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1. Bicycling Life Home Page A useful and relevant resource for those wishing to use their bicycles for touring and commuting. Includes many articles and links that will appeal to novice and expert alike. http://www.bicyclinglife.com/ | |
2. Bicycling Community Page A reversecronological list of the new content on the bicycling Community Page. The Bike Ambassador team will act as peer educators on campus, encouraging bicycling and pedestrian safety bicycling magazine wants to know you r thoughts on federal bike funding http://danenet.wicip.org/bcp | |
3. Tour De France, Bicycle, Road Biking, Mountain Bike, And Cycling Magazine - Bicy bicycling Magazine is the world s leading road biking, mountain bike, and cycling magazine. Ride to the front of the pack with bicycling s Personal Trainer! http://www.bicycling.com/ | |
4. Bicyclinginfo.org The Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center's purpose is to connect communities with the information and resources they need to create safe places for walking and bicycling. http://www.bicyclinginfo.org/ | |
5. ThinkQuest : Library : The Sport Of Bicycling Includes a large trails section, as well as riding, nutrition, and safety information for both mountain and road biking. Also provides race info and racer biographies. http://library.thinkquest.org/11569/ | |
6. 511.org - Bicycling Skip Navigation. bicycling Home 511.org Home SEARCH bicycling Suggestions. bicycling Site Directory http://bicycling.511.org/ | |
7. IMBA - International Mountain Bicycling Association NORBA NORBA/IMBA Trail TuneUp Grants Available Cash grants are available for mountain biking groups seeking to expand their trail improvement projects for http://www.imba.com/ | |
8. CIBA - CENTRAL INDIANA BICYCLING ASSOCIATION - WELCOME! Welcome to the Central Indiana bicycling Association Internet Website. CIBA is a bicycle club with more than 2000 members and a focus on bicycle touring. However, our membership has an interest in http://www.cibaride.org/ | |
9. Activities :: Bicycling On Your Own bicycling. Boating. Fishing. Fun for Kids. Golf. Hiking. Kayaking. Nightlife. Parasailing. Sailing. Scuba Snorkeling. Tennis. Two Harbors. Wheelchair Access http://www.catalina.com/bicycling.html | |
10. Bicycling Australia We re looking for your opinion on our new website, click here to review, rate or make your comments! STOP PRESS! NEXT ISSUE MOUNTAIN http://www.bicyclingaustralia.com/ | |
11. Bicycling Not only does bicycling reduce pollution and traffic congestion, but it also provides exercise, while saving you money. Incorporating bicycling into your life is easy to http://www.metrodynamics.com/bats/bike.html | |
12. Bicycling - Road Cycling, Mountain Biking, BMX, Tandems, And More. Information on bicycling. Road cycling, mountain biking, BMX, tandems, and more. Tour orginizations. You are here About Sports bicycling. http://bicycling.about.com/ | |
13. Encouraging Bicycling - Transportation - Sierra Club Part of the Sierra Club's Stop Sprawl series, it is the summary of an article based on a nationwide, aggregate analysis as well as detailed case studies of cycling trends and policies in seven case study cities. http://www.sierraclub.org/sprawl/transportation/encourage.asp | |
14. About Cycling In King County King County is bike territory. It's home to the Cascade Bicycle Club, arguably the nation's largest. Bike lanes and paths abound. The county is bikecrazed and proud of it, as the links on this site attest. http://www.metrokc.gov/bike.htm | |
15. Tour De France - 2004 Tour De France Coverage Tour de France coverage from bicycling Magazine. Contains stages, racers, Lance Armstrong, Tyler Hamilton, and more. http://www.bicycling.com/tourdefrance | |
16. Bicycling - Road Cycling, Mountain Biking, BMX, Tandems, And More. Information on bicycling. Road cycling, mountain biking, BMX, tandems, and more. Tour de France, Giro d'Italia, and other major races. Find a bike club near you. Info on women's cycling, exercise Subscribe to the About bicycling newsletter. Search. bicycling Try our bicycling race quiz to see what an arm chair racer you are http://bicycling.about.com/&y=0226BAFD9C68489E&i=482&c=8540&q=02^SSHPM[L7}v|f|sv |
17. BBC Home Page Welcome to the BBC Home Page. Established in 1967, the Baltimore bicycling Club (BBC) is a recreational organization of about 3000 members. http://www.baltobikeclub.org/ | |
18. Bicycling - Road Cycling, Mountain Biking, BMX, Tandems, And More. Information on bicycling. Road cycling, mountain biking, BMX, tandems, and more. Tour de France, Giro d'Italia, and other major races. Find a bike club near you. Info on women's cycling, exercise http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://bicycling.about.com/&y=0226BAFD9C684 |
19. Welcome To Rad Rider's Web Site Bike safety guide shows safe ways to go out on a bicycle, the importance of wearing a helmet, and bicycling quiz. http://www.radrider.com/ |
20. Effective Advocacy For Bicycling News And Views. Issues Editorials. bicycling HowTo s. Solutions for Little Problems, Adjustments, and Repairs. Copyright © 1999 bicycling Life Website. http://www.bicyclinglife.com/EffectiveAdvocacy/ | |
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