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1. National Coursing Club site. Return to this page by clicking on the logo at the top of each page. coursing is one of the world s oldest field sports. Since http://www.nationalcoursingclub.freeserve.co.uk/ |
2. TCC The Coursing Conservancy Provides a venue where sighthounds may be tested fairly against the standard of their breed, the game, and each other. http://www.runofc.com/ | |
3. Welcome Lure coursing equipment is that which is used to create an artificial or mechanical lure (often sighthound people in various competitive lure coursing field trials and racing events http://www.injoy-1.com/ | |
4. NOFCA - National Open Field Coursing Association National Open Field coursing Association. established 1964 ~ Nominees for 20042005 Offices. Fall, 2003, NOFCA News. About NOFCA. Contacts. Forms. Links of interest. Look up hound information. Rules . http://www.nofca.cc/ | |
5. How To Get Started In Lure Coursing , injury risk, importance of health and conditioning of the dog, your first trial....... http://www.greyhoundadoption.org/lurecoursing.htm | |
6. AKC Lure Coursing If you have questions or comments about Lure coursing Events, contact the AKC staff. Articles Read through our Lure coursing articles. http://www.akc.org/dic/events/coursing/index.cfm | |
7. American Sighthound Field Association Free tools to help you get hits. ASFA Store. Calendar. Club Business. coursing Explained. Eligible Breeds Photo Albums. Policies. Teen coursing. Top 20. Trial Date Request http://www.asfa.org/ | |
8. Country Pursuits Today - Coursing of the field sport of coursing the testing of the speed and agility of the hound with the hare as quarry. From the Countryside Alliance....... http://www.countryside-alliance.org/edu/edu2-3-5cour.htm | |
9. National Coursing Association 2004 NCA Tamworth Cup. The very popular winner RAINING ALL CASH flanked by trainer Phillip Cini and the tearful Jordan family (owners). http://www.nswnca.com.au/ | |
10. Sighthounds And Lure Coursing History of coursing, description of a trial. http://members.tripod.com/~evenstar/sighthound.html | |
11. Borzoi Club Of New England Lure Coursing Borzoi Showcase Bylaws - Club Business - Committees - coursing - Events. Health - Hotels - Links - Match - Meetings - Membership - Minutes - Newsletter. Obedience - Officers - Rescue - Shop - Specialty - Supported Entry - Therapy Dogs http://webhome.idirect.com/~helen_lee/BCNE/coursing.html | |
12. Titel Es werden aktuelle Informatioen gezeigt, eine Terminliste, der Vorstand und die Funktion¤re werden bekannt gemacht, Z¼chter in Landstuhl, Hotels in der N¤he, Bahnrekorde, Teameinsatzkalender und eine Wegbeschreibung. Der Verein ist korporatives Mitglied im DWZRV. http://www.wrcv-landstuhl.de/ | |
13. Coursing Web - Home coursing Web, user pass News. General. The Slips General coursingRelated Chat Moderator Orion, 1, 1, May 6 th , 2004, 0644am by Orion. Regional. http://coursing2.proboards25.com/ | |
14. Country Pursuits Today - Coursing This page describes the field sport of coursing the testing of the speed and agility of the greyhound with the hare as quarry. coursing. coursing is one of the world's oldest field sports, dating back to the time The object of coursing under National coursing Club rules is to test coursing hounds, which http://www.countryside-alliance.net/edu/edu2-3-5cour.htm | |
15. A Brief Guide To Coursing return to homepage. NATIONAL coursing CLUB Established 1858. A Brief Guide to coursing. Glossary of Terms. NCC, The National coursing http://www.nationalcoursingclub.freeserve.co.uk/fixed/guide.html | |
16. Regulations For Lure Coursing Tests And Trials Table of Contents Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Judging Chapter 5 Veterinarian Chapter 6 Removal from Lure coursing Test or Trial Chapter 7 http://www.akc.org/registration/rules/relure.cfm | |
17. John, Lady & The Evenstar Basenji Hooligans Photos and show titles earned, along with lure coursing records and kennel history. Located in Arizona. http://members.tripod.com/~evenstar/index.html | |
18. Untitled Quality prospects for show, coursing, and companions. Pictures and pedigrees. Northwest FL. http://www.bsc.net/mimbres/ | |
19. Coursing The first big webportal in Latvia about Saluki. RUSSIAN. coursing. Open Field coursing. Lure coursing. Open Field coursing Open Field coursing. Hunting, or coursing, is the ultimate game to play http://saluki.times.lv/coursing.htm | |
20. The Official Lurcher & Staghound Web-Site General information, directory of owners, hare and loure coursing, and history. http://www.users.daelnet.co.uk/lurchers/ | |
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