://www.webbsoc.demon.co.uk/ | |
97. NIACUS Home Page Includes news, constitution, venue details, training information and upmire listings. http://members.aol.com/niacus/ | |
98. PwC Cricket Ratings http://cricketratings.pwcglobal.com/cricket/cricket.htm |
99. Dansk Cricket Forbund TC. http://www.cricket.dk/ | |
100. B And W Cricket Farmc - Crickets, Superworms And Mealworms Growers of crickets, superworms, mealworms and giant mealworms. http://www.insecthobbyist.com/bwcrickets/ | |
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