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1. Aikido.com Lineage of Morihei Ueshiba, dojo search, events calendars, discussion areas, publications and links. http://www.aikido.com/ | |
2. Aikido FAQ An encyclopedic source for aikido information provided by Kjartan Clausen. http://www.aikidofaq.com/ |
3. Aikido Online Welcomes You! aikido Online reflects the teachings of perhaps the most prominent group of aikido Shihan (master teachers) living outside Japan today. aikido is a modern, nonaggressive Japanese martial art developed early in the 20th century aikido Online's goals are ambitious. Like aikido itself, aikido Online will continue to http://www.aikidoonline.com/ |
4. Aikido Association Of America, And Aikido Association International Home Page aikido Association of America. Latest News. 5/1/2004 Chicago Area aikido Demonstrations listed in our May and June events schedule. http://www.aaa-aikido.com/ | |
5. Aikido World Journal - Homepage aikido World ©Web Journal for a twoday seminar that included a Ki and Ki-aikido kyu-rank test, a private jo/bokken class, and two seminar classes http://www.aikido-world.com/ | |
6. Aikido Today Magazine 800 445-AIKI Calendar, articles, dojo listings, and book service. http://www.aiki.com/ |
7. Welcome To The International Aikido Federation This is the website for the International aikido Federation http://www.aikido-international.org/ | |
8. Aikido Historia y filosofa de esta disciplina. http://galeon.hispavista.com/aikido/ | |
9. Centrum Aikido Aikikai W Warszawie Pod Kierunkiem Romana Hoffmanna 5 Dan Centrum aikido pod kierunkiem Romana Hoffmanna. http://www.aikido.waw.pl/ | |
10. Aikido Journal Home aikidoJournal, the leading worldwide aikido publication featuring videos, articles, forums, the Encyclopedia of aikido, and anything else related to aikido. We also feature a wide selection of http://www.aikidojournal.com/ | |
11. AIKIDO - Sport, Ausgleich Und Moderne Kampfkunst Informations und Promotion-Site f¼r Menschen, welche diese defensive Kampfkunst noch nicht kennen. http://www.aikidolink.ch/ | |
12. ADV, Aikido Of Diablo Valley, Concord, CA Class times and contact. http://www.advdojo.org/ | |
13. AikiWeb AikiWeb The Source for aikido Information. AikiWeb's principal purpose is to serve the Internet community as a repository and dissemination point for aikido information. http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.aikiweb.com/&y=028A95A0C1DC3F40& |
14. Www.aikidofaq.com/introduction.html AikiWeb s principle purpose is to serve the Internet community as a repository and dissemination point for aikido information. AikiWeb aikido News. http://www.aikidofaq.com/introduction.html |
15. AikiWeb Aikido Information A large and highly organized resource for aikido information including dojo listings, articles, and discussion forums. Maintained by Jun Akiyama. http://www.aikiweb.com/ | |
16. AikiWeb Aikido Information: Aikido Dojo Search Engine Welcome to AikiWeb aikido Information, AikiWeb The Source for aikido Information AikiWeb s principal Home aikido Dojo Search Engine. http://www.aikiweb.com/search/?aikisearch |
17. Kampfkunst Und Gewaltprävention Kampfkunst und Gewaltpr¤vention aus der Sicht eines aikidoMeisters und eines Psychologen. http://www-user.uni-bremen.de/~manzel/aikido/paper.html | |
18. Aiki Shin Jitsu Self Defense Teaching a combination of aikido, Jujitsu, combat Jujitsu, Shotokan, Vee Jitsu, Judo, Iaido, Taekwondo and other disciplines. Lists terminology, supplies, links and style information. http://www.angelfire.com/myband/AikiShinJitsu/ |
19. The British Aikido Board The British aikido Board is recognised by Sports England, formerly known as the British Sports Council as the only governing body for aikido in the United http://www.bab.org.uk/ | |
20. Aikido Information Page Has Moved aikido Information Page has moved. Last update Monday, November 15, 1999. It was my pleasure to have served the Internet aikido community through the FTP aikido Archives and the aikido Information http://www-cse.ucsd.edu/users/paloma/Aikido | |
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