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         Wronski Hoene:     more books (59)
  1. Encyclopédie Mathématique: Ou, Exposition Complète de Toutes les Branches des Mathématiques d'après les Principes de la Philosophie des Mathématiques de Hoëné Wronski, V. 3 (French Edition) by Alexandre André Victor Sarrazin de Montferrier, 2009-04-27
  2. Messianisme Ou Reforme Absolue Du Savoir Humain (1847) (French Edition) by Hoene Wronski, 2010-09-10
  3. Philosophie absolue de l'histoire, ou Genèse de l'humanité: Historiosophie, ou Science de l'histoire. Partie 1 (French Edition) by Joseph Marie Hoëné-Wronski, 2002-01-08
  4. Secret Politique De Napoleon (1840) (French Edition) by Hoene Wronski, 2010-09-10
  5. Philosophie absolue de l'histoire, ou Genèse de l'humanité: Historiosophie, ou Science de l'histoire. Partie 2 (French Edition) by Joseph Marie Hoëné-Wronski, 2002-01-08
  6. Document Pour L'Histoire Des Grands Fourbes Qui Ont Figure Sur La Terre (1818) (French Edition) by Pierre Joseph Arson, Hoene Wronski, 2010-09-10
  7. Le Destin De La France, De L'Allemagne, Et De La Russie, Comme Prolegomenes Du Messianisme (1842) (French Edition) by Jozef Maria Hoene-Wronski, 2010-09-10
  8. Le Faux Napoleonisme (1840) (French Edition) by Jozef Maria Hoene-Wronski, 2010-09-10
  9. Document Pour L'Histoire Des Grands Fourbes Qui Ont Figure Sur La Terre (1818) (French Edition) by Pierre Joseph Arson, Hoene Wronski, 2010-09-10
  10. Cameralistique Economie Politique Et Finances (1884) (French Edition) by Hoene Wronski, M. Leonard, 2010-09-10
  11. Pétition Aux Deux Chambres Legislatives De France: Sur La Barbarie Des Chemins De Fer, Et Sur La Réforme Scientifique De La Locomotion (French Edition) by Józef Maria Hoene-Wronski, 2010-06-13
  12. Le Faux Napoleonisme (1840) (French Edition) by Jozef Maria Hoene-Wronski, 2010-09-10
  13. Le Faux Napoléonisme: Comme Suite Du Secret Politique De Napoléon, Et Comme Interprète Funeste Des Idées Du Prince Louis-Napoléon (French Edition) by Józef Maria Hoëné-Wronski, 2010-01-09
  14. Cameralistique Economie Politique Et Finances (1884) (French Edition) by Hoene Wronski, M. Leonard, 2010-09-10

41. Berühmte Mathematik: Länder > Andere Länder
Translate this page 1543), Polen Nicolaus Mercator (1620 bis 1687), Dänemark Christiaan Huygens (1629bis 1695), Niederlanden hoene wronski (1778 bis 1853), Polen Bernard Bolzano
Bitte schalten Sie JavaScript ein
und laden Sie das Dokument neu ('reload')! Niklas Koppernigk
(1473 bis 1543), Polen
Nicolaus Mercator
Christiaan Huygens
(1629 bis 1695), Niederlanden
Hoene Wronski (1778 bis 1853), Polen
Bernard Bolzano
(1781 bis 1848), Tschechei
Nicolai Ivanovitsch Lobatschevsky
Janos Bolyai
(1802 bis 1860), Ungarn
Pafnuti Tschebyscheff

(1846 bis 1927), Schweden
Sophia Kovalesvskaya Aleksandr Mikhailovich Lyapunov Hermann Minkowski

42. MTO 5.4: Perrott, Review Of Fichet
A little known French composer, and epigone of the Polish mathematician and philosopher,hoene wronski, Durutte introduces the notion of rhythmic numbers
Music Theory Online
The Online Journal of the Society for Music Theory
Volume 5, Number 4 September, 1999
David Perrott
Review of Laurent Fichet, Les theories scientifiques de la musique
Paris: Librairie philosophique J. Vrin, 1996 KEYWORDS: Fichet, theory, history, science. [1] In 1862, Fetis curtly dismissed the ensemble of theories of his contemporary, Durutte, with the words "il suffit de l'expliquer pour le reduire au neant" ["It suffices to explain it to reduce it to nothing"]. In his recent work, "Theories scientifiques de la musique aux XIXe et XXe siècles", Laurent Fichet proceeds to do just that and, with a candor that may at times embarrass the more gentle reader, provides a sharp critique of various and varied attempts over the last two centuries to espouse a "scientific theory of music." [2] More precisely, Fichet limits himself to the most significant, poorly understood or ill-known theories from mainly French and German authors over the last two centuries, that are based on physics, acoustics, physiology, or mathematics. These are sciences that can establish facts with objectivity and certitude, explains Fichet, in contrast to sociology and psychology, which can often be the object of discussion without end. We learn that this work should be particularly useful to musicians, many of whom, either through disinterest or lack of scientific background, neglect these theories, even those of their favorite composers. The author's main conclusion is that most attempts to provide a scientific account of music, whatever this actually means, are at best quasi-scientific in nature, and often riddled with incoherence and logical inconsistency. Indeed, the reader is left to ponder at the end of the work whether it is at all feasible aspire to such a goal.

43. Mecanique Celeste : Note Sur Les Methodes De Wronski
Publication Date 00/1882 Origin USNO Language French Keywords hoeneWRONSKIJOZEF MARIA 1776-1853., CELESTIAL MECHANICS, ORBITS, PLANETARY THEORY Comment
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Title: Mecanique celeste : note sur les methodes de Wronski Authors: Villarceau, Yvon Journal: Annales du Bureau des longitudes ; t. 2, Paris : Gauthier-Villars, 1882., p. B.1-B.66 : ill. ; 28 cm. Publication Date: Origin: USNO Language: French Keywords: HOENE-WRONSKI: JOZEF MARIA: 1776-1853., CELESTIAL MECHANICS, ORBITS, PLANETARY THEORY Comment: USNO Call Number QB 4 .P29 1882 v.2, OCLC 34836039 Bibliographic Code: 1882AnGVP...2Q....V
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44. Running Off At The Keyboard
(“Underground” p. 2689) Along with Mickiewicz and Towianski, was a thirdmember of the Polish circle, Levi’s initiator, Joseph Maria hoene-wronski.
Running Off At The Keyboard
about the world seen through Catholic eyes
Saturday, February 07, 2004
SOLOVIEV AND SOPHIOLOGY Unfortunately I can't find the source of this website. In any case, this statement is noteworthy and seems to reflect what I've been reading elsewhere:
posted by Carrie : 3:40 PM postCount('107618640676046331');
PAPAL INFLUENCES - Part III Clearly the Polish exiles, including Adam Mickiewicz, were deeply involved in the French occult revival of the 19th century. A great deal more could be taken from Webb regarding Mickiewicz, but I will leave him here in order to move ahead to another of John Paul II’s favorites. Returning to George Weigel’s biography, where he writes: As Pope, Karol Wojtyla nurtured his interest in Russia and the Russians through numerous channels. He read deeply in the writings of Vladimir Soloviev, the late nineteenth-century Russian philosopher and theologian, a prophet of the reconciliation of Eastern and Western Christianity with a marked millennial strain in his thought. John Paul also became familiar with the work of Russian religious thinkers, once convinced Marxists, who had abandoned Marxism between the 1905 and 1917 revolutions while warning both the government and the Russian Orthodox Church about the impending catastrophe: Nicolai Berdyaev, Sergei Bulgakov, and Simon Frank. These thinkers and the work of theologians like Pavel Florensky and Georges Florovsky, whom he read in French or Polish, translations, familiarized the Pope with the religious core of Russian culture and convinced him that Russia had much to give the world.

45. Villa_arson_nice.html
hoene Wronskydans à un séjour parisien et à sa rencontre avec Hoené wronski, une aura
VILLA ARSON de NICE historique de la famille Arson ARSON ( Pierre-Joseph ). Homme d'affaires avignonnais réfugié à Nice au début de la Révolution, ouvre une banque qui prospère grâce aux relations de sa femme Catherine Landerer, fille d'une famille de négociants fort connus à Nice. Il aménage à Saint-Barthélémy une villa somptueuse au milieu d'un parc baroque. Ses loisirs l'amènent à s'intéresser à l'ésotérisme et il soutient les travaux du Polonais Hoene Wronsky dans ses recherches philisophico-matématiques sur l'Absolu, ce qui devait lui coûter plus de 100 000 frs ! Cet étrange épisode devait inspirer Balzac dans " La Recherche de l'Absolu " ( le banquier Claës aux prises avec Wierzchownia ), mais n'aura pas de retentissement pour sa renommée : en 1830 il sera anobli ( Arson de Saint-Joseph ), fait commandeur de l'ordre de Saint-Maurice et Lazare et nommé Premier Consul de la Ville de Nice! M.D. ARSON ( Gonzague ) ( Paris, 1814 - Nice, 1865 ). Fils de Pierre-Joseph, il se lance dans le journalisme en 1855, s'associe avec Alphonse Karr pour fonder la feuille

46. Masonic References In 20th Century Literature
I am Josef Maria hoenewronski, and this is Alphonse Louis Constant. Hottentots, p. 157. New York/London Four Walls Eight Windows, Inc., April 1995, ISBN
Some of these references are positive, some are negative, some are amusing; most are merely fictional and therefore marginalize Freemasonry and detract from the good work it does. The following list of references is not definitive, nor are all entries confirmed. Please forward additional references, with details, to our editor CINEMA COMICS COMMON EXPRESSIONS ... GAMES Masonic references in 20th century prose The appearances of Freemasonry in fiction range from the unremarked use of symbols such as the square and compasses, to the actual inclusion of masonic ritual. The following list of references is not definitive, nor are all entries confirmed. Please forward additional references, with details, to our editor EIGHTEENTH CENTURY NINETEENTH CENTURY TWENTIETH CENTURY ... DRAMATICS Frederick Arthur The Mysterious Monsieur Dumont.
Chapter 5: "the Meeting of the Templars" describes the death of de Molay and introduces Dumont, Grand Master of the Templars during the French Revolution who saves people frnm the guillotine. He gains admission to a meeting in London with a triple knock and a sign, where he meets two "Freemasons of the 33rd Degree." Later the Templars are identified with the Illuminati. When Dumont is later killed, he is discovered to be a woman. [AQC xciii 4-5]
London : John Murray, 1912. xii. 320p ; 8o.

47. Open Book: Peggy Noonan's .02
Adam Mickiewicz. He was friends with Eliphas Levi, and with hoenewronski; and wronski initiated Eliphas Levi. That information
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Peggy Noonan's .02
On the Vatican and "The Passion" Instead, intrigue. Yesterday, Jan. 21, Rod Dreher of the Dallas Morning News e-mailed Dr. Navarro-Valls and asked him about the e-mails the spokesman had sent to Steve McEveety. How could the Vatican deny the pope's quote when you told the producer to use it again and again? Dr. Navarro-Valls quickly replied. He told Mr. Dreher that "the e-mails were not authentic. He was suggesting that they were fabricated.

48. World Of The Strange - Newsletters > 1999-03-15 - Free Energy Pioneer: John Worr
Ether ray inventor Oskar Korshelt, free energy researcher John Spear, occulttechnologists hoene wronski and Saint Yves d Alveydre are discussed.
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49. Spomienky A Myšlienky
hoenewronski, fyzik, muzikológ a filozof prvej polovice 19. storocia, charakterizovalhudbu ako ?stelesnenie inteligencie obsiahnutej v zvukoch“.

50. Fraternitas Saturni Uma Egrégora De Saturno
Translate this page também com artigos (ex. sobre hoene-wronski, 1776-1853). Grau morreuem 27/3/1971, altamente louvado (porque assim?) por Metzger.
    por Peter-R. Koenig
    delegado" secreto, o "Okkultisten-Laden Inveha"
    (Grosche, 1,7,1959). Em 1925 Crowley visitou Traenker e Germer. "Infelizmente, muito tarde"
    A Fraternitas Saturni.
    Em 8/5/1926 "Gregorius e quatro Fratres" estabeleceram em Berlim um "Arbeitskreis" (grupo de trabalho): a Fraternitas Saturni ) em a abertura solene Arnoldo Krumm-Heller " Das Beste von Heinrich Traenker " , Muenchen 1996.] Karl Germer: " Como Oscar R. Schlag "Saturn-Gnosis" Frau Kuntzel reconheceu Grosche cedo o suficiente como um Em 31/10/1929 Grosche acabou com seu "Esoterische Studiengesellschaft"
    H.J. Metzger Ordem dos Illuminati O.T.O. do tempo de Reuss "Liga Mundial dos Illuminati" Julius Meyer em Berlim a autoridade para operar como mensageiro entre Meyer e Korbel. No fim de julho 1950 Metzger visitou Traenker, que se via como o sucessor de Theodor Reuss, o que fez dele o da FS. [FS] [da O.T.O.] , e ele [Traenker] [graus] Pronaos da FS, e no grau Pentalfa o Ele Retornou em 3/9/51 da Alemanha e pediu de volta a Grosche a Patente de 25/4/51: [Pentalfa])."

51. The Famous And Prominent
essayist, critic of art and literature Forgotten great Polish poet Cyprian Norwid;Celebrated but superficially known philosopher hoene-wronski Mihajlo Pupin

Overview Vanities
The Famous and Prominent
Dragutin Arany , Solo Violinist
Famous composer Goffriller
Muharem Bajraktari
, Aide-de-Camp of His Majesty the King of Albania
Famous revolution of Dukagjin in October 1926
Karl Barons
, Medical Doctor
Famous as a collector of Latvian Folksongs
Ervina Brokes
, Violin virtuoso
Famous Polish Siberian Military Division
E.F. Burian
, Composer, Stage Manager, Theater-Manager
Well known modern composer Dimitric Cuclin , Professor of Music aesthetics, Royal Academy of Music, Bucharest Prominent "star" of the Rumanian Opera Bohumil Hradecny , Artistic painter Prominent painter of landscapes and animal pictures Ludvik Kuba , Painter, writer on musicology. man of letters Well known collection of pictures representing the Slavonic Lusatia in Germany in today's state Konstantinas Lapinas , Director of the Gauging Office of the Test Institute for Electrical Control Apparatus Famous international known Society "Verrein" in Moscow Alois Musil , Professor of Oriental Studies on the Philosophical Faculty Charles University, Prague Famous Quisair Amra, built in the desert by Caliph Walid II. (about 744) as his residence

52. Collections
and literature And searcher of all traces (works documents letters, etc.) concerningCyprian Norwid (who lived in Paris 1849-1883), hoene-wronski in France

Overview Collecting
Karl Albert , Professor, Politician
Historic graphic objects; Owner of the graphic collection of Karl Kgietch the inventor of "deep printing"
, Actress and Opera Singer
Joan Apostolescu
, Traffic Manager of the Romanian Railways
Smoking pipes
Mustafa Atif
, Secretary of Agriculture, Turkey
Old books
Wilhelm Austerlitz

, retired general Articles on Archduke Francis Ferdinand Karl Barons , Medical Doctor Latvian Folksongs Albin Belar , Professor; Superintendent of Schools; Researcher on Earthquakes Reports on earthquakes on grottes and caves Eli Salomon Benuziglio , Writer Puns Parvu Boerescu , Lieutenant Colonel in reserve; owner and general director of firm "Reprezentanta Industrial Straina", special representantive of Vacuum Oil Company, representative of several World Industries Postal stamps and coins Stefan Bogdan , Professor, Pharmacological Faculty, Brasov, Rumania Paintings (120 pictures of the famous Rumanian painter D. Stoica) Jean Borgovan , Composer and physician Rumanian antiquities Grigorije Bozovic , Director of the Natural Science Institute of His Majesty the King of Bulgaria Animals from the Balkan peninsula E.F. Burian

53. Bibliography
Translate this page York, Springer-Verlag, 1994. hoene-wronski, Jozef Maria, 1778-1853,Oeuvres mathematiques, Paris, Herman, 1925. Hofmann, Joseph Ehrenfried

54. Jodloscience
la musique, Varèse aimait citer la définition d hoene wronski (savant et
Hyperprism : oeuvre musicale et science
Ionisation ou témoignent de cette inspiration ; de même, pour définir la musique, Varèse aimait citer la définition d'Hoene Wronski (savant et philosophe du 19ème siècle) : "La musique est la corporification de l'intelligence qui est dans les sons". Dans le cas d' Hyperprism comment il établissait un parallèle acoustique : "Dans mon oeuvre on trouve, à la place de l'ancien contrepoint linéaire, fixe, le mouvement de plans et de masses sonores, variant en intensité et en densité. Quand ces sons entrent en collision, il en résulte des phénomènes de pénétration ou de répulsion. Certaines transmutations prennent place sur un plan. En les projetant sur d'autres plans l'on créerait une impression auditive de déformation prismatique". Pour comprendre ce point de vue, il est important de définir par ailleurs le terme de transmutation ; empruntée au domaine de l'alchimie, la transmutation consiste en la transformation d'une substance en une autre ; dans le contexte musical, cette transformation s'opère à partir d'un matériau initial ; dans le cas d' Hyperprism Quand Varèse explique que "certaines transmutations prennent place sur un plan", on peut en donner un exemple dans le passage de la section 2 à la section 3, ou la transmutation harmonique (accords mes. 31 à 37) prend place sur la transmutation mélodique (mélodie de flûte) de la cellule initiale.

55. Il Blog D.O.C. - Tracce D'Eternità
Translate this page gli scettri della terra. (JM hoene-wronski, cit. da P. Sédir, Histoireet doctrine des Rose-Croix, Rouen, 1932). by Doc @ 0100,
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Il Blog D.O.C. Libero dai vincoli spazio-temporali, mi affaccio nell'Eternità... Giugno 2004 L M M G V S D
Trova in questo blog in tutti i blog in Excite
Link Il blog di Edgar Tenebroso amore Il blog di Alessandra Il blog di Nica Una ragazza molto dolce e sensibile. Una ragazza unica...infatti la sposo! Simpaticissima e spontanea Disinformazione Sito ufficiale AS Roma AS Roma e basta! Korn Il sito della band Subsonica Sito ufficiale Cinese Lande ammaliatrici @ndre@ Civis Romanus Sum Emerson Un faro a centrocampo RDF/RSS Feed Per diffondere i contenuti di questo Blog
RSS 0.91 Serie A. Quindicesima giornata del girone di andata. doc Histoire et doctrine des Rose-Croix , Rouen, 1932) by Doc commenta leggi commenti Buonanotte amico! scritto il 2004_01_10 @ 23:14:19
by Alessandra Buon sabato caro Doc! scritto il 2004_01_10 @ 15:01:38
by Alessandra E tu sai leggere anche se sono ermetica, Doc.... :)
My best regards ;) ChinaSmile scritto il 2004_01_09 @ 22:14:11 by Confucio Proprio....rilassata

56. Il Blog D.O.C.
Translate this page gli scettri della terra. (JM hoene-wronski, cit. da P. Sédir, Histoireet doctrine des Rose-Croix, Rouen, 1932). by Doc @ 0100
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Il Blog D.O.C. Libero dai vincoli spazio-temporali, mi affaccio nell'Eternità... Giugno 2004 L M M G V S D
Trova in questo blog in tutti i blog in Excite
Link Il blog di Edgar Tenebroso amore Il blog di Alessandra Il blog di Nica Una ragazza molto dolce e sensibile. Una ragazza unica...infatti la sposo! Simpaticissima e spontanea Disinformazione Sito ufficiale AS Roma AS Roma e basta! Korn Il sito della band Subsonica Sito ufficiale Cinese Lande ammaliatrici @ndre@ Civis Romanus Sum Emerson Un faro a centrocampo RDF/RSS Feed Per diffondere i contenuti di questo Blog
RSS 0.91 FIDES ET RATIO binae quasi pennae videntur quibus veritatis ad contemplationem hominis attollitur animus. Deus autem ipse est qui veritatis cognoscendae studium hominum mentibus insevit, suique tandem etiam cognoscendi ut, cognoscentes Eum diligentesque, ad plenam pariter de se ipsis pertingere possint veritatem
by Doc [category:: Pensieri
leggi commenti by Doc [category:: Pensieri
leggi commenti Egli mi fa giacere in verdeggianti pascoli e mi guida per le acque riposanti. il tuo bastone e la tua verga sono quelli che mi consolano.

57. Modern Philosophers And Thinkers, By Region
JL; Heinrich, Wladyslaw; Hetenyi, Janos; hoenewronski, Jozef Maria;Höijer, Benjamin; Horvath, Cyril; Hrm, Yrjö; Ionescu, Nae; Janosi
var cm_role = "live" var cm_host = "" var cm_taxid = "/memberembedded"
Because of my extreme interest in all areas of philosophy, I decided to add this page. This page is for the purpose of including thinkers, theologians, and philosophers who do not fit into the contemporary, late modern, or postmodern movements listed earlier. The criteria I used are the following: they must be modern (from approximately the late Renaissance/early sixteenth century to the early twentieth century), connected to some major movement or thinker, anduntil I learn a great deal more about African and Asian philosophiesat least peripheral to Europe and the West (so you may see some Muslim thinkers listed when appropriate).
The thinkers mentioned here will be covered in more depth on the same pages as the late modern and postmodern thinkers. To go straight to those pages, click on the following links:
A through D
E thru H I thru P Q thru Z

The thinkers on this page are organized by region. Select from the following:

58. Keely Net Mail List New Book Keely And Levitation
Ether ray inventor Oskar Korshelt, free energy reseracher John Spear, occulttechnologists hoene wronski and Saint Yves d Alveydre are discussed.

59. Lebensdaten Von Mathematikern
- 1672) de wronski, Jozef Maria hoene (23.8.1778 - 8.8.1853) Demokrit von
Diese Seite ist dem Andenken meines Vaters Otto Hebisch (1917 - 1998) gewidmet. By our fathers and their fathers
in some old and distant town
from places no one here remembers
come the things we've handed down.
Marc Cohn Dies ist eine Sammlung, die aus verschiedenen Quellen stammt, u. a. aus Jean Dieudonne, Geschichte der Mathematik, 1700 - 1900, VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin 1985. Helmut Gericke, Mathematik in Antike und Orient - Mathematik im Abendland, Fourier Verlag, Wiesbaden 1992. Otto Toeplitz, Die Entwicklung der Infinitesimalrechnung, Springer, Berlin 1949. MacTutor History of Mathematics archive A B C ... Z Abbe, Ernst (1840 - 1909)
Abel, Niels Henrik (5.8.1802 - 6.4.1829)
Abraham bar Hiyya (1070 - 1130)
Abraham, Max (1875 - 1922)
Abu Kamil, Shuja (um 850 - um 930)
Abu'l-Wafa al'Buzjani (940 - 998)
Ackermann, Wilhelm (1896 - 1962) Adams, John Couch (5.6.1819 - 21.1.1892) Adams, John Frank (5.11.1930 - 7.1.1989) Adelard von Bath (1075 - 1160) Adler, August (1863 - 1923) Adrain, Robert (1775 - 1843)

60. GC&SU:Mat/CS:Bits&Bytes:Vol 4 No 2
Answers to September’s Less than Epsilon Count Josef hoene de wronski(17781853) was a Polish nobleman who dabbled in mathematics.

Vol. 4 No. 2
December 1998
  • From the Editor
    - Dr. Mary Pratt
  • Notes From the Chair...
    • Congratulations to our programming teams for doing so well in recent competitions.
    • Please be sure to speak with your advisor when planning your program of study.
    • Two interdisciplinary teams from the department attended a Project Intermath workshop at the U.S. Military Academy, West Point, NY, during the last week-end of October. Those attending were Dr. Mae Carpenter, Dr. Beth Rushing (Government and Sociology), Dr. Paul Schuette, Dr. Craig Turner, and Dr. Michael Pangia (Chemistry and Physics).
    • Several alumni have updated their job information and/or contacted the department in the last month. Our graduates are doing well and are great contacts for those seeking opportunities after graduation. Please stay in touch, and keep our files up to date with what you’re doing!
    • Dr. Peter M. Jarvis will be at Georgia Tech during Spring Semester 1999 for the Faculty Development Program. His research will apply wavelet analysis to brain wave data. This will be done in conjunction with Dr. Geronimo at Georgia Tech, and Dr. Olivier of Mercer University.
    • As always, we thank our benefactors for having made this newsletter, and many other activities, possible.

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