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Aikido: more books (101) | ||||
141. Pacific Aikido Federation (PAF) PACIFIC aikido FEDERATION (PAF). Head Instructor Hideki Shiohira, Shihan. © Hideki Shiohira Shihan, 2004. Welcome (For Newcomers to aikido and the Federation). http://www.pacific-aikido.org/ | |
142. Emerald City Aikido Independent dojo with adult and children's classes, instructor profile, events and links. http://www.emeraldcityaikido.com/ |
143. Welcome To Aiki-Kai Aikido Australia Welcome to AikiKai aikido Australia. To injure an opponent is to injure yourself. To control National aikido Association Inc. Official Representative http://www.aikido.org.au/ | |
144. FEPAI - Home Page Informa o que © o aikido, hist³ria, mestres, livros e t©cnicas. Ainda apresenta calend¡rio, academias e professores. http://www.fepai.org.br |
145. Aikido Oldalak aikido Shinbukan Dojo http://web.matavnet.hu/sinbukan/ |
146. Arts Marcials Artes marciales en Barcelona. Judo, taekwondo, karate, aikido. http://www.empreses.net/esportiubadrena-sants/arts_marcials.htm |
147. Asiasport Herisau Startseite Die Geschichte der Schule und der angebotenen Kampfk¼nste Judo, Karate, JuJitsu, aikido und KungFu wird dargeboten. Es gibt Angaben zu den Trainingszeiten, den Mitgliedsbeitr¤gen, einen AsiaShop und einen Terminkalender. http://www.asiasport.ch | |
148. Aikido - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia aikido. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. aikido (?, also ? using outdated kanji) is a gendai budo a modern Japanese martial art. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aikido | |
149. Www.kalmarbudoklubb.com Jujutsu, judo och aikido. http://www.kalmarbudoklubb.com/ | |
150. AIKIDO IKEDA DOJO aikido IKEDA DOJO Torun, Inowroclaw, Bydgoszcz, Poznan Niestety Twoja przegladarka internetowa nie obsluguje ramek, a sa one niezbedne do prawidlowego http://aikido.isp.net.pl/ | |
151. Svenska Budoförbundet - Aikidosektionen Stefan Lagström berättar, på ett engagerande sätt om hur det kan vara att börja träna aikido, samt att ta steget bo/träna i Japan. Läs mer här! http://www.budo.se/aikido/ | |
152. Aikido In Der Ufa-Fabrik Berlin - Aikido Trainingszeiten, Vorstellung von Waffenbungen sowie W¶rterbuch f¼r aikido-bende. http://ufa-aikido.de/ | |
153. The MIT Aikido Club MIT aikido Club home page with information on aikido, class schedule and location, club news and events, and links to other aikido sites. The MIT aikido Club. http://web.mit.edu/aikido/www/ | |
154. Midwest Aikido Center Affiliated with Hombu Dojo in Japan and the United States aikido Federation (USAF). It is the headquarter dojo of the Midwest aikido Federation (MAF). Demonstrations and class schedules are provided. http://www.aikidomac.org/ | |
155. Aikido Joshiki Dojo Varese - Benvenuti aikido di H. Kobayashi descritto dall aikido Joshiki Dojo Varese ( iscritto Associazione Italiana aikido - scuola Savegnago ). L aikido a Varese. L aikido. http://aikido.supereva.it/ | |
156. Groupe Historique Aikido André Nocquet Pr©sentation du groupe et de ses activit©s, histoire, stages, clubs, Maitre Nocquet, Maitre Ueshiba, videos, photos, techniques, articles, livres. http://membres.lycos.fr/aikighaan/ |
157. BHA Homepage Banyu Hatten aikido. Welcome to the OLD website of Banyu Hatten aikido. I have compiled them to help share information about aikido and BHA. http://www.i-way.co.uk/~skyblue/bha/bhahome.htm | |
158. Arizona Aikido Information about class schedules, upcoming events and seminars, dojo location, an organized list of other aikidorelated sites, and a list of print and video http://evermore.com/azaikido/ | |
159. Deutscher Aikido-Bund E.V. Freie aikidodatebank mit umfangreichen Dojo und Lehrgangsinformationen. http://www.aikido-bund.de/aikidodb/dbindex.htm | |
160. Homepage Des Österreichischen Aikidoverbandes - Übersicht Translate this page Tamura Lehrgang 2004 Sephane Benedetti, Wien Seit 21.02.2004 Online Jaff Raji, Neustift (B) Service Informationen für Anfänger, Artikel über aikido und die http://www.aikido.co.at/ | |
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