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61. WSDOT - Biking In Washington Traffic Roads Projects Business Environmental Maps Data. , bicycling. , Safety. Commute Options. bicycling plays a big role in Washington s transportation. http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/bike/ | |
62. Outdoor Industry Resources - Search For Adventure Sports And Travel Outfitters A Search for outfitters, shops and products paddlesports, bicycling, skiing, wilderness travel and eco-cultural tours. http://www.outdoormind.com | |
63. Conservation Law Foundation Transportation Advocacy News, publications and research, mailing lists, links, and other resources for public transit, bicycling, and walking advocates in New England and beyond. http://www.clf.org/transportation/ |
64. CABO Home CABO California Association of bicycling Organizations. California s bicycle clubs organized into a state federation in 1972 to http://www.cabobike.org/ | |
65. Adirondack Bicycling And Bike Touring Information about bike touring, routes, organized rides and mountain biking in the 6 million acre Adirondack Mountain Park. http://www.adkbikes.com |
66. Cub Scout Sports - Bicycling Cub Scout Sports bicycling. Sports Pin. Earn the bicycling belt loop, complete requirement 1 below, and do four additional requirements. http://www.usscouts.org/advance/cubscout/sports/bicycling.html | |
67. Safe Bicycling - NSC bicycling is one of the most popular ways to get around, whether for recreation, sport or transportation. An Safe bicycling. bicycling http://www.nsc.org/library/facts/bicycle.htm | |
68. Welcome To Bicycling Through History A series of DVDs exploring American history on a bicycle by following the same trails as the early explorers and patriots. http://www.bicyclingthroughhistory.com | |
69. League Of American Bicyclists: Bicycle Advocacy And Education Center Subscribe to BikeLeague News. BETTER bicycling FACT SHEETS. Shop Shopping; Ten Commandments of bicycling. Riding on the Road Sharing the Road Cyclists; http://www.bikeleague.org/educenter/factsheets.htm | |
70. Marwi USA Worldwide manufacturer of pedals, spokes, lights, saddles, and accessories for the bicycling enthusiast. http://www.marwiusa.com | |
71. Title Page Welcome to PBAA.COM The Official Website of Perimeter bicycling Association of America Inc. Enter here. http://www.pbaa.com/ | |
72. Bicycling Conditions, Chippewa County Identifies county roads and bike trails, color coding them in accordance with appropriateness for bike riding. http://www.dot.wisconsin.gov/travel/bike-foot/docs/bikechippewa.pdf |
73. Perimeter Bicycling Home Page Share messages, experiences, questions and answers with other cyclists relating to El Tour, other Perimeter bicycling events, cycling, health, fitness and all http://www.pbaa.com/Home.html | |
74. International Bicycle Fund: Promoting Sustainable Transport And Economic Develop Topics addressing bicycles and bicycling as a means of transportation. Includes articles and analysis related to economic development, urban planning, nonmotorized transport, the environment, travel, and international understanding. http://www.ibike.org/ | |
75. Bicycles: Why Ride A Bike Advice For Beginners Search the Helpware Member Directory So if you want help on bicycling for beginners, cycling for novices, explore this site. If http://homepage.ntlworld.com/petergregory/bikes/why.htm | |
76. New York Bicycling Coalition Interested in joining a news service delivering information on bicycling and pedestrian issues across New York State? More. LIST YOUR 2004 bicycling EVENT! http://www.nybc.net/ | |
77. Untitled Document Manufacturer of lighting systems for diving, bicycling, outdoor sports and law enforcement. http://www.niterider.com/ |
78. Peninsula Bicycling Association Home site for a group of bicyclists who enjoy riding on the VA peninsula and in Williamsburg. Group has monthly meetings and a newsletter. http://groups.hamptonroads.com/pba/ | |
79. Bicycling To War (washingtonpost.com) bicycling to War By Richard Cohen Tuesday, April 20, 2004; Page A19. Old joke A man repeatedly rides a bike across the MexicanUS border. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A25790-2004Apr19.html | |
80. Wisconsin Off Road Bicycling Association :: Join The Ride The Wisconsin OffRoad bicycling Association was founded in 1989 as a statewide, grassroots organization dedicated to promoting and preserving environmentally http://www.worba.org/ | |
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