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21. Cockfighting Fact Sheet cockfighting is a centuriesold bloodsport in which two or more speciallybred roosters are placed in a pit to fight. cockfighting Fact Sheet. http://www.hsus.org/ace/18710 | |
22. U.S. Cracks Down On Cockfighting CNN http://cnn.com/2001/US/10/25/cockfighting.ap/index.html |
23. Ultimate Fight: Our Battle To Save Anti-Cockfighting Legislation A conference committee killed most of the animal protections in theFarm Bill, save one the cockfighting provisions. Their passage http://www.hsus.org/ace/14087 | |
24. Welcome To The Araneta Coliseum! Located in Cubao and serving as a venue for basketball games, boxing, cockfighting, concerts and variety shows. http://www.aranetacoliseum.com | |
25. COCKFIGHTING -- CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE SOUL. - Jennifer. J. Rose -IN MEXICO CONNEC cockfighting Chicken Soup for the Soul an article by jennifer j. rose indescribing the practice of cockfighting in Mexico. ACCESS MEXICO CONNECT http://www.mexconnect.com/MEX/jrose/jjrcockfight.html | |
26. Sabungan Page 4 Various pop hits. Listen to the files while viewing interesting pictures of cockfighting and other topics. http://sabungan.homestead.com/page4.html | |
27. BATTLEWANG A cockfighting game. Offers a discussion forum and high scores. http://bcgdeaa1.memset.net/battlewang/index.php | |
28. NetIdentity - Personalized Email Addresses And Web Sites! Get YourName@cockfighting.com as your email address! www.cockfighting.com isa Shared domain. See other websites sharing cockfighting.com. Go. VeriSign. http://www.cockfighting.com/ | |
29. PHILIPPINES PAGE, COCKFIGHTING, PHOTOGRAPHY, ASIA Philippines cockfighting is a national sport and favorite pastimedeeply engrained in Filipino culture. Philippines cockfighting. http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Pagoda/8849/album.html | |
30. CNN.com - Gamefowl Breeders Fight For Tax Break - Oct. 13, 2003 CNN http://cnn.com/2003/US/Midwest/10/13/fighting.cockfighting.ap/index.html | |
31. ASIANOW - Blood Sport With Chance To Win Big Money Attracts Many In Philippines CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/ASIANOW/southeast/02/03/cockfighting/index.html | |
32. Bali Pictures - Paradise Pictures Bali People Cockfighting cockfighting. Pictures Home / Bali People / cockfighting (Hits 8706). CockFightCockFight Panji (Bert4) cockfighting Comments 0. http://www.bali-pictures.com/categories.php?cat_id=67 |
33. MexicoFile.com cockfighting, Chicken Soup for the Soul. by jennifer j. rose. The SundayMexican fiesta at Guadalajaras Camino Real promised cockfighting. http://www.mexicofile.com/cockfighting.htm | |
34. Register At NYTimes.com cockfighting has become a political issue that might help determine controlof the United States Senate next year. The Politics of cockfighting. http://www.nytimes.com/2004/05/16/politics/campaign/16POIN.html | |
35. Cockfighting News, Humor, New Humor, Hey Osama, Pictures, Audio, Video, Trivia,Originals. cockfighting. Where, in the US, is cockfighting legal?ANSWER. http://www.manbottle.com/trivia/Cockfighting.htm | |
36. Real Issues: Dogfighting And Cockfighting DOGFIGHTING AND cockfighting Dogs are not the only animals that humans force tofight each other. cockfighting, for example, has been around for centuries. http://www.animaland.org/asp/realissues/fighting.asp | |
37. Cockfighting Clipart Sports Clipart.net, cockfighting Clipart. cockfighting cockfighting Therewere 2 items matching the term cockfighting clipart at Clipart.com. http://sportsclipart.net/clipart_pages/clipart/cockfighting.html | |
38. CAMPAIGNS | LCA - Last Chance For Animals cockfighting. cockfighting 2 or more roosters are placed in a pit to fight. Largecockfighting pits kill up to 1,000 birds in one weekend. Photo Credit HSUS. http://www.lcanimal.org/cmpgn/cmpgn_008.htm | |
39. Cockfighting In New Mexico WHAT IS cockfighting? cockfighting Campaign News Updates Getting Tough oncockfighting Outof-state roosters can no longer fight in New Mexico. http://www.apnm.org/campaigns/cockfighting/ | |
40. Aljazeera.Net - Louisiana Votes To Keep Cockfighting Louisiana votes to keep cockfighting. Lawmakers in one US state have votedto keep cockfighting legal, despite popular support for a total ban. http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/F5853BC4-F56B-4FE1-8AA5-865490AF35C9.htm | |
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