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         Capoeira:     more books (100)
  1. Latin American Folk Dances: Capoeira
  2. Capoeira by 2009-06-06
  3. Capoeira Organizations: Abadá-Capoeira, Grupo Capoeira Brasil, Grupo Axé Capoeira, International Capoeira Angola Foundation
  4. Capoeira. by Nestor Capoeira,
  5. Kampfkunst (Brasilien): Capoeira, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Capoeira Regional, Capoeira Angola, Batuque, Capoeira Contemporânea, Nígolo, Maculelê (German Edition)
  6. Capoeira (Capoeira - Luta, Dança e Jogo da Liberdade) by Andre Cypriano, Rodrigo de Almeida e Leticia Pimenta, 2009
  7. Puerto Rican Martial Artists: Puerto Rican Jeet Kune Do Practitioners, Puerto Rican Jujutsuka, Puerto Rican Capoeira Practitioners
  8. This Capoeira / Eto Kapoeyra by Roman Belov, 2004
  9. Capoeira by Sonia Rosa, 2009-06-06
  10. Capoeira: A Brazilian Art Form by Bira Almeida, 1981-01-01
  11. Capoeira. Basic techniques / Kapoeyra. Bazovye tekhniki by Reysha Maksim, 2009
  12. Capoeira: The Art of Survival, 2nd Second Edition by Mestre Preguica, 2000-01-01
  13. Capoeira Practitioners: Fictional Capoeira Practitioners, Catwoman, Spider-Woman, Blade, Eddy Gordo, Bob Makihara, Vincent Cassel, Joey Ansah
  14. Video Games Developed in Brazil: Outlive, My Big Brother, Zeebo Extreme, Guimo, Capoeira Legends, Zeebo Extreme Corrida Aérea

101. The Berimbau By Alex Pertout
THE BERIMBAU; Heart of capoeira The berimbau All these instruments give the capoeira a very distinctive and unique sound. During the
THE BERIMBAU; Heart of Capoeira The berimbau consist of a wooden stick which is strung with a steel string to form the bow shape, a gourd with an opening on one side which acts as a resonator, a coin or stone, a thin bamboo stick, and a basket shaker called caxixi. Traditionally in Capoeira (the Brazilian martial arts style) the berimbau rhythms are accompanied by the following percussion instruments; pandeiro (a tambourine with a head and flat jingles), agogo (two iron bells), reco reco (a bamboo scrapper) and atabaque (tall barrell style hand drum). All these instruments give the Capoeira a very distinctive and unique sound. During the (game of Capoeira ) various traditional, folkloric and improvised songs are sung accompanied by clapping. The technique of playing the berimbau is unique and quite hard to master, as you not only have to hold the bow and balance it with the left hand, but are also required to hold a coin or stone with the thumb and first finger. The right hand holds the stick which strikes the string. It also holds a small basket shaker called caxixi , which plays along with the stick and also plays independent strokes. The basic sounds played with the stick are: high tone (with the coin or stone pressed against the string), buzz tone (with the coin or stone pressed lightly on the string) and low tone (open string note). The left hand with the coin produces a very soft passing tone.

102. Topázio - Capoeira Berlin
Man findet Informationen zur Kampfkunst und zur Schule. Eine œbersicht zeigt die Kordel, die den Bildungsstand der Sch¼ler und Lehrer anzeigen. Es gibt aktuelle Nachrichten, einen Trainingsplan, eine Fotogalerie und ein G¤stebuch.'/popup.html','topazio','width=220,height=300,left=0,top=0'); Capoeira Berlin Admin Home Home Aktuelles Was ist Capoeira? Über uns ... Links
Mestre Dinho e seu filho, professor Rudson
Topázio lädt euch
zu einer Probestunde ein!!!
Kommt einfach vorbei und macht mit!
Stand 07.09.2001
Anillo de Sitios Capoeira Topázio Internacional SiteRing by


104. Associazione Capoeira Sul Da Bahia - Milano - Istruttore Pedro
Milano Del professor Pedro della scuola di Mestre Railson. Propone corsi ed eventi legati alla disciplina brasiliana informazioni, notizie, foto e contatti.
Tutte le informazioni sui corsi e sulle palestre li potete trovare sulla nostra pagina CORSI
oppure scrivete a
" Oh foi o Pedro, oh do Arraial...
com um berimbau na m "
Web Design

105. The Capoeira List
A directory of capoeira groups, schools and clubs in the United States and Canada. An online directory of capoeira schools groups
An online directory of capoeira schools groups, classes and clubs in the United States and Canada

United States:

We also include links to capoeira resources online: websites, school lists, video, music, lyrics and shopping.

To contact us

We can be reached as "listkeeper" on or

106. Capoeira Na Chuva - Bergen
capoeiraklubben i Bergen. Nyheter, diverse informasjon, bildeserier, sportens historie, gjestebok og lenker.
Welcome to Capoeira na Chuva's homepage.We are Bergen's (Norway) largest organized capoeira group. Here you can read about us, what we do, and about capoeira in general. Perhaps you don't know what capoeira is? Well step on in, and find out! (unfortunately, we do not yet have have our pages availiable in english. This may be changed at a later date.) Click the logo to continue. This site has been designed for use with MS internet explorer. It should however work with all other major browsers. We recommned you view this page with 1024x768 @ 16bit colors or better.

107. Capoeira
This section of the Virtual Library Martial Arts provides extensive links to the martial arts style of capoeira. capoeira. This
This section of the Virtual Library: Martial Arts provides extensive links to the martial art of Capoeira. Abada Capoeira The official ABADA site ABADA-Capoeira Marin ABADA-Capoeira Gothenburg, Sweden Academia Volta Ao Mundo Axé Capoeira Academy ... Batuque Capoeira - Holland Capoeira - Mandinga's Homepage Capoeira Corner Capoeira Foundation Capoeira of San Jose ... Grupo Capoeira Brasil - The Netherlands Grupo de Capoeira Senhor do Bonfim International Capoeira Angola Foundation
Looking for a good Martial Arts book? Check out the Virtual Bookstore: Martial Arts for the most extensive collection of books and VHS tapes on the internet!

108. Capoeira
Term­ny tr©ninků, informace a videouk¡zky.
Capoeira pondìlí a ètvrtek
Køižíkova 48, 100m od metra !!
sál Aikido Karlín...
rád bych Vám oznámil, že od 31.5. zaèínáme v kuse. Kromì 3.6. jedeme každý trénink. Radìji ale stále sledujte naši stránku. Jakékoli zmìny se tu od teï okamžitì objeví... kniha Capoeira znamená v prvé øadì pocit svobody a komunity. Tento pocit je významnì spojen s její minulostí. Rozvíjení Capoeiry a její spoleèné trénování dávalo otrokùm koloniální Brazílie víru a chu žít. Berme tedy Capoeiru jako souèást kultury otrokù, pozdìji kultury Brazílie a dnes snad i Èech.
První cílené tréninky zavedl Mestre Bimba. Dal jí øád a zavedl prvotní principy tréninku. Bimbova práce je inspirací dodnes.
V Praze je hned nìkolik škol. V nìkterých jen hrají a vìnují se spíše individuálnímu rùstu. V jiných, jako v té naší, staví na první místo trénink...
videa mpg - divx
Martin a Radek

109. Grupo Capoeira Uniao - Ticino
Translate this page capoeira arte marziale brasiliana nata nel periodo coloniale come forma di difesa degli schiavi importati.

capoeira sporu hakkında her t¼rl¼ bilgiye ulaşabilirsiniz.

111. Roots Of Brazil Capoeira - New York
Translate this page Association of capoeira schools promotes capoeira internationally. Find directions and times for New York classes and events. Click here to enter.
Click here to enter s="na";c="na";j="na";f=""+escape(document.referrer)

112. Capoeira Index
Informations sur ce sport et sur sa pratique dans ce pays.

113. Capoeira Akademien - Capoeira I Sverige (Göteborg, Alingsås Och Trollhättan)
capoeira KAMPSPORT, Akrobatik. Websiten innehåller historia, information, tekniker, video, bilder, musik om och med capoeira.
Capoeira Akademin har som syfte att bidra med en seriös etablering av Capoeira i Sverige. Vi har akademier i Göteborg, Lerum, Alingsås samt workshops runt hela sverige. På websiten finns information om Capoeira regional (mestre bimba) och angola (mestre pastinha). Mycket om Capoeira och dess historik, utövande och tekniker. Snart även en Capoeira Shop där du kan handla capoeira varor. Bland annat berimbaus, kläder, musik, video och cd. På sidan finns ett arkiv och en media del där du kan hämta hem sånger, video, bilder och mycket annat. Axé! You need a browser wich supports frames to view this site. Get one here.

114. Rabo De Arraia - On Line
Loja do capoeira na Internet. V­deos , cds, abadas, camisas, fotos antigas e muito mais para capoeira.
Rabo de Arraia NEWS Cadastre seu e-mail e receba periodicamente nosso informativo com novidades, os últimos lançamentos e promoções Nome
English Deutsch Mexico Rabo de Arraia - São Paulo - Brasil - São Paulo - (55) 11-62928705 - Para perguntas técnicas relativo a nossos produtos e serviços on-line, por favor contatem , se preferir MSN Última Atualização document.write(document.lastModified)

115. Nisa Capoeira
Nejbližší akce , Zpráva , RODA DE RUA 18.919.9, Liberec Zbývá dní 118, 16-05-2004, Nové fotky z underground akce z Prahy pridány.
foto video akce diskuze ... kontakt
Nejbližší akce> RODA DE RUA
18.9-19.9, Liberec
Zbývá dní> Nové fotky z underground akce z Prahy pøidány. zobraz všechny akce zobraz všechny zprávy

116. Cais Do Mar
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117. Capoeiraquebec
Art martial pratiqu© au Br©sil, et dont on trouve des ©coles dans le monde entier.

118. Grupo Capoeira Brasil - The Netherlands
Grupo capoeira Brasil, Mestre Paulão The Netherlands. capoeira (from Brasil) is a combination of martial arts, dance, acrobatics and music.
var cm_role = "live" var cm_host = "" var cm_taxid = "/memberembedded"
Grupo Capoeira Brasil - The Netherlands
This is the home page of Grupo Capoeira Brasil in The Netherlands.
Capoeira is an acrobatic Martial-Arts dance from Brazil. On this site you can find a lot of Capoeira QuickTime movies and other animations, a huge photo gallery, backgrounds, links and info about our workshops, classes, demo's and our Batizado. If you want to go to the Grupo Capoeira Brasil - The Netherlands Home page WITHOUT FRAMES, click here last update: September 23 1999
What is Capoeira?
A fight? A dans? An Art? Acrobatics? Music? Capoeira
Capoeira is a flexible fighting dance, accompanied by rhythm and song. It is performed by two persons, capoeiristas , in a circle, the roda
Between attack and defense acrobatic movements are being performed, with which the players challenge each other. Origin
Capoeira was developed by Afican slaves in Brazil to increase their chances for liberty and independency. On the pretence of dance they practiced fighting techniques. The energy for the game and the rhythm and speed are determined by music and songs. The berimbau , a single steel stringed bow, is the leadinstrument. The music is being completed by clapping, singing

119. Kampfkunst
Die Kampfkunstakademie der Good Life Sports GmbH stellt die verschiedene Kampfsportarten wie Muay Thai, Kickboxen, Tae Kwon Do, capoeira, Judo, Hap Ki Do, Boxen und Wing Tsun vor. Daneben findet man Bilder vom Training, und den Trainingsplan.
So finden Sie uns
einfach Logo anklicken

120. Agogô
Translate this page Agogo, capoeira magazine of the Netherlands. Latest news, agenda, interviews, photos and more to come

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