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         Chung Moo Doe:     more detail

1. School Of Chung Moo Doe - The Grand Master "Iron" Kim Style
School of chung moo doe™ / OOM YUNG DOE™ The GRANDMASTER IRON KIM Style 8 Complete Martial Arts Taught as ONE™. Grandmaster
School of
8 Complete Martial Arts Taught as ONE
Grandmaster jumps from the corner of the roof (bottom right hand corner of photo) to the height equivalency of an 8-story building.
Have You Ever Experienced Traditional Moo Doe?
This website is intended to educate students and other interested individuals on the meaning and value of Traditional Moo Doe (martial arts). In this country, many people are confused about martial arts. Some people think that martial arts is simple self defense and some think that it is exercise or simply a way to "get in shape." Still others think that martial arts is a sport or contest. This is unfortunate since traditional martial arts has far more benefits to offer than merely this. Traditional Moo Doe has developed over centuries and many generations of individuals have dedicated their lives to finding the best and most correct ways for reaching their fullest potential. This knowledge is highly prized in Asia and a school that can teach correct Moo Doe knowledge is not common nor easy to find. Here in the United States, we have only just begun to understand the depth of true Moo Doe knowledge or how to recognize true Moo Doe ability. The photographs, symbols and explanations that follow are meant to illustrate the strength of the movements and forms. For the student willing to learn and to try, history has proven that the rewards are well worth the effort. It is the extraordinary mental and physical development and the combining of the mind, body and spirit that is Moo Doe. And in truth, what can be more valuable than that type of knowledge?

2. School Of Oom Yung Doe - The Grandmaster "Iron" Kim Style - New England
Martial arts school in Framingham MA teaching the Grandmaster Iron Kim style of chung moo doe.
Oom Yung Doe
Have You Ever Experienced Traditional Moo Doe?
Students surveyed over the last 3 years say why they choose Oom Yung Doe. One of the most powerful styles in the United States. Hundreds of thousands in the US alone have benefited from Traditional Moo Doe.
"Oom Yung Doe has the strongest movements I've ever seen. The professional instruction combined with the history and legends gives me confidence that I'm practicing properly. I felt a remarkable difference after my first lesson and I continue to develop quickly."
"What I have found here that I couldn't find anywhere else is that the instructors don't waste my time with unnecessary conversations, but they always take time to address my questions and concerns and to point out areas in which I can improve they are very professional." "The changes I've seen in my condition as well as in countless others are just remarkable. I truly believe anyone who tries

3. Chung Moo Doe
of the style as a cult honoring its founder instead of a Martial Art. Also includes bibliography of articles and related links.......

Help for Someone Else
Help for Oneself Mental Health
... Z
Chung Moo Doe
John C. Kim, aka Chong Su Nim "Iron" Kim
Alternate Names of the Group:
Chung Moo Quan
Oom Yung Doe
8 Martial Arts for Health The following information has been provided by former members of Chung Moo Doe:
Description of the Group:
This is a personality cult using a chain of martial arts schools as its "front". People, particularly men, are lured into the group thinking it's a martial arts school, and they're going to learn about self defense, getting in shape, etc. Instead, they're subjected to mind control techniques to essentially get them to worship Chung Moo's founder, John C. Kim. Exhorbitant lesson fees are charged, providing Kim and his people with large amounts of money. In 1996, Kim and several of his top people were convicted of conspiracy to defraud the United States of America. Behaviors: Students of Chung Moo were pressured to move in together, and keep the "respect line" (the way we treated one another in school) the same on the outside as well as inside the school. People critical of Chung Moo, including parents, were to be shunned and kept in the dark about what really went on. Students, and particularly instructors from what I could see, were strongly urged to wear their hair and dress as John C. Kim did. Also, there was a general disapproval of dressing well among the students, as that meant you had money for clothes that could have gone towards John C. Kim.

4. Chung Moo Doe:Kevin Fallon
School of chung moo doe® The CHONG SU NIM IRON KIM Style 8 MARTIAL ARTS TAUGHTAS ONE TM. Yet, before I found chung moo doe, I continued to be restless.
School of
Chung Moo Doe

Kevin Fallon
My name is Kevin Fallon. I am a 1st Degree Black Belt, Assistant Instructor. I am 40 years old and have been practicing for over two years. I have always been active. I participated in many sports programs and I have had a strong appreciation for the outdoors. I have made a living at various jobs and lived in several states. Although I found adventure and excitement in my life, something was missing. For over fourteen years, I’ve held the position of vice president and general manager of a retail chain of musical instrument stores. Yet, before I found Chung Moo Doe, I continued to be restless. My job was certainly challenging. Still, I sought physical challenges. However my physical health continued to slowly ebb away as the years rolled by. After a few lessons it did not take long to find that the Instructor was sincere, direct to the point and yes, Chung Moo Doe movements are challenging and I have always enjoyed a challenge. The benefits that I have enjoyed physically alone are almost too much to believe. I have more energy, more endurance, much more flexibility and strength than ever before. After many years of hard living I had accepted the resulting damage to my joints, back and knees as the inevitable signs of aging. However, I am astounded at the results I have gained from the depth of knowledge of the Chung Moo Doe martial arts. But the physical gains I have made are really only part of the benefits for me.

5. School Of Oom Yung Doe - The Grand Master "Iron" Kim Style
School of chung moo doe™ / OOM YUNG DOE™ The GRANDMASTER IRON KIM Style 8Complete Martial Arts Taught as ONE™. I will always be with chung moo doe.
School of
8 Complete Martial Arts Taught as ONE
Grandmaster jumps from the corner of the roof (bottom right hand corner of photo) to the height equivalency of an 8-story building. International Information Testimonials
James Yikata
Tom Moch Sue Graham Sherry Culp ... Beau Inman James Yikata Since joining Chung Moo Doe, I have seen many improvements in myself with regards to my health, outlook on my life, and in my physical condition. My health problems stem from psoriatic arthritis. The treatment for this condition is medication management with drugs used in chemotherapy and continued physical therapy. I have also been involved in 2 recent car accidents where I was hit from behind injuring my neck and back. Between the treatments for the disease and additional medications to control the side effects, I was taking 8 prescriptions. After a year of therapy and 2 chiropractors later, I was still walking with a cane. The doctors couldn't loosen my back muscles enough to manipulate my spine and relieve any of the pressure that I was feeling in my back. They said there was nothing they could do. I just had to live like that.

6. Chung Moo Doe: Bagwa Chung
BAGWA CHUNG Bagwa is the highest form of martial art training available throughchung moo doe. 8 MARTIAL ARTS TAUGHT AS ONE TM. Other chung moo doe Sites.
Bagwa is the highest form of martial art training available through Chung Moo Doe. This style originated from Bagwa the first generation Chung Su Nim (honorable founder) of the Chung Moo martial arts during the Han Dynasty. Bagwa is the person that developed the walking and breathing forms known as the Bagwa walking positions and Bagwa breathing form. This style is comprised of 128 main movements derived from the movements of animals. The practice of Bagwa Chung includes many offensive and defensive movements that balance the body while developing internal and external strength. This form is practiced by all ages and is especially beneficial for older students. In the early 1970's, Chong Su Nim "Iron" Kim brought the Chung Moo line of martial arts to the United States from East Asia. The roots of the Chung Moo Style originated from the "Bagwa" line of Moo Doe around the time of the Han Dynasty. In the United States alone, for over the past 20 years, hundreds of thousands have built their lives, reached their goals, and achieved healthier, happier lives through Chung Moo training. Over the centuries, martial artists have known that the biggest gift they could give to others was to pass movements so that others could achieve good health, happiness and longer life. When someone does something for you that directly benefits your health and your life, you will never forget them. Earning respect comes from the recognition of others. Just as instructors have respect for those that teach them, the students have respect for their instructors. Through their actions, the Chung Moo instructors are building a new line of Moo Doe in the United States and are writing a new page in Moo Doe history.

7. School Of Chung Moo Doe (Oom Yung Doe), Illinois
chung moo doe (Oom Yung Doe) teaches a combination of East Asian martial arts thatallows students of all ages to benefit from a wide variety of movements (hard
This page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support them. Click here to go to navigate the site without frames School of Chung Moo Doe (Oom Yung Doe), 8 Martial Arts For Health

8. School Of Oom Yung Doe - The Grand Master "Iron" Kim Style
chung moo doe / OOM YUNG DOEThe GRANDMASTER "IRON" KIM Style Today, the Oom Yung Doe / chung moo doe style of Moo Doe (martial arts) is taught in the United
School of
8 Complete Martial Arts Taught as ONE
Grandmaster jumps from the corner of the roof (bottom right hand corner of photo) to the height equivalency of an 8-story building. International Information
History of
The School of Oom Yung Doe
(Chung Moo Doe)
Prior to any pictures, paintings or drawings all Moo Doe (martial arts) history came from legends. Historically, there are different movements and different legends associated with "Bag-wa". Some people think it was a person. Others believe it is a style of martial art or a figure of a pattern of movement. Some people say that the Bag-wa style originated about 200 to 400 years ago. Others argue that it is an ancient martial arts form which dates back several thousand years. The Oom Yung / Chung Moo martial arts follow the legend that Bag-wa was the name of a real person and that he was the founder of the Oom Yung / Chung Moo line of martial arts about 1500 to 2000 years ago. Today, the Oom Yung Doe / Chung Moo Doe style of Moo Doe (martial arts) is taught in the United States and throughout the world by it's founder, Grandmaster "Iron" Kim. It encompasses all the form and movement of the Oom Yung Doe line of Traditional Moo Doe taught over the centuries since the time of the first generation Grandmaster "Bag-wa". The seventh generation Grandmaster, Wang Po, taught the Oom Yung line of Moo Doe under the given name of Yin Yang Doe. Other styles of East Asian Moo Doe were incorporated into the original Oom Yung / Chung Moo line. Today about twenty percent of the Oom Yung Doe / Chung Moo Doe style is derived from other styles of East Asian martial arts and has come to be known as "Eight Martial Arts taught as One" or "All Martial Arts United."

9. School Of Oom Yung Doe (Chung Moo Doe), Illinois
School of, (Chung Moo), Doe. Oom Yung. Grand Master Iron Kim Style. Grand Master Iron Kim Founder of Oom Yung Doe Martial Arts. 8 Martial Arts Taught as One!
School of (Chung Moo) Doe Oom Yung Grand Master "Iron" Kim Style Grand Master "Iron" Kim
Founder of Oom Yung Doe Martial Arts
8 Martial Arts Taught as One!
  • Bagwa Chung Kung Fu Tai Chi (Chi Gong) Ship Pal Gae (18 Weapons) Kom Doe (Samurai Sword) Kong Su (Tae Kwon Do) Udo (Ju Jitsu)
School of Oom Yung Doe For information on programs in Illinois, call
For more information visit the
School of Oom Yung Doe National Site

10. Kickboxing Martial Arts Fitness. Boxing, Karate, Taekwondo, Tae Kwon Do Info At
Search Styles chung moo doe. History of chung moo doe. chung moo doe GeneralInformation Websites containing general information, history, and techniques.
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... Styles History of Chung Moo Doe Chung (Mind) Moo (Body) Doe (Through practice a way to develop harmony). Many Moo Doe experts have had difficulty researching Asian Moo Doe history because much of history of Moo Doe has been passed down from generation to generation through a closely guarded oral tradition. Only a small percentage of what is known about Moo Doe history has come from any written record. What some historians have discovered about the history of martial arts is from piecing together facts of events depicted in paintings, in murals, on vases and fans, and a rich oral tradition of folklore as well as evidence from architectural ruins, statues and other art forms. Some Moo Doe practitioners believe that Asian art and sculpture, dating back thousands of years, depicts movements from early Moo Doe history. Although the details of form and movement may be well guarded, history has shown that the greatest results are in the mental and physical development achieved through Moo Doe practice, and how these results tremendously benefit the lives of individuals. It is the strength of Moo Doe that has made many countries in East Asia the tremendous economic and social powers that they are today.

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  • hypnosis, subliminal ans sleep learning to help master 41 Martial Arts

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    Also custom made hypnotic, subliminal and sleep learning recordings using your suggestions and your music. Unconditional money back guarantee. CD or cassette., 786 Bush Street #16, San Francisco, CA 94108 USA. Telephone toll free in the USA 1-877-399-0575 or 415-399-0575.
  • School of Mind and Body Harmony

  • Description: Teaches the Oom Yung Doe Grand master Iron Kim style. Benefits, programs, schedule, instructors, style origins, events and links. [Stoneham, MA]
  • Oom Yung Doe Pittsburgh

  • Description: Features general information on the school, testimonials and contact details.
  • Oom Yung Doe

  • Description: General information on style and schools. [Seattle, WA]
  • School of Chung Moo Doe
  • Description: Grand master Iron Kim style with references to schools in Illinois. Includes origins, founder, three level system, curriculum and events.

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    14. Chung Moo Doe On The Web
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    15. Chung Moo Doe, Martial Arts
    chung moo doe, Martial Arts. Southern California Schools of Oom Yung Doe Origin andhistory, school locations and events. chung moo doe
    Chung Moo Doe, Martial Arts
    Sport Martial Arts Chung Moo Doe
    Southern California Schools of Oom Yung Doe

    Origin and history, school locations and events.
    Chung Moo Doe School of Chung Moo Doe, Framingham, MA
    Martial arts school in Framingham MA teaching the Grandmaster "Iron" Kim style of Chung Moo Doe.
    Chung Moo Doe Oom Yung Doe Pittsburgh
    Features general information on the school, testimonials and contact details.
    Chung Moo Doe School of Chung Moo Doe Grand master Iron Kim style with references to schools in Illinois. Includes origins, founder, three level system, curriculum and events. Chung Moo Doe Chung Moo Doe Disabled Martial Arts Events Filipino ... Sport

    16. More Than Karate Chops At Chung Moo Doe
    More than karate chops at chung moo doe. INSIDE THE OBSERVER. School of CHUNGMOO DOE® The CHONG SU NIM IRON KIM Style 8 MARTIAL ARTS TAUGHT AS ONE TM.
    Vol. 15, No. 40 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1997
    More than karate chops at Chung Moo Doe
    Not just chops
    Meet martial arts instructor Jim Rath of Chung Moo Doe BY JOHN MCELHENNY OBSERVER STAFF The young boy in the white karate-style robe turns off Main Street in Wakefield and enters the world of the Orient through a beaded curtain. Inside are six young martial artists, led by Instructor James Rath. "Bow in and go," says the boy’s mother, just inside the door of Chung Moo Doe martial arts studio on Main Street. It doesn’t take much urging. The boy rushes into the training room to join his peers in stretching and tumbling. Rath, a fourth-degree black belt, issues terse commands, as the students begin to warm up. Breathe. Reach to the ceiling. Touch your toes. Noticeably absent are the jump kicks and karate chops most people associate with martial arts. "That’s what most people think of, the fighting of karate," says Rath. "That’s only a very small part of what we teach here. The focus here is on an individual’s mental and physical development, not breaking boards and jumpkicking over someone’s head." Instead, people who come to Chung Moo Doe roughly translated from Chinese, the name means “a path to a balanced mind and strong body" learn self-discipline through a regular training routine. They learn concentration, by exercising the mind, not just the body, during training. They learn hand-to-eye coordination, through practiced movements and, for older participants, work with staffs and other weapons.

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    Links Sports Martial Arts chung moo doe. Home Sports Martial Arts ChungMoo Doe. chung moo doe Web Search Results Below (Add Your Site or modify).
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    Home Sports Martial Arts : Chung Moo Doe Chung Moo Doe Web Search Results Below Add Your Site or modify Steve Alan Hassan's Freedom of Mind Center: Chung Moo Doe
    Description of the style as a cult honoring its founder instead of a Martial Art. Also includes bibliography of articles and related links.
    Oom Yung Doe

    General information on style and schools. [Seattle, WA]
    Oom Yung Doe Pittsburgh

    Features general information on the school, testimonials and contact details. Orlando Center for Mind and Body Wellness History of Oom Yung Doe, grand master biography, school information, instructor profiles, curriculum, gallery, testimonials and message board. [Winter Springs, FL] School of Chung Moo Doe, Framingham, MA Martial arts school in Framingham MA teaching the Grandmaster "Iron" Kim style of Chung Moo Doe.

    18. Lukol Directory - Sports Martial Arts Chung Moo Doe
    School of chung moo doe, Framingham, MA Martial arts school in FraminghamMA teaching the Grandmaster Iron Kim style of chung moo doe.

    Lukol Directory -
    Sports Martial Arts Chung Moo Doe ... School of Mind and Body Harmony
    Teaches the Oom Yung Doe Grand master Iron Kim style. Benefits, programs, schedule, instructors, style origins, events and links. [Stoneham, MA]
    Southern California Schools of Oom Yung Doe

    Origin and history, school locations and events.
    Orlando Center for Mind and Body Wellness

    History of Oom Yung Doe, grand master biography, school information, instructor profiles, curriculum, gallery, testimonials and message board. [Winter Springs, FL]
    School of Chung Moo Doe, Framingham, MA
    Martial arts school in Framingham MA teaching the Grandmaster "Iron" Kim style of Chung Moo Doe. Oom Yung Doe Pittsburgh Features general information on the school, testimonials and contact details. School of Chung Moo Doe Grand master Iron Kim style with references to schools in Illinois. Includes origins, founder, three level system, curriculum and events.

    19. Martial Arts - Chung Moo Doe
    chung moo doe Links. Sub Categories. Websites. Seattle, WA School of ChungMoo Doe Grand master Iron Kim style with references to schools in Illinois.
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    Websites School of Mind and Body Harmony Teaches the Oom Yung Doe Grand master Iron Kim style. Benefits, programs, schedule, instructors, style origins, events and links. [Stoneham, MA]
    School of Chung Moo Doe, Framingham, MA
    Martial arts school in Framingham MA teaching the Grandmaster "Iron" Kim style of Chung Moo Doe. Pittsburgh Centers for Martial Arts and Wellness Founder, tournaments, schools, instructors, training, events, literature and links. Orlando Center for Mind and Body Wellness History of Oom Yung Doe, grand master biography, school information, instructor profiles, curriculum, gallery, testimonials and message board. [Winter Springs, FL] Oom Yung Doe General information on style and schools. [Seattle, WA] School of Chung Moo Doe Grand master Iron Kim style with references to schools in Illinois. Includes origins, founder, three level system, curriculum and events. Southern California Schools of Oom Yung Doe Origin and history, school locations and events.

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