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1. ::: British Australian Rules Football League [BARFL] ::: The League is the governing body for Australian Rules in the UK. Fixtures, contacts, ladder and news can be sourced from this site. http://www.barfl.co.uk/ | |
2. The Australian Rules Football Shop The australian rules football shop is the Aussie rules homewares shop on thenet. We ve got a great range of australian rules football merchandise. http://www.afl.netlink.com.au/ | |
3. ARFLI - Australian Rules Football League Of Ireland Contact details for each club, photo galleries, news, world cup fixtures, training schedules, rules, all stars, and league history. http://www.arfli.com/ | |
4. INTERNATIONAL AUSTRALIAN FOOTBALL COUNCIL The role of the International Australian Football Council ( IAFC) is to promote and develop australian rules football internationally. http://www.iafc.org.au/ |
5. Australian Rules Football Frequently Asked Questions 1/4 FrequentlyAsked Questions (FAQ) for rec.sport.football.australian. Version 1.5 Part 1 of 4 Last Updated 12 January 1998. Section 0.0. Introduction to australian rules football. 0.1. What is australian rules football ? What is australian rules football ? australian rules football (also "Aussie Rules" or "footy") is a and Gaelic football, but it is uniquely Australian. Its rules were codified in http://www.footy.com.au/dags/FAQ1v1-5.html | |
6. Australian Rules Football: Point Me To It!!! Reources and links on australian rules football, also known as footy. the chance to see a game of australian rules football, then you have missed one of the hardest games in the world. australian rules football, or "footy", is played with http://www.pointme.to/football/footy.htm | |
7. 2004 World Tipster Extravaganza The West London Wildcats formed in 1990. Find out about training times and contact details. http://www.ida.com.au/wildcats | |
8. Australian Rules Football: Point Me To It!!! If you have never had the chance to see a game of australian rules football, thenyou have missed one of the hardest hitting and fastest moving games in the http://pointme.to/football/footy.htm | |
9. Your Search: Google Directory Sports Football Australian Rules. Directory Help Search only in Australian Rules Search the Web Australian Rules Sports Football Australian Rules Go to http://www.i-une.com/cgi-bin/meta/search.cgi?lang=en&keywords=Australian Rul |
10. Australian Rules Football Directory australian rules football. australian rules football §. Australian Football Association of North America United States australian rules football League. Want to submit a directory on http://www.rockermouse.com/arf.html | |
11. ARFLI - Australian Rules Football League Of Ireland australian rules football League of Ireland official website. Aussie ARFLI australian rules football League of Ireland Forums. http://www.arfli.com/modules.php?name=Forums |
12. The Bladder An Australian site focusing on Cricket, australian rules football and other sports. http://www.thebladder.com.au | |
13. Frommers.com : Destinations : Adelaide : Spectator Sports : Australian Rules Foo Adelaide and South Australia Adelaide Spectator Sports australian rules football. Adelaide. Overview Spectator Sports. australian rules football. Cricket. Adelaide Maps http://www.frommers.com/destinations/adelaide/1418020350.html | |
14. Australian Rules Football Cards http://members.optusnet.com.au/~dgreen2/ | |
15. Welcome To The AZAFL! Welcome to the Arizona Australian Football League. 200304 AZAFL GRAND FINAL Tucson 8.10.58 def The Arizona australian rules football League is the first intra-city footy league in http://www.azafl.com/ | |
16. Australia Online - Australian Rules Football 4 part Guide to australian rules football. Version 1.4 Part 1 of 4 Last UpdatedMay 1996. Section 0.0 Introduction to australian rules football. http://australia-online.com/FAQ1v1-4.html | |
17. SportConnect Australia - Online Sports Recruitment And Products Player and coach recruitment and development, and related services, with a focus on australian rules football. http://www.sportconnect.com.au/ | |
18. Danish Australian Football League australian rules football has been played in Denmark as a properly formulated competition since 1991 . http://www.dafl.dk/ | |
19. Australia Online - Australian Rules Football 4 part Guide to australian rules football. Version 1.4 Part 1 of 4Last Updated May 1996. 7.2 Videos of australian rules football. http://australia-online.com/FAQ4v1-4.html | |
20. USAFL | United States Australian Rules Football League The Dallas Magpies australian rules football Club seeks to avenge itsonly league loss from last year more. Where Few Dare 5/7. http://www.usfooty.com/usfooty/ | |
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