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61. Http//aikido-kreis.com http//aikidokreis.com/. http://www.aikido-kreis.com/ | |
62. Ki-Aikido Deutschland Translate this page Ki-aikido Deutschland. Willkommen auf der Home-Page Ki-aikido Deutschland. Helmut Schweinzer ( hel @ ki-aikido.de ). Seminare für Einsteiger. http://www.ki-aikido.de/ | |
63. NAF - Norges Aikidoforbund - The Norwegian Aikido Federatation Informasjon om aikido, NAF og medlemsklubber/dojoer. http://aikido.no/naf/ | |
64. Aikido Diary Give people all over the world an opportunity to share their stories about aikido as a tool for personal growth and protection. aikido Diary. elcome. http://home.inreach.com/aikistu/ | |
65. Mei Shin Kan Aikido Lochristi Dojo te Zeveneken, Lochcristi. Contactinformatie en uitnodiging tot meedoen. http://home.tiscali.be/aikido2/ | |
66. Aiki Stuff An online source for aikido merchandise including Tshirts, hats, and books. http://www.aikistuff.com | |
67. Aikido Shobukan Dojo Tests. Mudansha (Kyu) Test aikido Shobukan Dojo 6/12/2004 @ 1130 AM. Yudansha Test aikido Shobukan Dojo 6/26/2004 @ 1130 AM. Mudansha http://www.aikido-shobukan.org/ | |
68. Arts Martiaux Rennes Pr©sentation de ce club et de ses activit©s de karate shito ryu, aikido, tai chi chuan. Rennes, Illeet-Vilaine (35). http://www.amrennes.com/ | |
69. Kihon Aikido Honlap, Magyarorszag Kihon aikido Homepage, Hungary English version Kihon aikido Honlap Elsô magyar aikido honlap *. Kihon Újdonságok. Az aikido az egész világ számára van. http://kihon.aikido.org.hu/ | |
70. Home Training in der Schulturnhalle Bunatwiete. http://www.aikido-harburg.de/ | |
71. Official Ki Society Website Ki aikido USA. The official Ki Society website for the United States. PO Box 75433 Kiaikido USA. http//ki-aikido.net/index.html. http://ki-aikido.net/ | |
72. Welcome To Aikido Bandung Dojo Dojo aikido di Bandung sebagai salah satu wadah bagi pencinta seni bela diri aikido dan merupakan dojo aikido pertama yang berdiri di kota Bandung. http://aikidobdg.tripod.com/ | |
73. Aikido Kokikai Seattle Professional martial arts dojo and community club. Offers basics course, weapons training, children's program, events and calendar, class schedule and contact. http://www.kokikaiseattle.com/ | |
74. WWW.AIKIDO.RO Pagina oficialÄ a federaÅ£iei de aikido. ConÅ£ine date importante despre concursuri Åi stagii de pregÄtire. http://www.aikido.ro | |
75. Body Mind And Modem: Main The Body Mind Modem Web site teaches mind/body principles from the martial art of aikido. Find out more about aikido Kokikai, and the Rochester dojo. http://www.bodymindandmodem.com/Main/main.html | |
76. AIKIDO Hist³ria e defini§£o de aikido. Cerimonial, o dojo e estilos. Bibliografia sobre aikido, budo, Jap£o, jud´, karatedo, kendo e kyudo. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Olympus/1341/index.html | |
77. Aikido-L Mailing List aikidoL Mailing List is an Internet e-mail discussion list for anyone interested in the Japanese martial art of aikido. aikido-L Mailing List. http://www.aikido-l.org/ | |
78. American Academy Of Ryukyu Kempo Jitsu Teaching Jujitsu, aikido, Karate and Arnis. Class schedule, weapons, books, seminars, FAQs, affiliations and links. Provides several locations in the US. http://www.aarkj.com | |
79. British Aikido British aikido is a site honestly detailed documented and dedicated to Kenshiro Abbe and UK aikido History,Photos,Articles,British aikido Board the Controversy http://www.geocities.com/BritishAikido/ | |
80. Tsou Chin Informatie over deze sport die is gebaseerd op aikido, pencak silat, jiu jitsu en andere vechttechnieken. http://members.lycos.nl/TsouChin |
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