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121. Roosevelt, Theodore. 1896. Ranch Life And The Hunting-Trail: IX. The Ranchman's Includes his experiences hunting and coursing in the West. From Chapter XI, The Ranchman's Rifle on Crag and Prairie. http://www.bartleby.com/54/9.html | |
122. Image Gallery: Hare Coursing Pictures Pictures of dogs chasing and attacking rabbits in a sport known as hare coursing. Hare coursing Pictures. Hare coursing Picture. See also Greyhound Racing. http://www.atourhands.com/coursing.html | |
123. Home Page Lure coursing club links and events, ASFA and AKC entry forms, pet friendly hotels near trial sites, ASFA top twenty coursers, and photos by Shot On Site. http://www.sighthounds.com | |
124. Lincolnshire Police - Hare Coursing Hare coursing Keep an eye out we need your help. Hare coursing in itself can be legal. The season runs between the first of September http://www.lincs.police.uk/depts/rural/coursing.shtml | |
125. Coursing Cartoons coursing political and news cartoons and caricatures from the CartoonStock directory the world s largest on-line collection of cartoons. . coursing Cartoons. http://www.cartoonstock.com/newscartoons/directory/c/coursing.asp | |
126. Basenji - Rugosa Basenjis Kennel active in showing and lure coursing, with photos, breed information, and upcoming litters. Located in Curtice, Ohio, with cobreeder in San Francisco, California. http://www.geocities.com/rugosab | |
127. Kelb Tal-Fenek - Lure Coursing REMARK When judging the hunting skills of the Kelb talFenek during a lure coursing, it is of utmost importance to remember that lure coursing shows only one http://www.kelb-tal-fenek.com/lurecoursing.htm |
128. Title Hare coursing 2.1 Introduction 2.1.1 Between 1988 and 1990 we investigated the effects of hare coursing on hare populations. This was undertaken against an earlier background of a declining hare. population nationally during the period 19601980. http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/s/nw.gif height=11 width=11 border=0 alt=Ope |
129. The Millrace Whippets Website Breeder has been showing, coursing and racing since 1975 and provides photos, pedigrees. http://www.millracewhippets.com |
130. Kelb Tal-Fenek - Coursing Translate this page Die Bewertung des Jagdverhaltens des Kelb tal-Fenek beim coursing. VORBEMERKUNG Bei Beurteilung des Jagdverhaltens des Kelb tal-Fenek http://www.kelb-tal-fenek.com/coursing.htm |
131. Ngwazi Rhodesian Ridgebacks Breeding for conformation, obedience, lure coursing, tracking and agility. Photogrpahs and show results. Wisconsin. http://www.geocities.com/ngwazi_dogs/ | |
132. Lure Coursing Info/Organizations Lure coursing Information Page and Club/Bodies holding Lure coursing Events Lure coursing is a modern day bloodless copy of the http://www.lepus.reach.net/LCinfo.htm | |
133. Guardian Unlimited | The Guardian | Government Hunts For A Compromise Michael White, political editor. If passed by both Houses of Parliament, which are as divided as the wider public, the hunting bill would ban hare coursing and staghunting while protecting angling and shooting as well as falconry. Ratting with terrier packs and rabbiting will be allowed under the bill, not least because alternatives such as poisoning and trapping are deemed more cruel. Rats are a threat to people and livestock, ministers point out. http://www.guardian.co.uk/guardianpolitics/story/0,3605,853327,00.html | |
134. BBC NEWS | UK | In Pictures: Hare Coursing BBC News Online presents a series of pictures by photographer Simon Roberts on hare coursing. Hare coursing meetings draw dog owners from all over the country. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/1846592.stm | |
135. Dutch Saluki Photos of the dogs and lure coursing guidelines of the Netherlands. http://www.noord.bart.nl/~whovinga/ |
136. Coursing Hounds - Breeds Of Dog Home Dog breeds coursing hounds coursing hounds. coursing hounds are those athletic dogs able to run at great speed for long periods of time. http://www.mydogworld.com/dog-breeds/coursing-hounds/index.php | |
137. Guardian Unlimited | The Guardian | The Last Chase? Helen Carter. Coverage of the competitions between greyhounds and hares, and coursing supporters and protestors. Most hares and all protestors emerged unscathed at the end of the day. http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,3604,902930,00.html | |
138. AFSA Lure Coursing 8/16/03 Contact Info. Lure coursing 7/13/03. Lure coursing 8/16/03. Lure coursing 8/17/03. Guest Book. mail list/questions. AFSA Lure coursing 8/16/03. Hollister, CA. http://www.llphotos.citymax.com/page/page/684972.htm | |
139. :HOUNDS OF ALLURE: Litter announcements, and photographs of dogs and coursing shows. Located in Zoar, Ohio. http://www.dogshowjournal.com/ALLURE | |
140. AFSA Lure Coursing 8/17/03 Contact Info. Lure coursing 7/13/03. Lure coursing 8/16/03. Lure coursing 8/17/03. Guest Book. mail list/questions. AFSA Lure coursing 8/17/03. Hollister, CA. http://www.llphotos.citymax.com/page/page/687560.htm | |
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