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161. City Of Fort Collins: Departments: Transportation: Smarttrips: Bicycling bicycling. Mailing Address 250 North Mason Street, Ft. Collins, CO 805244407 Phone (970) 224-6126 Fax (970) 416-2408 Normal Business http://www.ci.fort-collins.co.us/bicycling/ | |
162. Outdoor Club Of South Jersey Activities include backpacking, bicycling, camping, canoeing, cross country skiing, hiking, and courses in backpacking and wilderness survival. Offers schedule, organizational information, and specific activity pages. (southern New Jersey) http://www.ocsj.org/ | |
163. Greater Dallas Bicyclists WebSite To promote bicycling as a lifetime activity that encourages good health, wellness, friendship, skill and personal accomplishment. http://gdbclub.org/gdb/ | |
164. Union County Hiking Club Activities are scheduled every weekend including hikes, bicycling, skiing, day trips and extended trips. Schedule and membership information. (Union County) http://www.nynjtc.org./~trails/clubpages/uchc.html | |
165. New Page 3 A mountain bicycling club for all abilities in the Belton, Killeen, Copperas Cove, Temple and Fort Hood area. Membership information, newsletter and photo gallery provided. http://members.tripod.com/forthoodtrailblazers/ | |
166. Pennsylvania State Parks - Gifford Pinchot - PA DCNR State campground in Northern York County that offers modern campsites and cabins with boating, picnicking, hunting swimming, bicycling, and horseback riding nearby. http://www.dcnr.state.pa.us/stateparks/parks/giff.htm | |
167. Recumbent Tour Cycling Recumbent bicycle tour across America http://www.recycles.org/cycle/ | |
168. Triathlete Magazine - Triathlon's Authority troy_j_100903. DeBoom Duo and Badmann Walkin in Memphis Last years Memphis In May Triathlon champions, Tim and Nicole http://www.winningmag.com/ | |
169. The Ultimate Cycling Directory - The Place To Search For All Saturday, 22 May 2004 1110 PM EST. Quick Search in Site search. http://cyclery.com/ | |
170. Cascade Bicycle Club Welcome. Please try searching for your page in the site search window above. Having trouble finding what you are looking for? The http://www.cascade.org/EandR/STP.cfm | |
171. GORP: Biking Home, Destinations, Activities, Parks, Close To Home, Gear, Find Trips, Community. Trail Finder, Hiking Howtos, Top 10s, Outfitters, Message Boards. http://gorp.away.com/gorp/activity/biking.htm | |
172. This Page Has Moved This page has moved ! Click here for its new location. http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/ppsc/bike/ | |
173. Slovenia â Official Travel Guide \ Category Not Found (en) Cycling. http://www.slovenia-tourism.si/?kolesarjenje=0 |
174. You Will Be Redirected To NBL's Website World's largest nonprofit BMX racing organization. http://www.nbl.org/ |
175. Athens Users Login Athens Users Login. EBSCOhost Support. User ID, Password, Minimum browser requirements Internet Explorer 5.0 and Netscape 4.7. Important http://search.epnet.com/direct.asp?db=f5h&jid=BIC&scope=site |
176. Triathlete Magazine - Index triathlete_010704. DeBoom Duo and Badmann Walkin in Memphis Last years Memphis In May Triathlon champions, Tim and Nicole http://www.triathletemag.com/ | |
177. WNYMBA - Western New York Mountain Bike Association Welcome to WNYMBA, Because you can t mailorder singletrack. Enter WNYMBA . http://www.wnymba.org/ | |
178. The Bikesmiths Home Page If you want value and service with a smile, head for the Bikesmith s Profiled in Milwaukee Magazine s Where to Get Things Fixed issue. http://my.execpc.com/~bikesmth/ | |
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