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         Witt Ernst:     more detail
  1. Collected Papers - Gesammelte Abhandlungen (German and English Edition) by Ernst Witt, 1998-10-01
  2. Strahlenschutzverordnung. StrlSchV. by Ernst Witt, Erich Jäger, et all 2002-09-01
  3. Röntgenverordnung. by Ernst. Witt, 2002-01-01
  4. Das Erste - kompakt: Chemie Physik Biologie - GK1 (Springer-Lehrbuch) (German Edition) by Jürgen Ernst, Sven Krantz, et all 2006-11-29
  5. Hoffnung und Gefahr. Essays, Aufsätze, Briefe 1954 - 1999. by Jürgen Teller, Ernst Bloch, et all 2001-08-01
  6. Success Factors of Fast Growing Companies: Selected Case Studies
  7. Es singt ein Vöglein, witt, witt, witt. Lied, etc by Carl Maria Friedrich Ernst von Weber, 1820
  8. Grundbau-taschenbuch: Geotechnische Grundlagen Teil 1 (German Edition)

41. Fritz-Reuter-Schule Dömitz
Translate this page (w) +, Haack, Annemarie, witt, ernst +, Habermann, Rudi +, P, Wojnowski,Werner +, Hallier, Hans, Pahlke, Christine, Pansch, Volker, Wölbert, Christa,
R e g i o n a l e S c h u l e
hier klicken
Die Lehrer
Repenning, Iris
Ahrens, Liselotte Aue, Christiane J
Reule, Ursula
Albrecht, Marion
Jaensch, Ursula Junghans, Lisa
Jakobs, Heinz Adolf Junghans, Karl Richter, Jutta
Jakobs, Ina
Riethausen, Karin
B Ritter, Annegret Bannow, Alexander Roost, Reimund Bannow, Sabine Jahn, Uta Rosenstock, Ursula Baranyai, ... (w) Jantzen, Wilhelm Ruh, ... (m) Barda, Erhard Janz, Lothar Rupprecht, Holger Bargel, Herta Jauert, Gerhard Bartels, Kurt Becker, Hans S Becker, Karin Jungblut, Brigitte Becker, Rosemarie Junge, Edelgard Schalow, Edith Van Beelen, Wolfgang Scharnweber, Karl Bendig, Diethild Scharnweber, Marlies Bernhardt, Ilse Schernus, Rolf-Dietrich Bernien, Erwin K Dr. Schimbke, Oskar Bertleff, Uta Kartheus, Bernhard Schindler, Martha Dr. Bibelje, ... (m) Kartheus, Brigitte Scheppmann, Katharina Schieweck, Liane Blank, Silke Kerstens, Ilse Blank, Helmuth Keuchel, Elke Schmalenberg, ... Bode, Marina Kirchner, Hermann Schmidt, Josef Bohnsack, Maria Klein, Hilda Klinge, Birgit Bolten, Heinz Knipfer, Jutta Borek, Wilhelm

42. Neuköllner Merkur - Kunstausstellung Im Ernst-Abbe-Gymnasium
Translate this page Der Fachbereich Kunst ist seit vielen Jahren an der ernst-Abbe-Oberschule Die KünstlerPauline witt, Navid Ahmadi, Igor Kommnik, Stanislaw Pawliczek, Monika
@import url(;
Titelseite Nachrichten Suche ... Impressum You are not logged in Log in Join You are here: Home Ernst-Abbe-Gymnasium Navigation Neuköllner Merkur 48 Stunden 2003 Atelierbesuche Ernst-Abbe-Gymnasi Flughafen Tempelho FWZ Neukölln Hundespielplatz Ideal-Passage KDK 2003 Linksammlung Müllbeseitigung Nacht + Nebel 2003 Neuköllner Szene Parks und Gärten Photoreportagen Saalbau Neukölln Salatfeld Schillerpalais

43. Mr. Terry Witt, Department Of Accounting
Internal Revenue Service ernst ernst. Notes Professor witt served at UTA for32 years, including 25 as coordinator of the Student Internship Program.
Check E-Mail Find People Contact Us Search ... Accounting
Mr. Terry Witt
Contact Information E-Mail Address: Mailing Address: P. O. Box 19468
U. T. Arlington
Arlington, Texas 76019-0468 Biographical Information Job Title: Professor Emeritus Education: M.A., University of Oklahoma, 1968
B.B.A., University of Texas, 1962 Certification: CPA Academic Posts: U. T. Arlington, 1968-2000 Professional Experience:
Internal Revenue Service
Notes: Professor Witt served at UTA for 32 years, including 25 as coordinator of the Student Internship Program. He was nominated five times for the Chancellor's Council Teaching Excellence Award and recognized as Outstanding Faculty Member by Beta Alpha Psi and the College of Business Constituency Council. Although retired, he continues to support UTA via volunteer work for the Athletics Department.
E-Mail Suggestions
About this site
(c) 2001 Department of Accounting College of Business The University of Texas at Arlington

44. Meingeld
Besteue-rung der Altersbezüge Gast Ute witt, ernst Young Mehr Rechte

45. Alexandra (more Vinyl Releases)
Translate this page Hawkshaw. Golden Earrings, Victor Young/ernst Bader. O Duscha, Duscha,UF Duval, H. witt. Wenn die lila Astern blühen, UF Duval, H. witt.
Erscheinungsjahr Format Lp-/Single-Cover Songs von Alexandra Text und Komposition 4.LP: "Ihre großen Erfolge"
(Philips 844 392) Iwan Vandour/Jack Fishman/Alexandra Sehnsucht "Das Lied der Taiga" Rudi Bauer/Fred Weyrich Zwei Gitarren (Golden Earrings) Victor Young/Ernst Bader Schwarze Engel M. A. Macioto/Ralf Maria Siegel Rudi Arnie/Ernst Bader Mein Freund der Baum Alexandra Erstes Morgenrot Rudi Bauer/Fred Weyrich Walzer des Sommers (Valse d'ete) Salvatore Adamo/Alexandra Zigeunerjunge Hans Blum Was Ist Das Ziel? (Les ballons rouge) Yves Gilbert/Fred Weyrich/Serge Lama Illusionen Mein Kind, schlaf ein Alexandra o.J. (1969?) Schallplattenclub-LP: "Sehnsucht"
(Philips H 809/6) Sehnsucht (Das Lied der Taiga) Rudi Bauer/Fred Weyrich Der Traum vom Fliegen Alexandra Zwei Gitarren (Golden Earrings) Victor Young/Ernst Bader Warum? (Every Day Is Just The Same) A.Hawkshaw/Ernst Bader Die anderen waren schuld Alexandra/Ernst Bader Zigeunerjunge Hans Blum Iwan Vandor/Jack Fishman/Alexandra Rudi Arnie/Ernst Bader Schwarzer Engel M. A. Macioto/Ralf Maria Siegel

46. Genealogische Daten
Translate this page männlich geboren 6 September 1914 Referenz 65 witt, Else Geschlecht weiblichgeboren 21 März 1918 Referenz 66 witt, ernst Geschlecht männlich
Genealogische Daten
Paulsen, Valentin Cornelius
geboren : 23 Januar 1907 in Bredstedt
gestorben : 22 August 1987 in Kiel
beerdigt : 28 August 1987 in Kiel
Referenz: 1921
Eltern Vater: Paulsen, Boy Christian
Mutter: Ebsen, Margarethe
Familie: Heirat: 28 Dezember 1935 in Kiel
Geschlecht: weiblich
geboren : 14 Dezember 1914 Referenz: 1926 Kinder Paulsen, Klaus-Peter geboren : 10 November 1939 in Schwerin Referenz: 1930 Paulsen, Elke Margarete Geschlecht: weiblich geboren : 28 Januar 1938 in Schwerin Referenz: 1945 Paulsen, Karin Geschlecht: weiblich geboren : 8 September 1941 in Schwerin Referenz: 1946 Paulsen, Hans Christian Wilhelm geboren : 18 August 1936 in Schwerin Referenz: 1947
Schneekloth, Wilhelm geboren : 15 Dezember 1904 gestorben : 6 Juli 1988 beerdigt : 11 Juli 1988 in Heikendorf Referenz: 1966 Familie: Heirat: 5 Juli 1941 Partner: Paulsen, Martha Geschlecht: weiblich geboren : 5 Mai 1905 in Bredstedt gestorben : 6 Februar 1977 in Heikendorf beerdigt : 11 Februar 1977 in Heikendorf Referenz: 1955 Eltern Vater: Paulsen, Boy Christian

47. Additions1999
ernst De witt Burton, Syntax of the Moods and Tenses in New Testament Greek(3rd Edition, 1898) HTML files are available for the following moods
  • The Scribe of the Gods God of the Moon The Lord of Time
THOTH was pictured as having a writing palette in his hand.with which he recorded the verdict of the judgment hall. The heart of the deceased was weighed to see if it was "heavy/ hard," but if the heart of the deceased was found heavier than the "feather of maat/ truth," the "devourer of souls" would consume him. Exodus emphasizes that Pharaoh's heart was hard/heavy, but that it was Yahweh who judged him. Exodus 12:12,
"For I will go through the land of Egypt on that night, and will strike down all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgments I am Yahweh."
5,125 Files at this Site
If a link does not work e-mail us.
We acquired our first Linux box (233 MHZ/SUSE 6.1/128 Meg of Ram) to run the GIMP and Lyx software. As a result we will now support TEX files.
1998 Additions
DATE FILES October 6, 1999
  • George Rawlinson, Ancient Egypt.

48. LAUT - Joachim Witt - "Pop" (Plattenkritik)
Titel, so versichert witt, durchaus einen ernst gemeinten Hintergrund hat

CD-Reviews W
Pop Alternative Metal ... Musik-DVDs
Monatsauswahl: Mai 2004 April 2004 März 2004 Februar 2004 Januar 2004 Dezember 2003 November 2003 Oktober 2003 September 2003 August 2003 Juli 2003 Juni 2003 Mai 2003 April 2003 März 2003 Februar 2003 Januar 2003 Dezember 2002 November 2002 Oktober 2002 September 2002 August 2002 Juli 2002 Juni 2002 Mai 2002 April 2002 März 2002 Februar 2002 Januar 2002 Dezember 2001 November 2001 Oktober 2001 September 2001 August 2001 Juli 2001 Juni 2001 Mai 2001 April 2001 März 2001 Februar 2001 Januar 2001 Dezember 2000 November 2000 Oktober 2000 September 2000 August 2000 Juli 2000 Juni 2000 Mai 2000 April 2000 März 2000 Februar 2000 Januar 2000 Dezember 1999 November 1999 Oktober 1999 September 1999 August 1999 Juli 1999 Juni 1999 Mai 1999 April 1999 März 1999 Februar 1999 Januar 1999 Dezember 1998 November 1998 Oktober 1998
B C D ... Z
Joachim Witt
LAUT.STÄRKE Review von: Daniel Straub "Pop" nennt sich das inzwischen vierte Album jüngerer Zeitrechnung des bekennden Wagnerfans und NDW -Veteranen Joachim Witt. Anfangs noch müde als Altstar belächelt, gelang es Witt in den vergangenen Jahren, sich mit vergleichsweise unpeinlichen Veröffentlichungen wieder ins Gespräch zu bringen. Damit hat er sich vor allem unter den Freunden dunkler Musik eine solide Fangemeinde erarbeitet. So ist "Pop" der passende Titel für das Album eines Künstlers, der endlich wieder dort angekommen ist, wo er hin möchte, und die damit verbundene Anerkennung in vollen Zügen genießt.

49. Freunde Und Förderer Der Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald - Projekte
Translate this page 1. Greifswalder Symposium zur Entwicklung der Rechentechnik (Dr. Henry witt,Institut für Mathematik und Informatik) Journal der ernst Moritz Arndt
Betreute Projekte 2000
Simulation UN – Vollversammlung „NMUN“ in New York, April 2000
(Prof. Dr. Detlef Jahn, Institut für Politikwissenschaft)
Druckkostenzuschuß zur Publikation „Greifswalder Backstein-Kolloquium 1998“
(Prof. Dr. Ernst Badstübner, Caspar-David-Friedrich-Institut für Kunstwissenschaften)
Teilnahme an der Universitätsauswahl an den Deutschen Hochschulmeisterschaften im Frauenfußball in Duisburg, Juni 2000
(Dr. Eckard Schielke, Lars Gerasch, Institut für Sportwissenschaften)
Druckkostenzuschuß zur Dissertation „Intentionalität und Interpretation. Theoretische und methodische Grundlinien einer qualitativ-empirischen politischen Kulturforschung“
(Dr. Volker Pesch, vormals Institut für Politikwissenschaft)
Teilnahme am 17. Internationalen Studententreffen der Theatergruppen, 28.02.-05.03.2000,
Lüttich (Hedwig Golpon, Caspar-David-Friedrich-Institut für Kunstwissenschaften) Druckkostenzuschuß zur Publikation der Schwedischen Landesmatrikel (Gesellschaft für pomm. Geschichte, Altertumskunde und Kunst e.V.)

50. The Works Of Ernst Bacon
The Works of ernst Bacon. To obtain scores and other information you can writeto Ellen Bacon, 8 Drovers Lane, De witt, NY 13214 or email to us here.
The Works of Ernst Bacon Orchestral works Band music ... Home While this represents a large fraction of Bacon's works, this is not a complete list. At this time the Society is working on completing the inventory of his music. To obtain scores and other information you can write to Ellen Bacon, 8 Drovers Lane, De Witt, NY 13214 or e-mail to us here . For piano scores please contact Madeline Salocks See useful Links Also, vocal scores can be obtained through Classical Vocal Repertoire 3253 Cambridge Ave, Riverdale, New York 10463. Telephone: (718) 601-1959. Toll Free in the USA: (1-800) 298-7474. G. Schirmer publishes some of the choral works. See for some songs not listed bellow including Brady (B-flat) voc/kybd, Buttermilk Hill (2-pt; pf or org; opt inst accomp) Go Tell It On the Mountain (unison treble) Also see a site devoted to
Orchestral works:
Symphony No. 1

51. About The Ernst Bacon Society
concert or recording, write to The ernst Bacon Society, Inc. 8 DroversLane De witt NY 13214 or email us at
About The Ernst Bacon Society "Even as we deplore the lack of comforting recognitions and rewards commensurate with his achievement, we may safely leave to the future the proper recognition of Ernst Bacon as a great man and a great artist." Paul Horgan The Society The Board of Directors and Honorary Board The Ernst Bacon Society was founded in January, 1996 to promote awareness and appreciation of the music and other works of Ernst Bacon. To that end, we arranged a highly successful series of concerts for the centennial year and are looking forward to many more. The Society feels strongly that a closer inspection will reveal a truly remarkable contribution to American music and that the world will be richer for hearing and knowing it. The Society is recognized as a 501 (c) (3) charitable corporation and is organized in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Giving to
The Ernst Bacon Society: Help us recognize Ernst Bacon's remarkable contribution to American music and support the centennial of his birth through one of the following gifts : $50 - $99 Donor

52. Familienbrief PIEPER / WITT (Namen)
Translate this page Hoge (Kakol), Dorothea 60. Hoge (Zienke), Wilhelmine 66. Hoge, ernst 40. Hoge,Hans 69. Jazinski, Michat 99. Jeschke (witt), Helene 33, 77. Jochheim, Herr 32.
zur Startseite Zu den Buchangaben zurück geht es hier Personenverzeichnis Familienbrief PIEPER/WITT Direkt zu einem Anfangsbuchstaben springen: A B C D ... H I J K L M ... X Y Z
Die Zahlen bezeichnen die entsprechende(n) Seitenzahl(en) im Familienbrief. Abraham, Johann 100 Adler (Blaschke), Wilhelmine Amalia 93 Adler (Gengerke), Adeline Marie 87 Adler (Hein), Catharina 100 Adler (Lange), Anna Maria 98 Adler (Reinke), Emilie Henriette 88 Adler (Tillak), Auguste Maria 87 Adler (Tokarsky), Constantia 92 Adler (Witt), Auguste 76, 81, 84, 85, 87 Adler, Albrecht 92, 98 Adler, Anna Elisabeth 100 Adler, Anna Luise 99 Adler, Anna Maria 99 Adler, Auguste Caroline 87 Adler, Augustine Henriette Emilie 93 Adler, Barbara 99 Adler, Bertha Auguste 87 Adler, Bertha Marie 87 Adler, Caroline Wilhelmine Anna Maria 93 Adler, Catharina 99 Adler, Constantia 93 Adler, Elisabeth 99 Adler, Emilie Henriette Mathilde 93 Adler, Franz Heinrich 87 Adler, Franz Ludwig 84, 86, 89, 93, 95 Adler, Franz, Eigentümer 93

53. Wurttemberg Royal Family
22.123115, Countess, Vera de witt, 1945, Marquis, Raymond Godefroy de Commarque,1938, HohenloheLangenburg, 1807, 1880, Helene was a sister of Prince ernst of Hohenlohe
Monarchies of Europe
Wurttemberg Royal Family
Coats of Arms by permission of Arnaud Bunel
Press here for more information and a description of the numbering system adopted on the genealogical table below.
Note : Members of the Royal House of Wurttemberg bore the title of Prince or Princess of Wurttemberg. With the establishment of the Wurttemberg Kingdom in 1806: the brothers of King Friedrich I with their wives and children assumed the tiltle of Duke or Duchess of Wurttemberg
REFERENCE TITLE NAME BORN DIED TITLE NAME BORN DIED COMMENTS Duke Friedrich II Eugen of Wurttemberg Margravine Friederike of Brandenburg-Shwedt King Friedrich I of Wurttemberg Duchess Auguste of Brunswick-Wolfenbuttel King Friedrich was proclaimed the first King of Wurttemberg on 1 January 1806. Auguste was a sister of Duke Friedrich Wilhelm of Brunswick-Wolfenbuttel King Friedrich I of Wurttemberg Princess Charlotte of Great Britain King Friedrich was proclaimed the first King of Wurttemberg on 1 January 1806. Princess Charlotte was a daughter of George III of Great Britain and a sister of Queen Victoria's father the Duke of Kent King Wilhelm I of Wurttemberg Princess Charlotte "Karoline" Auguste of Bavaria See King Wilhelm I of Wurttemberg Grand Duchess Catherine of Russia Grand Duchess Catherine was a sister of Emperor Nicholas I of all the Russias . Catherine was married firstly to Duke George of Oldenburg King Wilhelm I of Wurttemberg Duchess Pauline of Wurttemberg See Princess Marie of Wurttemberg Count Alfred von Neipperg Princess Sophie of Wurttemberg

54. Prof. Em Dr. Helmut Brede
Translate this page 20. März 1998, hrsg. von Dieter witt, ernst-Bernd Blümle, ReinbertSchauer und Helmut K. Anheier, Wiesbaden 1999, S. 193-202.
Seite von Prof. em. Dr. Helmut Brede wurde auf verlegt, sie werden automatisch weitergeleitet.

55. Bibliography
witt, ernst, 19111991, Ersnt witt collected papers = gesammelte Abhandlungen /edited by Ina Kersten ; with an essay by Gunter Harder on witt vectors, Berlin,

56. Articles [129]
Hasse, Helmut witt, ernst Zyklische unverzweigte Erweiterungskörper vom Primzahlgradp über einem algebraischen Funktionenkörper der Charakteristik p
in a similar vein
This is a list of articles and preprints in my possession.
I don't mind lending out these things if I get them back.
Articles [134]
Anderson, Greg W.:
Bemerkungen: Duke Math. Journal, Vol. 53, No. 2 (1986), 457-502.
Anderson, Greg W.:
On Tate modules of formal t-modules
Bemerkungen: Int. Math. Res. Not. 2 (1993), 41-52.
Anderson, Greg; Thakur, Dinesh:
Tensor powers of the Carlitz module and zeta values Bemerkungen: Atiyah, Michael F.: On the Krull-Schmidt theorem with application to sheaves Bemerkungen: Bulletin de la S.M.F. tome 84 (1956), 307-317. Boeckle, Gebhard: Global L-functions over function fields. Bemerkungen: Math. Ann. 323 (2002), p. 737-795. Borel, Armand: Some finiteness properties of adele groups over number fields Bemerkungen: IHES 16 (1963), 5-30. Le théorème de Riemann-Roch Bemerkungen: Bulletin de la S.M.F., tome 86 (1956), 97-136. Borel, Armand; Tits, Jacques: Groupes reductifs Bemerkungen: IHES 27 (1965), 55-151. Borel, Armand; Tits, Jacques: Complements a l'article "Groupes reductifs" Bemerkungen: IHES 41 (1972), 253-276.

57. The Witt Design Computed By Ashay Dharwadker
The unique Steiner system S(5, 8, 24) was discovered by ernst witt in 1938and is known as the witt design. The set P consists of 24 points

Profile Email Golay Code ... C++ Program
Acknowledgements: Thanks to The Design Research Group at Queen Mary for featuring this website in their Design Resources . Thanks to The Math Forum Internet Mathematics Library for writing a review of this website in their Combinatorics category. A Steiner system S(t, k, v) is a set P of points together with a set B of blocks such that
  • There are v points. Each block consists of k points. Every set of t points is contained in a unique block.
The unique Steiner system S(5, 8, 24) was discovered by Ernst Witt in 1938 and is known as the Witt design. The set P consists of 24 points
a b g d e z h q i k l m n x o p r s t u j c y w A subset of points is written as its characteristic function, for example, the subset
e n r s t is written as
with a one indicating the presence and a zero indicating the absence of the corresponding point in the subset. With this notation, the set B of 759 blocks is given below in dictionary order.
Dictionary of Blocks 2002 by Ashay Dharwadker

58. Liquidations Northern Ireland
Felspar Investments Ltd NI20585 27/03/97 witt Thornton Fine Fare (NI) Ltd NI744830/01/97 ernst Young Freshlands Foods (UK) Ltd NI25479 25/02/97 Price
Liquidations UK
Northern Ireland
A B C D ... Z
Last Modified: 02-Feb-98
Total Records: 105

Company Name Company No Appointed on Liquidator A B C D E Eurofast Express (Ireland) Ltd NI29726 22/07/97 McClure Watters Evode (Northern Ireland) Ltd NI5289 16/01/97 Hacker Young F G H I Image Papers Ltd NI27638 01/08/97 McClure Watters Insoleq Ltd NI13894 25/03/97 Grant Thornton Intermezzo Enterprises Ltd NI27818 18/03/97 Lines Henry J K L M N Norman McBriar Ltd NI12204 04/07/97 McClure Watters P Q R S T U Unibooks (Ulster) Ltd NI19693 21/10/97 Price Waterhouse V W Total records: 105 Go to Top Liquidations Databases

Last modified on: 02-Feb-98

59. Liquidations Northern Ireland
12/96 Arthur Boyd Co Lighting Design (NI) Ltd NI22250 12/04/96 witt Thornton Lisburn 96JB Kennedy Co Lough Beg Farm Company Ltd NI 29/11/96 ernst Young
Liquidations UK
Northern Ireland
A B C D ... Z
Last Modified: 22-Feb-97
Total Records: 74

Company Name Company No Appointed on Liquidator 2 S Airchangers Ltd NI24998 30/09/96 McClure Watters A B C D E F G H J K L M N O P PAA Ltd NI123149 17/10/96 McClure Watters Q R S T U V W W. McCluskey Ltd NI7153 21/05/96 KPMG Walls (Construction) Ltd NI2357 25/10/96 Price Waterhouse Total records: 74 Go to Top Liquidations Databases

Last modified on: 22-Feb-97

ernst T, Chang L, witt M, Aronow H, Cornford M, Walot I, Goldberg M. Cerebral Toxoplasmosisand Lymphoma in AIDS Perfusion MR Imaging Experience in 13 Patients
IRWIN WALOT, M.D. Department of Radiology LICENSURE California (Issued 12/13/86) BOARD CERTIFICATION American Board of Radiology Diagnostic Radiology American Board of Radiology Certificate of Added Qualification in Neuroradiology American Board of Radiology Certificate of Added Qualification in Vascular and Interventional Radiology FELLOWSHIP TRAINING University of California, Irvine Medical Center, Orange, CA Magnetic Resonance Imaging Fellowship Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Torrance, CA Neuroradiology/Vascular and Interventional Radiology Fellowship RESIDENCY University of California, Irvine Medical Center, Orange, CA Diagnostic Radiology, 7/85–6/89 INTERNSHIP University of California, Irvine Medical Center, Orange, CA General Surgery, 7/84–6/85 EDUCATION University of California, Irvine-California College of Medicine, Irvine, CA M.D., 6/84 University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA M.S., 6/78 Biomedical Engineering Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY M. Engineering, 1/74 Engineering Science (Electrophysics) Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY

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