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81. The Whippet Club The only breed club in Britain to cater for racing, lure coursing and showing. Racing meetings, results and WCRA meeting notes. Bucks, England. http://www.whippets.mcmail.com/ |
82. Lure Coursing Clubs Our Boys All good dogs Links Favorite photos Lure coursing String Sighthound Events Downloads sighthoundinferno Bill s Car. Lure coursing Clubs in Region Six. http://www.sighthounds.com/lure.htm | |
83. Western Morning News Lords Reject Hunting Ban Lord Whitty claimed the Lords wrecked the Bill by removing the coursing ban. Alun Michael had earlier claimed that Commons had created a wrecked, unenforceable and unworkable Bill by making it a complete ban. http://www.thisisdevon.co.uk/displayNode.jsp?nodeId=103354&command=displayCo |
84. Lure Coursing String Sighthounds .Com. Our Boys All good dogs Links Favorite photos Lure coursing Clubs Sighthound Events Downloads sighthoundinferno Bill s Car. http://www.sighthounds.com/lurecoursingstring.htm | |
85. NORTHWEST COURSING CLUB Of WASHINGTON AKC lure coursing in Washington state. Results of Emerald Splash 1989 to present. NORTHWEST coursing CLUB of WASHINGTON AKC Lure coursing. http://community-2.webtv.net/NW-CoursingClub/NORTHWESTCOURSING/ | |
86. Bramblewood Ibizan Hounds,lure Coursing Champions Breeding for the show ring and the lure coursing fields. Photographs of their dogs and puppies, news, and links. Located in Naples, New York. http://www.bramblewoodkennel.com | |
87. Mojpes.net - Prispevki ISSN 15813258 2000 - 2003 © Jana Delano za IE 6, 1024 x 768 px. coursing Fotke iz coursinga. jana , 24/10/2003 02245 (38 x prebrano). coursing http://www.mojpes.net/modules/news/index.php?storytopic=96&storynum=5 |
88. CPHA Royal Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals The RSPCA is against hunting, shooting, coursing, snaring and any use of animals in other countries. No position on angling, falconry and terrier work. Includes campaigns, pet care, membership and jobs plus a link to their minisite about hunting. http://www.rspca.org.uk/servlet/ContentServer?pagename=RSPCA/Campaigns/FoxHuntin |
89. EAST RUSSIAN COURSING HOUNDS - Information EAST RUSSIAN coursing HOUNDS. intriguing. Rural hunters have used the Tasy for coursing hare, marmot, fox, hooved game and even wolf. http://www.thebreedsofdogs.com/EAST_RUSSIAN_COURSING_HOUNDS.htm | |
90. Irish Council Against Blood Sports - Ban Hare Coursing Campaigning for an end to blood sports in Ireland with the focus on the blood sports of fox hunting, hare coursing and carted stag hunting. Includes contents of organisation's leaflets. http://homepage.eircom.net/~icabs/ | |
91. WEST RUSSIAN COURSING HOUNDS - Information WEST RUSSIAN coursing HOUNDS. http://www.thebreedsofdogs.com/WEST_RUSSIAN_COURSING_HOUNDS.htm | |
92. Afghan Hound Database Afghan Lure Coursing 2002 This Site Chosen By Microsoft As THE Afghan Web Link for Encarta Afghan Hound Database and Breed Information Exchange Afghan Hound Lure coursing 2002. http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/s_tillotson/coursing.htm | |
93. Nederlands Coursing Reglement National Lure coursing Guidelines of the Netherlands. Lure coursing is the competition sport of the lure chase for all sighthounds in the open field. http://www.windhonden.nl/coursing.htm | |
94. WRU Hünstetten E.V. Der Vorstand und die Funktion¤re stellen sich und ihren Verein vor. Es gibt Terminlisten, Bilder und Berichte ¼ber Ausstellungen, Rennen und coursing, Informationen zum Training und eine Aufstellung von erfolgreichen Hunden im Verein. Der Verein ist korporatives Mitglied im DWZRV. http://www.wru-huenstetten.de/ | |
95. Midbar Web Site - The Saluqi Coursing Hound Of The East THE SALUQI Edited by Gail Goodman, Above THE SALUQI book cover. As a celebration of the Saluqi and a tribute to the Eastern breeder http://www.saluki.com/midbar/saluqi.htm | |
96. Burnpark.com: Burnpark Kennels, Coursing, Trial Stakes, All-Age, Clonmel coursing. The Burnpark kennels have been represented in Powerstown Park, Clonmel by the following trialstake winners 1973 Oaks http://www.burnpark.com/Source/coursing.html | |
97. Sinbaje Basenjis Health concerns and information on showing in conformation, obedience, agility and lure coursing. http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/6513/ | |
98. Indiana Lure Coursing Club May Premium INDIANA LURE coursing CLUB. ALL BREED ASFA SANCTIONED LURE coursing FIELD TRIAL. The ASFA Magazine about Lure coursing. $30 per year bulk mail $42 first class. http://members.aol.com/nprnotra/ILCC.html | |
99. Sunnyknoll Whippets Breeding, showing and coursing Whippets. Extensive information on their dogs, pictures, and links to related sites with puppy information. San Diego, CA. http://www.sunnyknoll.com/ | |
100. The Complete Book Of Coursing The Complete Book of coursing. THE COMPLETE BOOK OF coursing. by Steve Copold. 96 pages, 8.5 x11 size. Covers all aspects of lure and open field coursing. http://www.hoflin.com/Books/Complete Book of Coursing.html | |
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