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         Cockfighting:     more books (104)
  1. Cockfighting and game fowl: From the note-books of Herbert Atkinson of Ewelme ; together with, The life and letters of John Harris, the Cornish cocker ... and with an introdutory memoir by Game Cock by Herbert Atkinson, 1986
  2. Five centuries of sport: Hunting, racing, shooting, falconry, riding, cock-fighting, fox-hunting, coursing, angling, coaching ; rare American sporting periodicals, first editons in original parts by Alfred Barmore Maclay, 1945
  3. Cockfighting university: Breeders' and cockers' guide for beginners and old-timers, amateurs and professionals by Angel J Lansang, 1973
  4. The history of cockfighting by George Ryley Scott, 1957
  5. The royal pastime of cock-fighting. or. The Art of breeding. fee by R. H. (Robert Howlett), 1709-01-01
  6. Feathers, spurs and blood: Cockfighting as a deviant leisure activity : draft by Clifton D Bryant, 1971
  7. Advertising circulars for F.R. Glover's cockfighting books, equipment and supplies by F. R Glover, 1900
  8. Cockfighting Secrets by Antonio Hidalgo
  9. Cockfighting at home and abroad by Nid Anima, 1968
  10. From cock-fighting to chapel building: Changes in popular culture in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Lincolnshire : documents and commentaries by Rex C Russell, 2002
  11. BOOKS ON POULTRY AND COCK-FIGHTING A Collectors Bibliography by John E. Norris, 1977-01-01
  12. The sportsman's cyclopaedia: Comprising a complete elucidation of the science and practice of hunting, shooting, coursing, racing, fishing, hawking, cockfighting, ... with entertaining and illustrative anecdotes by T. B Johnson, 1848
  13. In defense of cockfighting by Nid Anima, 1977
  14. COCK-FIGHTING AND GAME FOWL. by H. Atkinson, 1938-01-01

81. City Of Dipolog : Cockfighting In Dipolog
cockfighting has changed little since the Spanish Colonial time. Dipologbecome OUTDOOR SPORTS. ON cockfighting By Kyle Emil. It took
By Kyle Emil
It took me almost a month to start writing as well as two weeks to force myself (yes, this assignment is perhaps the farthest from my heart since I start writing for the Daily Dipolognon) to do the research. So off I go and know what I was wrong, cockfighting is a historical adventure. The first thing one should do is go to a library. Where else will I go? But to the Andres Bonifacio College Main Library since this is the only Library in the province where you can find books old and new in such a gargantuan of selection. So off I went to their Filipiniana Section. Boy, was I amazed! There are few books on the subject yet most are still unread until today. So, I took several books and start my reading adventure… Cockfighting is part and parcel of the Filipino Culture.

82. - Animal Sports - Cockfighting
cockfighting reports from cock pits all over the world.......You are here Home / Animal Sports / cockfighting. http//;Sabong
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    83. COCKFIGHTING - Meaning And Definition Of The Word
    cockfighting Dictionary Entry and Meaning. WordNet Dictionary. Cock fight`ing\,a. Addicted to cockfighting. COPYRIGHT © 20002003 WEBNOX CORP.
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    85. Cockfighting. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001
    2001. cockfighting. Though popular in ancient Greece, Persia, and Rome,cockfighting has been long opposed by clergy and humane groups.
    Select Search All All Reference Columbia Encyclopedia World History Encyclopedia Cultural Literacy World Factbook Columbia Gazetteer American Heritage Coll. Dictionary Roget's Thesauri Roget's II: Thesaurus Roget's Int'l Thesaurus Quotations Bartlett's Quotations Columbia Quotations Simpson's Quotations Respectfully Quoted English Usage Modern Usage American English Fowler's King's English Strunk's Style Mencken's Language Cambridge History The King James Bible Oxford Shakespeare Gray's Anatomy Farmer's Cookbook Post's Etiquette Bulfinch's Mythology Frazer's Golden Bough All Verse Anthologies Dickinson, E. Eliot, T.S. Frost, R. Hopkins, G.M. Keats, J. Lawrence, D.H. Masters, E.L. Sandburg, C. Sassoon, S. Whitman, W. Wordsworth, W. Yeats, W.B. All Nonfiction Harvard Classics American Essays Einstein's Relativity Grant, U.S. Roosevelt, T. Wells's History Presidential Inaugurals All Fiction Shelf of Fiction Ghost Stories Short Stories Shaw, G.B. Stein, G. Stevenson, R.L. Wells, H.G. Reference Columbia Encyclopedia PREVIOUS NEXT ... BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. cockfighting
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    86. Title
    For ReleaseContact Sean ConwayNovember 15, 2001 ( 202) 2246207Kelly Brady( 202) 224-5946ALLARD cockfighting BILL ADDED TO FARM BILLLEGISLATION BANS INTERSTATE TRANSPORT OF ROOSTERS FOR cockfighting PURPOSES Washington, D.C. ? height=11 width=11 border=0 alt=Ope

    87. Cockfighting Fact Sheet (Including Sample Letter To Law Enforcement Agencies)
    Printer Friendly. cockfighting Fact Sheet. 1. What is cockfighting?cockfighting 5. Isn t cockfighting part of our heritage? While

    88. Charleston.Net: Local News: Cockfighting Said To Thrive Amid Legal, Social Toler
    cockfighting said to thrive amid legal, social tolerance BY RON MENCHACAOf The Post and Courier Staff The law for cockfighting is super weak.
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    ... Local News
    Story last updated at 6:52 a.m. Saturday, May 1, 2004
    Cockfighting said to thrive amid legal, social tolerance
    Of The Post and Courier Staff
    Dozens of roosters seized from a Johns Island property are believed to have been bred for illegal cockfighting, a pastime with deep roots in American and South Carolina history. While cockfighting is illegal in South Carolina, law enforcement and animal abuse experts say the blood sport proliferates under permissive state laws and a culture of public tolerance. "The law for cockfighting is super weak. You have to catch the fighting in progress," said Steve Stephenson, an animal abuse investigator with the Humane Society of the United States. "Since it's not a big fine, people tend to look the other way." While gruesome images of dog fighting usually sicken and outrage the community, cockfighting doesn't seem to stir as much anger, Charleston County sheriff's Lt. Mikel Benton said Friday. "We have a state university with a logo of it," Benton said of the University of South Carolina's fighting gamecock mascot. "What does that tell you?"

    89. Archives-Cockfighting
    Time. ArchivesTrent Lott preserves cockfighting. DONATIONS GREATLYAPPRECIATED FOR MY EXISTENCE. Click here to buy from our store.
    DAILY FRONTPAGE ARCHIVES GOOGLE US JOKES ... Please Donate Spend 15 minutes here and let me entertain you - Established in 2000 - Updated Daily around Noon Central Time Archives-Trent Lott preserves Cockfighting DONATIONS GREATLY APPRECIATED FOR MY EXISTENCE Click here to buy from our store and property of All Hat No Cattle, Inc. For non-commercial use feel free to download/copy. *All emails sent to us are the property of All Hat No Cattle, Inc.

    90. Poll: La. Voters Want Cockfighting Made Illegal
    Poll La. voters want cockfighting made illegal. The Associated Press. Louisianaand New Mexico are the only two states where cockfighting is legal.
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    Specials •FYI •Education •Hurricane Guide •Serial Killer ... •UL Homicide About Us •Newcomers •Contact Us •Subscribe Now •Place an Ad ... •Terms of Service Poll: La. voters want cockfighting made illegal The Associated Press April 7, 2004 NEW ORLEANS (AP) — A new poll commissioned by the Humane Society of the United States found that a majority of Louisiana voters support the idea of making cockfighting illegal. The organization released the poll on the eve of a scheduled visit to Louisiana today to announce a statewide campaign to outlaw cockfighting. Louisiana and New Mexico are the only two states where cockfighting is legal. Attempts in the past by animal rights advocates to ban the practice in Louisiana have failed. The poll, also backed by The Fund for Animals, was conducted at the end of March and asked 503 likely voters if they would support a proposed law to ban cockfighting. The survey was made by Texas-based pollster David Hill and had a margin of error of plus or minus 4.4 percentage points. The survey found 82 percent of those polled would like to see cockfighting banned — 71 percent strongly against it. Ninety percent of women told pollsters they approve a ban

    91. State Legislature Should Vote In Cockfighting Ban
    State Legislature should vote in cockfighting ban. April 15, 2004. IssuePoll shows 82 percent of voters favor an end to the blood sport.
    OAS_sitepage = '' OAS_listpos = 'Top,Right,Right1,Right2,Right3'; OAS_sitepage = '' OAS_listpos = 'Top,Right,Right1,Right2,Right3'; Home News Sports Business ... Contact Us Our Opinion News •News


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    Specials •FYI •Education •Hurricane Guide •Serial Killer ... •UL Homicide About Us •Newcomers •Contact Us •Subscribe Now •Place an Ad ... •Terms of Service State Legislature should vote in cockfighting ban April 15, 2004 Issue: Poll shows 82 percent of voters favor an end to the blood sport. We Suggest: Lawmakers should honor the will of the people. The Louisiana Legislature is going through its annual ritual of entertaining legislation that would ban cockfighting. Efforts to remove the cloak of legality have failed for decades, but this time opponents of the ancient blood sport are better armed. A recent poll by the Humane Society of the United States showed that 82 percent of Louisiana’s voters favor a ban. We hope lawmakers accept this message from the people and vote to bring an end to the sport. We realize that it will be a hard-fought battle.

    92. News-Star OnlineOklahoma Bans Cockfighting 11/06/02
    Story last updated at 138 am Wednesday, November 6, 2002 Oklahoma bans cockfightingOKLAHOMA CITY (AP) Oklahomans voted Tuesday to ban cockfighting, a
    May 26, 2004


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    Tri-County Communities Local College Pro Scoreboards ... Big 12 Food Are Growing Directory Story last updated at 1:38 a.m. Wednesday, November 6, 2002 Oklahoma bans cockfighting OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) Oklahomans voted Tuesday to ban cockfighting, a bloody spectacle that draws gamblers to watch roosters fitted with razors fight to the death. Voters approved the ban 55 percent to 45 percent to end the rural tradition, leaving only two other states in the nation that allow it. "It shows that we are not a haven for animal abusers," said Janet Halliburton, chairwoman of the Oklahoma Coalition Against Cockfighting. "We have been the laughing stock of the nation." Halliburton said she felt vindicated after pushing for a ban for three years. "We never thought it would be so difficult or cost so much or take so long," she said. "We are finally vindicated and the people of Oklahoma got their chance to vote. That's what the cockfighters feared." The political match that pitted animal rights activists against gamecock breeders proved much tighter than polls had showed. A poll last week predicted the ban would prevail by a 2-to-1 margin.

    93. Animal Protection Institute - Cockfighting Laws In The United States
    cockfighting Laws in the United States. PROHIBITED to possess, to organize,to spectate, maximum penalty (participating), maximum penalty (spectating).
    Cockfighting Laws in the United States
    possess to
    organize to
    spectate maximum penalty
    (participating) maximum penalty
    (spectating) Alabama LEGAL X LEGAL none Alaska X X X $50,000 / 5 yrs $1,000 / 90 days Arizona X X X $150,000 / 2 yrs $2,500 / 6 mos Arkansas LEGAL X* LEGAL $1,000 / 1 yr none California X X X $20,000 / 1 yr $20,000 / 1 yr Colorado X X X $1,000 / 2 yrs $1,000 / 2 yrs Connecticut X X X $5,000 / 5 yrs $5,000 / 5 yrs Delaware X X X discretionary / 2 yrs $1,150 / 6 mos Florida LEGAL X X $10,000 / 5 yrs $5,000 / 1 yr Georgia LEGAL X* LEGAL $5,000 / 1 yr none Hawaii LEGAL X LEGAL $2,000 / 1 yr none Idaho LEGAL X LEGAL $5,000 / 6 mos none Illinois X X X $2,500 / 1 yr $1,500 / 30 days Indiana X X X $10,000 / 3 yrs $5,000 / 1 yr Iowa LEGAL X LEGAL $1,500 / 1 yr none Kansas LEGAL X* LEGAL $2,500 / 1 yr none Kentucky LEGAL X X $500 / 1 yr $500 / 1 yr Louisiana LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL none none Maine X X X $5,000 / 5 yrs $2,000 / 1 yr Maryland LEGAL X LEGAL $5,000 / 3 yrs none Massachusetts X X X $1,000 / 5 yrs $250 / 1 mo Michigan X X X $50,000 / 4 yrs

    94. Oklahoma Cockfighting Ban Faces Legal Challenges - April 15, 2003
    Oklahoma cockfighting ban faces legal challenges cockfighting supportershave filed legal challenges to Oklahoma s new ban on cockfighting
    AVMA Home AVMA Journals Home JAVMA online ... News April 15, 2003 Oklahoma cockfighting ban faces legal challenges Cockfighting supporters have filed legal challenges to Oklahoma's new ban on cockfighting in at least 30 counties, and some state legislators have proposed legislation that would weaken or suspend the ban. In November 2002, Oklahoma voters approved a ban on cockfighting with 56 percent of Oklahoma voters supporting the ban ( JAVMA Dec. 15, 2002 , page 1670). The law makes cockfighting and related activities illegal in Oklahoma, with penalties of up to 10 years in prison and fines of up to $25,000 for offenders. Previously, Oklahoma was one of three states that allowed cockfighting; the practice continues to be allowed in Louisiana and parts of New Mexico. Within days of the ban, proponents of cockfighting filed court injunctions in multiple counties to prevent enforcement of the law, charging that the law was unconstitutional for a variety of reasons. Some of the reasons cited are that the ban was too vague, would confiscate cockfighters' property without compensating them, and that the ban would have a negative impact on the state's economy. The Oklahoma Coalition Against Cockfighting, the group that led the campaign against cockfighting, is working with the state attorney general to consolidate the cases and bring them before the state supreme court, according to Cynthia Armstrong, the coalition's campaign manager.

    95. Animal Sports: Cockfighting
    Sports Guide. cockfighting. from cock pits all over the world. http// Last Update Mon May 10 2004.
    Sports Guide
    Looking for something in particular? the entire directory only this category Home Animal Sports : Cockfighting LINKS:
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      Information about health, breeding, gaming Aseel
      Auction, bulletin board, classified ads, and email.
    • Raging Rooster Cock Fighting Pit
      Live streaming cock fights, merchandise, shirts, hats, political association.
    • Sabong Cockfighting reports from cock pits all over the world.
    Last Update: Mon May 10 2004

    96. Oklahoma Court Upholds Cockfighting Ban - (United Press
    Oklahoma court upholds cockfighting ban. OKLAHOMA CITY, March 30 (UPI) TheOklahoma Supreme Court has upheld a state law making cockfighting a felony.

    97. The Wichita Eagle | 05/14/2002 | Lawmakers Pass Cockfighting Ban
    14, 2002. Lawmakers pass cockfighting ban. There are more important issues, sincewe already have laws on cruelty to animals which cover cockfighting, he said.
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    The Wichita Eagle Wednesday, May 26, 2004
    email this
    print this Posted on Tue, May. 14, 2002
    Lawmakers pass cockfighting ban
    By Mike Berry
    The Wichita Eagle

    Kansas lawmakers have overwhelmingly approved a measure that would outlaw cockfighting in the state, making it punishable by up to a year in jail and a $1,000 fine. Gov. Bill Graves plans to sign the bill into law, according to Kristin Heuertz, his deputy communications director. Rep. Peggy Long, R-Madison, author of the bill, said she was pleased by the vote count, 112-10 in the House and 36-4 in the Senate. Both of the votes occurred Saturday. "This is something that does affect the whole state of Kansas. I'm just relieved a majority of people think it's time to put an end to it," Long said. She had pushed the legislation the past two sessions after learning that not only were gamecocks killed in the process of fighting but many were drugged with amphetamines to make them continue to fight even after being badly wounded by razor blades, box cutters or other sharp metal devices attached to the birds' natural spurs by their handlers.

    98. Co Not Legitimize Or Legalize Cockfighting In Oklahoma - NO To SB 835 Petition
    Co Not Legitimize or Legalize cockfighting in Oklahoma NO to SB 835 Petition, hostedat dc. cockfighting is a barbaric and cruel practice.
    Co Not Legitimize or Legalize Cockfighting in Oklahoma - NO to SB 835
    View Current Signatures Sign the Petition To: Sen. Frank Shurden and the rest of Congress We, the undersigned, wish to voice our opposition to Senate Bill 835, which would reduce cockfighting penalties from a felony to a misdemeanor in Oklahoma. We also do not agree that this should be something that is decided on a county-by-county basis.
    Cockfighting is a barbaric and cruel practice. It promotes violence within society and should not be encouraged. There is also the fact that, in most cases, the use and sale of illegal drugs, especially crystal methamphetamine, goes hand-in-hand with this "sport." The people who flock to these events also come from states where it has been ruled illegal, even transporting their birds across state lines, whether legal or not. This practice also puts the poultry industry at grave risk, and is probably even a public health issue, considering the wide variety of infectious diseases known to infect chickens that also infect other animals and humans.
    These people are also more likely to participate in dog-fighting, which - along with the drugs and the cockfighting itself- is illegal. They also inject these same methamphetamines into the animals to make them more aggressive. Of course, this has the same effect on the people who use them, too. You should not encourage, endorse, condone, or legitimize in any way, such criminal behavior.

    99. Legalize Cockfighting In The U.S. Petition
    dc. Legalize cockfighting In The US. national sport. cockfighting hasa history which traces back to times before Christ. However, before
    Legalize Cockfighting In The U.S.
    View Current Signatures Sign the Petition To: U.S. Congress
    The history of cockfighting is hazy, there does not seem to be a definitive point in history as to when cockfighting became an official sport. In the times before Christ,approximately 3,000 years ago during the times of the Phoenicians, Hebrews, and Canaanites, cockfighting was popular. Breeding gamecocks for fighting in a pit was considered an art and trading these birds was profitable. In Egypt, in the time of Moses, cockfighting was a favorite pasttime. During the height of Greek civilization, Themistocles a general who was preparing to drive away the invading Persians decided to hold a cockfight the night before the battle to inspire his men by showing the courageous nature of the fighting cock. Persian traders loved to gamble by pitting their fighing birds against each other. They would often carry their birds with them and pit a fight in the marketplaces and trading centers.
    In ancient Gaul, cockfighting was somehow brought into the country through travelling caravans or by those who returned from Rome or the East. During the Middle Ages in France, cockfighting was very popular. Eventually, France adopted the cock as a national emblem. Today, cockfighting has been driven underground.
    In Spain, cockfighting has existed for the longest period of time. How it arrived is uncertain. Theories point to travelling Phoenicians or the conquering Moors. Today, cockfighting is a popular sport in Bilbao, Oviedo, Madrid, Barcelon, and Valencia. Many Filipino breeders travel to Spain to obtain ideal birds for breeding. Many gamecocks in the Philippines have a blood strain of Spanish game cocks.

    100. OpinionJournal - Taste
    DE GUSTIBUS Species at Sport Horses, Birds, Flight and Fight Why cockfightingand other animal sports persist in America. BY COLLIN

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