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81. Evergreen Badminton Team Social club. Includes photo album, bulletin board, a list of current and recent events, and contact information. http://ebckl.tripod.com/ebc/ | |
82. Welcome To BadmintonUK Welcome to badmintonUK, please click on the logo (below) to enter. Last updatedThursday 10 May 2001. click here to enter badminonUK site. in association with. http://www.badmintonuk.ndo.co.uk/ | |
83. Index Information sur la pratique de ce sport dans le canton, clubs, interclubs, champpionnats et agenda. http://www.acgb.ch/ | |
84. Bafo-homepage Es wird über Neuigkeiten, Ergebnisse, Tabellen, Turniere, Vereine und Verbände rund um den badmintonspo http://www.bafo.de/ | |
85. Badmintonclub Smashing Bruang Uit Eindhoven Smashing Bruang (=smashende beer) telt zo'n 45 leden, van recreant tot competitiespeler. http://home.wanadoo.nl/smashingbruang/ | |
86. Badminton BC deadline. Congratulations to the above athletes. We wish you well in these, and future badminton Championships. Congratulations! http://www.badmintonbc.com/ | |
87. As Nandy Badminton :: Pr©sentation du club de Nandy, Seine et Marne. http://membres.lycos.fr/asnbad/ | |
88. Badminton Québec page d accueil de badminton quebec, provincial rankings, resultats, tournament results. http://www.badmintonquebec.com/ |
89. Duocomputers.nl Promoting and developing badminton for people with disabilities. Contains contacts for anyone wanting to get involved as well as tournament fixtures and results for those following disabled badminton. http://www.ibad.nl/ | |
90. SV KWO BADMINTON Der Verein stellt sich vor und pr¤sentiert seine Ergebnisse und Mannschaften. http://www.kwo-badminton.de/ | |
91. Fiba Sito ufficiale della FI.Ba. Federazione Italiana badminton. http://www.badminton-italia.com/ |
92. Welsh Badminton Union http://www.welshbadminton.net/ |
93. Magyar Tollaslabda Szövetség Honlapja (Hungarian Badminton Association) http://www.badminton.hu/ | |
94. Fyns Badminton Kreds Stedet hvor fynske badmintonspilere (og andre sikkert) finder oplysninger om turneringstilmeldinger, resultater og lignende. Mange unikke oplysninger, som er organiseret nogenlunde overskueligt. http://www.fynsbadmintonkreds.dk/ | |
95. Federação Portuguesa De Badminton Translate this page Apresentação, Novidades. 50 Anos (1954 - 2004). Debate. http://www.fpbadminton.pt/ | |
96. DIGILAND Sito ufficiale dello Xenia badminton, societa' di Savona. http://digilander.libero.it/stemux/ | |
97. Täby Badminton Förening Klubb i T¤by, norr om Stockholm. http://www.tabybadminton.se/ |
98. NTNUI Badminton Som allerede nevnt tok NTNU badminton 1. plassen i både HSC og MDB i årets Stavangerturnering Vårblomsten . Epostliste. Interessert i badminton? http://www.stud.ntnu.no/groups/badmin/ | |
99. St Gabriel's Badminton Club Gay and lesbian badminton club based in Newcastle on Tyne. Details, location, map, contacts, events, history. http://www.stgabs.co.uk/ | |
100. Washingtonpost.com: Glossary Of Badminton Terms SOURCE USBA. USBA Logo Go to badminton Section. Glossary of badminton Terms. Alley downward. badmintons primary attacking stroke. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/sports/olympics/longterm/badmnton/badgloss. | |
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