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121. Texas Storm Semipro team in the North american football League. Located in Arlington, TX. http://www.eteamz.com/txstorm/ | |
122. Hamburg Blue Devils - American Football In Hamburg Offizielle Site des Vereines mit Präsentation der Mannschaften aller Altersklassen, der Cheerleaders http://www.h-b-d.org/ |
123. HUDDLE Verlag Die Seite bietet die beiden Fachmagazine Huddle american football in Deutschland und Spirit - Cheerleader-Magazin zum k¤uflichen Erwerb an, mit jeweils kurzen Ausz¼gen aus den aktuellen Ausgaben. http://www.huddle-verlag.de | |
124. American Football Bund Österreich Tel. +43 (2243) 25066 Fax +43 (2243) 250664 E-Mail office@afboe.at. http://www.afboe.at/ | |
125. Groningen Giants (Nederlandse Versie) Van de studenten american football vereniging, door de grote belangstelling kunnen ook niet studenten zich aanmelden. http://www.groningengiants.nl |
126. Cardiff : American Football main / au / americanfootball. american football. Would you like to play a delicatesport of elegance, beauty and finesse? If so, go join Ballet for Beginners. http://www.cardiffstudents.com/main/au/americanfootball | |
127. PCRRN Forwarding Page Full match reports; fixtures; news of up coming events; photos of the Senators in action and short guide to american football. http://www.senators.pcrrn.co.uk | |
128. Hr-online.de Sport - American Football Translate this page american football. Galaxy trotz Niederlage im Finale. mehr. american football.Skip Hicks war mit zwei Touchdowns erfolgreich. Galaxy gewinnt gegen Claymores. http://www.hr-online.de/website/rubriken/sport/index.jsp?rubrik=5356 |
129. North American Football League NAFL SportsCombine, part of the North american football League, Friday, May 21,2004. NAFL SportsCombine, part of the North american football League, Search http://nafl.sportscombine.com/ | |
130. Tuttofootball Informazioni, risultati, regole e storia per imparare a conoscere il football americano. http://www.tuttofootball.com | |
131. ESPN.com: GEN - American Football, Samoan Style Tuesday, May 28 Updated May 31, 103 PM ET american football, Samoan style Ourfirst love was rugby, but we like american football because it pays more. . http://espn.go.com/gen/s/2002/0527/1387562.html | |
132. Cliff Keen Athletic Uniforms for basketball, american football, and wrestling officials. http://www.cliffkeen.com/ |
133. The New Berlin Bears Site american footballAbteilung der Neuk¶llner Sportfreunde 1907 e.V. bietet Infos zum Verein und informiert ¼ber das Sportangebot. http://www.berlinbears.de/ |
134. AFE American Football Equipment Der Spezialist f¼r Beratung, Service und Verkauf von american football Equipment. Mit aktuellen Sonderangeboten und Kontaktadresse. http://www.afe-shop.de/ | |
135. Austin Rattlers Semipro team in the North american football League. http://www.eteamz.com/arattlers/ | |
136. American Football! Die Seiten Der Football-Links In Deutschland Die Site beinhaltet eine umfangreiche Linksammlung zu den Themen rund um die amerikanische Sportart in Deutschland. http://www.footballhome.de/ | |
137. Alphen Eagles Taal Keuze Pagina. De club bestaat sinds 1985 en is inmiddels een van de oudste american football clubs in Nederland. http://www.jelo.nu/eagleshomepage/index.htm | |
138. The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: American College Football - Rankings Links to sites covering american College football Polls, Rankings and Ratings american College football Rankings. Please send dwilson@engr.wisc.edu suggestions for new links or Keep, Kim's http://www.cae.wisc.edu/~dwilson/rsfc/rate | |
139. All American Youth Football & Cheer An adult organization that has as its sole purpose the advancement of youth sports activities. http://www.aayfc.com/ | |
140. Welcome To The NAFFLIU Web Page Sixteen team league established in 1995 using a basic scoring system and with a playoff system that carries the season through the NFL Super Bowl. http://www.geocities.com/NAFFLIU |
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