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21. American Football League - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia american football League. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Commissioners/Presidentsof the american football League. Joe Foss .. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Football_League |
22. Hot Iron/Scottish American Football Webzine-Gridiron Fan Mag Webzine presents news and articles on domestic gridiron leagues and the pros in NFL Europe. http://www.hot-iron.co.uk | |
23. AmFiD - American Football In Deutschland - Portal Translate this page Kurze Tippspiel Pause! Letzte NFL Auswertung! NFL Gesamtwertung! Hinweis! JETZTdie NFL tippen! AmFiD.de - Das Portal für american football in Deutschland. http://www.amfid.de/ |
24. BAFRA - British American Football Referee's Association Directions, gallery, games and related information. http://www.bafra.org |
25. AFSVD - American Football Schiedsrichter Vereinigung Deutschland Zu finden sind auf der Site Infos zu den Lehrwarten, den Lehrg¤ngen, Hilfen f¼r die Pr¼fungen und ein Downloadbereich mit Ausarbeitungen von Schiedsrichtern zu Themen ihrer Arbeit. http://www.afsvd.de/ | |
26. AFVD - American Football Verband Deutschland E.V. Translate this page Dachverband des american football in Deutschland, angeboten werden auf der Site Ansprechpartner, Adressen http://www.afvd.de/ |
27. Antwerpen - Café Supersport American Football Op Televisie. Dankzij een uniek contract kan Caf© Supersport te Antwerpen op 5 televisies rechtstreekse uitzendingen brengen van rugby (american football). http://www.weekup.be/cafe/supersport/football.html | |
28. American Football Official website of the american football team from Ukraine. Offers information about players, coaches, cheerleaders, results in Ukrainian Championship and photoes. http://www.lesoruby.narod.ru/eng/emain.htm |
29. Www.worldleague.com/ Polyvinyl Record Co.american football. Band. Biography. Discography. american football demonstrate realsongwriting setting the perfect mood changes with solid musical precision. http://www.worldleague.com/ |
30. NZAFA OFAF, Kia Ora Welcome to the New Zealand american football Associationand home of american football in New Zealand. We are partners http://www.eteamz.com/nz-american-football/ | |
31. American Football Betting - Odds, Lines On NFL Football, NCAA Provides news, schedules and Las vegas odds on CFL, NFL and NCAA games. http://www.americanfootballbetting.com/ | |
32. SMITTEEZ SPORTSWEAR FOR BASEBALL AND SOFTBALL OFFICIALS Offers equipment and apparel for umpires, referees and sports officials in american football, Soccer and Basketball. http://www.smitteez.com/ | |
33. [e]ssential Links To NFL Football Sports Resources NFL Football Link Lists. NFL Info Web; WWW Virtual Library american football links;Portals NFL Links - many links segregated by team. NFL Football Newsgroups. http://www.el.com/elinks/sports/football/nfl/ | |
34. Neutral Zone American Football League Using sophisticated and specially designed software manage every aspect of the team from gameplaning, trading, coaching, contracts, and scouting. http://www.neutral-zone-football-pbem.co.uk/ | |
35. Introduction To American College Football Rules Introduction to American College Football Rules. american footballgrew out of the English game of rugby. Unlike soccer, the foot http://www.cae.wisc.edu/~dwilson/rsfc/intro/ | |
36. American College Football Rules Questions & Answers American College Football Rules Questions Answers. Question How many passesare allowed in american football? Answer One forward pass per play. http://www.cae.wisc.edu/~dwilson/rsfc/intro/answers.shtml | |
37. AFVBB - American Football Verband Berlin / Brandenburg E.V. Infos ¼ber die Mitgliedsvereine und Spielpl¤ne. http://www.afvberlin.de/ |
38. American Football - Epitonic.com: Hi Quality Free And Legal MP3 Music american football Polyvinyl Records . http://www.epitonic.com/artists/americanfootball.html | |
39. Diese Page Ist Offline! american football, Flagfootball und Cheerleading. Spielpl¤ne, Wegbeschreibungen, Spiel und Trainingsorte und Neuigkeiten. http://www.Pioneers.de/ | |
40. American Exceptionalism: Soccer And American Football American Exceptionalism Soccer and american football Ivan Waddington and MartinRoderick. Centre for Research into Sport and Society. University of Leicester. http://www.umist.ac.uk/UMIST_Sport/wad_rod.html | |
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