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         Zuse Konrad:     more books (75)
  1. The Computer - My Life by Konrad Zuse, 2010-11-02
  2. Konrad Zuse by Jürgen Alex, Hermann Flessner, et all 2003-10-01
  3. Der Computer - Mein Lebenswerk (German Edition) by Konrad Zuse, 2010-05-17
  4. Assembler. Ein Lernprogramm: 2 (Heidelberger Taschenbücher) (German Edition) by Rainer Alletsee, Horst Jung, et all 1988-01-27
  5. Was ist und wie verwirklicht sich Computer- Sozialismus by Arno Peters, Konrad Zuse, 2000-06-01
  6. Assembler. Ein Lernprogramm: 3 (Heidelberger Taschenbücher) (German Edition) by Rainer Alletsee, Horst Jung, et all 1988-01-27
  7. Assembler. Ein Lernprogramm: 1 (Heidelberger Taschenbücher) (German Edition) by Rainer Alletsee, Horst Jung, et all 1988-01-27
  8. Technical University of Berlin Alumni: Wernher Von Braun, Albert Speer, Eugene Wigner, Konrad Zuse, Fritz Haber, Alfred Stieglitz
  9. German Computer Scientists: Konrad Zuse, Wau Holland, Matthias Ettrich, Gernot Heiser, Andy Bechtolsheim, Ernst Dickmanns, Kurt Mehlhorn
  10. Computer Hardware Engineers: Douglas Engelbart, Konrad Zuse, J. Presper Eckert, Martin Brennan, Chuck Peddle, Lynn Conway, Voja Antonic
  11. Digital Philosophy: Philosophy, Physical cosmology, Mathematician, Theoretical physics, Gregory Chaitin, Stephen Wolfram, Konrad Zuse, Digital physics, ... Turing completeness, Gottfried Leibniz
  12. Unternehmer (It): Konrad Zuse, Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, Herman Hollerith, Bill Gates, Gordon Moore, Dave Winer, Marc Andreessen, Jack Tramiel (German Edition)
  13. Träger Der Wilhelm-Leuschner-Medaille: Jürgen Habermas, Konrad Zuse, Marcel Reich-Ranicki, Alfred Grosser, Oswald von Nell-Breuning (German Edition)
  14. Träger Des Bayerischen Maximiliansordens Für Wissenschaft Und Kunst: Loriot, Carl Friedrich Gauß, Konrad Zuse, Gerhart Hauptmann, Jacob Grimm (German Edition)

1. Konrad Zuse: Preface
The Life and Work of Konrad Zuse. by Prof. Horst Zuse The Z3's architect was a German engineer called Konrad Zuse, who developed his first machine, the Z1, in his
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The Life and Work of Konrad Zuse
by Prof. Horst Zuse Many encyclopedias and other reference works state that the first large-scale automatic digital computer was the Harvard Mark 1, which was developed by Howard H. Aiken (and team) in America between 1939 and 1944. However, in the aftermath of World War II it was discovered that a program controlled computer called the Z3 had been completed in Germany in 1941, which means that the Z3 pre-dated the Harvard Mark I. The Z3's architect was a German engineer called Konrad Zuse, who developed his first machine, the Z1, in his parents' living room in Berlin in 1938. Although based on relays, the Z3 was very sophisticated for its time; for example, it utilized the binary number system and could perform floating-point arithmetic. Zuse was an amazing man who was years ahead of his time. To fully appreciate his achievements, it is necessary to understand that his background was in construction and civil engineering (not electronics).
The Z1 computer. In the foreground is the manual crank for driving the clock frequency by hand.

2. Konrad Zuse Internet Archiv
Diese Seite benötigt JavaScript. Impressum. Neue 3D Simulation der Z3. Zufällige Auswahl von Bildern aus unserer Bildergalerie. In der Bildergalerie sind die Bilder größer und mit Text beschrieben .

3. Zuse
Konrad Zuse. Born 22 Konrad Zuse was brought up in Braunsberg, East Prussiawhere he attended the Humanistisches Gymnasium. He entered
Konrad Zuse
Born: 22 June 1910 in Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany
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Konrad Zuse was brought up in Braunsberg, East Prussia where he attended the Humanistisches Gymnasium . He entered the Technische Hochschule of Berlin- Charlottenburg in 1927 where he took courses in civil engineering. It was these studies in engineering which led Zuse to become interested in developing a mechanical device for calculating around 1934. He found that he had to spend many hours [4]:- ... working through the long statics calculations which are so important in the training of civil engineers... After graduating Zuse joined the Henschel Aircraft Company where he worked on stress analysis. In particular he studied the stresses caused by vibrations of an aircraft's wing. His work again involved a great deal of calculation and so, to help him perform these calculations, Zuse built his Z1 computer in his parents living room. He wrote:- I started in working independently and without knowledge of other developments going on around me. In fact, I hadn't even heard of Charles

4. MSN Encarta - Résultats De La Recherche - Zuse Konrad Ernst Otto
zuse konrad Ernst Otto . Page1 sur 1. Plus de résultats avec MSN pour zuse konrad Ernst Otto .
Accueil MSN Mon MSN Hotmail Rechercher ... S'abonner   Encarta Premium Rechercher Encarta R©sultats de la recherche pour "Zuse Konrad Ernst Otto" Page sur 1 R©serv© aux abonn©s MSN Encarta Premium. Zuse, Konrad Ernst Otto Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Zuse, Konrad Ernst Otto (1910-1995), ing©nieur allemand, pionnier du traitement ©lectronique des donn©es. Fischer, Ernst Otto Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Fischer, Ernst Otto (1918- ), chimiste allemand. Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Portrait d'Otto Mueller Encyclop©die EncartaImage Membres du mouvement expressionniste allemand die Br¼cke, Otto Mueller et Ernst Ludwig Kirchner remettent au go»t du jour la gravure sur bois. Preminger, Otto Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Trouv© dans l'article Preminger, Otto expressionnisme (art) Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Trouv© dans l'article expressionnisme (art) moderne, art Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Trouv© dans l'article moderne, art Weimar, R©publique de Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Trouv© dans l'article Weimar, R©publique de mus©e national d'Art moderne Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Trouv© dans l'article mus©e national d'Art moderne Berlin Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Trouv© dans l'article Berlin R©serv© aux abonn©s MSN Encarta Premium.

Konrad Zuse cominciò i suoi studi a Berlino nel 1935. E conseguì
Lo Z3 che si trova al museo di Monaco di Baviera
Konrad Zuse nel 1942 L'ingegner Konrad Zuse cominciò i suoi studi a Berlino nel 1935. E conseguì brillanti risultati, anticipando di alcuni anni le macchine costruite dai colleghi statunitensi
Konrad Zuse era nato 26 anni prima, il 22 giugno del 1910, a Berlino. La famiglia era probabilmente originaria di Voigtshagen, in Pomerania, forse ugonotti emigrati in Germania per sfuggire alle persecuzioni cui erano sottoposti in Francia. Il padre, Emil, ricopriva una posizione amministrativa alle poste.
L'algebra correva in soccorso del grande scienziato e gli permetteva di realizzare una macchina programmabile. Per considerarsi affidabile, lo Z1 aveva bisogno di ulteriori modifiche e miglioramenti, ma i risultati ottenuti furono sufficienti a ottenere un finanziamento di 7.000 Reichsmark dal Dr. Kurt Pannke, proprietario di un'azienda di calcolatori. Parallelamente ai successi applicativi, Zuse stava approfondendo la propria conoscenza della logica matematica. Quando nel 1939 l'Europa fu scossa dagli avvenimenti che portarono al secondo conflitto mondiale, Zuse fu colto di sorpresa. Chiamato sotto le armi venne assegnato alla fanteria. Non venne mai impegnato in azione, ma dovette trascorrere sei lunghi mesi di vita militare. Pannke, lo stesso che aveva finanziato le sue ricerche, aveva inoltrato ai comandi la richiesta di congedo osservando come gli studi di Zuse potessero risultare vitali per l'industria aeronautica.

6. Konrad Zuse - Pionier Der Theoretischen Informatik
Translate this page Konrad Zuse - der Erfinder des Computers! Biographische Zusammenfassung seinesLebenswerkes. Quellen /\. zuse konrad, Der Computer - Mein Lebenswerk.
Schulzeit-Neigung zur Malerei Studium-Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang Der Erfinder und Unternehmer - Entwicklungen Quellen ... Links
Konrad Zuse - Pionier der theoretischen Informatik
Konrad Zuse ist der Erfinder und Konstrukteur des ersten funktionsfähigen, freiprogrammierbaren Rechners der Welt - der ZUSE Z3 - der im Mai 1941 fertiggestellt wurde. Der Rechner arbeitete bereits mit Dualzahlen und Gleitkommadarstellung.
Bild 1. Konrad Zuse
Im folgenden soll kurz das Leben und Wirken von Konrad Zuse geschildert werden. Seine Erfindungen, seine Begabungen,die Z3 als erster voll funktionsfähiger Computer, die Kriegszeit und die Geschichte der ZUSE KG. Konrad Zuse wurde am 22. Juni 1910 in Berlin geboren. Die Eltern Maria und Emil waren eher konservativ eingestellt. Der Vater war ein "typischer preußischer Beamter", der bis zu seinem 40-jährigen Dienstjubiläum keinen einzigen Tag der Arbeit ferngeblieben war. Über seine zwei Jahre ältere Schwester Lieselotte schrieb Konrad Zuse später, dass es für sie sicher ein großer Nachteil war in der damaligen Zeit und als Frau gelebt zu haben, da sie seiner Ansicht nach sehr intelligent und fortschrittlich dachte.
Als K. Zuse zwei Jahre alt war, verließen die Zuses Berlin und zogen nach Braunsberg, einer verschlafenen ostpreußischen Kleinstadt. Nach drei Jahren Vorschule trat K. Zuse im Alter von neun Jahren in das dortige Gymnasium "Hosianum" ein. Dort herrschte der "alte Geist". Die Lehrer thronten wie Halbgötter über den Schülern. Zuse blieb vor allem der acht Stunden in der Woche umfassende Lateinunterricht in negativer Erinnerung.

7. KONRAD ZUSE - Meaning And Definition Of The Word
Search Dictionary KONRAD ZUSE Dictionary Entry and Meaning. Computing Dictionary.Definition Biography. Konrad Zuse Mein Leben (My Life), published 1956. Zuse
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KONRAD ZUSE: Dictionary Entry and Meaning
Computing Dictionary Definition: The designer of the first programming language, , and the first fully functional program-controlled electromechanical digital computer in the world, the . He died on 1995-12-18 in Huenfeld, Germany. Biography ["Konrad Zuse: Mein Leben" (My Life), published 1956]. ["Konrad Zuse: The Computer my Life, Springer, 1993]. See Also: person HOME ABOUT HYPERDICTIONARY

8. Konrad Zuse Definition Of Konrad Zuse In Computing. What Is Konrad Zuse? Meaning
Computer term of Konrad Zuse in the Computing Dictionary and Thesaurus.Konrad encyclopedia. Provides search by definition of Konrad Zuse. Zuse
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Konrad Zuse
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition (person) Konrad Zuse - The designer of the first programming language, Plankalkül , and the first fully functional program-controlled electromechanical digital computer in the world, the . He died on 1995-12-18 in Huenfeld, Germany.

["Konrad Zuse: Mein Leben" (My Life), published 1956].
["Konrad Zuse: The Computer my Life, Springer, 1993].
Some words with "Konrad Zuse" in the definition: Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer


Zuse, Konrad

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9. [JargonF] Zuse Konrad
Zuse Konrad np. m. personne ] (1910-1995). Ingénieur allemand membre du groupe des inventeurs de l'ordinateur. Il mit sa troisième machine au point en 1941, c'était le . Heureusement, les nazis n'y ont pas cru. Ouf ! Il a aussi conçu le premier langage de programmation, le Plankalkül Articles liés à celui-ci : Plankalkül Articles voisins : zone tampon ZOO Zope ZTA ... Courrier

10. Konrad Zuse From FOLDOC
Free Online Dictionary of Computing. Konrad Zuse. Konrad Zuse Mein Leben (MyLife), published 1956. Konrad Zuse The Computer my Life, Springer, 1993. Zuse

11. Zuse Konrad
Zuse Konrad np. m. PERS ] (1910-1995). Ingénieur allemand membre du groupe des inventeurs de l'ordinateur. Il mit sa troisième machine au point en 1941, c'était le . Heureusement, les nazis n'y ont pas cru. Ouf ! Il a aussi conçu le premier langage de programmation, le Plankalkül
Articles liés à celui-ci : Plankalkül Articles voisins : zone number zone tampon ZOO Zope ... Zyxel

12. Konrad Zuse - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Konrad Zuse. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Konrad Zuse (June 22,1910 December 18, 1995) was a German engineer and computer pioneer.
Konrad Zuse
From Wikipedia , the free encyclopedia.
Konrad Zuse June 22 December 18 ) was a German engineer and computer pioneer. His greatest achievements were the completion of the first functional program-controlled computer in . He also designed a high-level programming language, Plankalkül , allegedly in , although this was a theoretical contribution, since the language was never actually implemented within his lifetime. He also founded the first computer startup company in and built the , which became the first commercial computer, leased to ETHZ in . Due to the circumstances of World War II , however, Zuse's work initially went largely unnoticed in the UK and the US ; possibly Zuse's first documented influence on an US company was IBM's option on Zuse's patents. Born in Berlin Germany , Zuse graduated in civil engineering from the Technische Hochschule Berlin-Charlottenburg (today the Technische Universität Berlin or Technical University of Berlin ) in . He started work at the Henschel aircraft factory in Dessau , but only one year later he resigned from his job to build a programmable machine. Working in his parents' apartment in , his first attempt, called the Z1, was a binary electrically driven mechanical calculator with limited programmability, reading instructions from punched tape. The Z1 never worked well, though, due to the lack of sufficiently precise parts. The Z1 and its original blueprints were destroyed during

13. Computer Dictionary Definition Of Zuse Konrad
Computer Dictionary Definition of zuse konrad. Search dictionary. Site Options. Displayingall Computer dictionary definition of zuse konrad. Definition
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14. Recherche Inventeur - Invention
zuse konrad en 0.094 s. Ø Site(s)trouvé(s) 1 à 2. 329. 917. Titre zuse konrad, Date ( ), Classé 7. Konrad&and=0

15. Konrad Zuse
zuse konrad. Germany 1935 Corso,P. The Day After Roswell. 1997(164). pages cited this search 1 Order hard copy of these pages
Germany 1935
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16. Konrad Zuse
Konrad Zuse Click for full size. Konrad Zuse (1910 1995) BeforeGeorge Stibitz began fiddling with old tin cans and batteries in
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Konrad Zuse (1910 - 1995)
Before George Stibitz began fiddling with old tin cans and batteries in 1938, or Claude Shannon wrote his masters thesis, Konrad Zuse was already labouring away in the cramped living room of his parent's Berlin apartment. Zuse knew little of Bush 's Differential Analyser, was almost completely unaware of Babbage 's Analytical Engine theories, and had never heard of George Boole , and yet he set out to develop a general-purpose computer, designed to operate on Boolean principles It seems the time had simply come. A civil engineering student at Technische Hochschule in 1934, Zuse - much like Shannon and Stibitz - soon became weary of the long hours of boring linear calculations that went with the job - there had to be a better way, he decided. This was the 20th century, there ought to be a machine that could take over the tedious calculations, a machine that could perform any mathematical computation he needed, no matter how complex or convoluted. There wasn't, so Zuse set out to build one.

17. Konrad Zuse
Konrad Zuse. Konrad Zuse (June 22, 1910 December 18, 1995) was aGerman engineer and computer pioneer. His greatest achievements
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Konrad Zuse
Konrad Zuse June 22 December 18 ) was a German engineer and computer pioneer. His greatest achievements were the completion of world's first working programmable computer in and the design of the first high-level programming language Plankalkül in (although the language was never actually implemented within his lifetime). Born in Berlin Germany , Zuse graduated in engineering from the Technische Hochschule Berlin-Charlottenburg (today the Technische Universität Berlin or Technical University of Berlin ) in . He started work at the Henschel aircraft factory in Dessau , but only one year later he resigned from his job to build a programmable machine. Working in his parents' apartment in , his first attempt, called the Z1, was a binary electrically driven mechanical calculator with limited programmability, reading instructions from punched tape. The Z1 never worked well, though, due to the lack of sufficiently precise parts. The Z1 and its original blueprints were destroyed during World War II World War II made it impossible and undesirable for Zuse and contemporary computer scientists in the UK and the USA to work together, or even to stay in contact. In

18. Konrad Zuse
Biography and history of his life.
Konrad Zuse
Born June 22, 1910, Berlin-Wilmersdorf; German inventor of pre-war electromechanical binary computer designated Z1 which was destroyed without trace by wartime bombing; developed two more machines before the end of the war but was unable to convince the Nazi government to support his work; fled with the remains of Z3 to Zurich where he developed the Z4 which was successfully used at ETH. Developer of a basic programming system known as "Plankalkül" with which he designed a chess playing program. Education and Experience: By 1927 Konrad Zuse had enrolled at the Technical University in Berlin-Charlottenburg and began his working career as a design engineer (Statiker) in the aircraft industry (Henschel Flugzeugwerke) and by 1935 he had completed a degree in civil engineering. He remained in Berlin from the time he finished his degree until the end of the war in 1945, and it was during this time that he constructed his first digital computers. He later formed his own company for the construction and marketing of his designs. Honors and Awards: Honorary Degrees;

19. Konrad Zuse
biography of konrad zuse konrad zuse. June 22, 1910 1995, Berlin, Germany. konrad zuse of the first computers with a stored program mechanism. Biography. konrad zuse was born in Berlin in

Konrad Zuse
June 22, 1910 - 1995, Berlin, Germany
Konrad Zuse
principal papers hardware software
Z1, Plankalkul see also
related subjects Achievement One of the originals during World War II. Developed the Z1 one of the first computers with a stored program mechanism. Biography Chronology Honors and awards Last Updated on June 16, 2003 For suggestions please mail the editors

20. Zuse Institute Berlin
Information and test models relating to network optimization problems and other related combinatorial problems.

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