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81. North Carolina Civil War Soldiers Index Wilkinson, samuel J. NC 3rd Regiment Infantry, I. Wilkinson, samuel,NC 1ST Regiment Infantry, B. wilks, DV, NC 2nd Battalion Infantry, A. http://www.researchonline.net/nccw/index/index378.htm | |
82. Lives Of The Poets By Samuel Johnson - RICHARD SAVAGE yet it appeared so late in the year, that the author obtained no other advantagefrom it than the acquaintance of Sir Richard Steele and Mr. wilks, by whom he http://www.globusz.com/ebooks/Poets/00000013.htm | |
83. CENTER ETTERS DEEDS /CENTER BOOK 26, PG 193; NOV 13, 1812; samuel ETTRIS, LINCOLN CO,NC. 178 ACERS ON THE WATERSOF BEASON S CREEK CALLED LONG BRANCH WITNESSED BY MARGARET wilks AND REBECCA http://www.geocities.com/heartland/lake/1542/deeds1.html | |
84. Kaddish List June/July 2003 Translate this page Harriet Nathanson, Ruth Epstein Schuler, Arthur Stein Friedman, E. Mannie Blaugrund,Harvey wilks, Alvin Slipyan, samuel Reeback, Frederick D. Simon, Rebecca http://www.congregationalbert.org/2003-06/kaddish.htm | |
85. Australian Shipping 1788-1968 Passengers W Index 23 Passengers W index 23 Last updated 24 Feb 2004. Select the Passengers that you wishto examine. wilks, Willets, samuel, Arrival, Third Fleet, to Sydney, 1791 Mth? Dy? http://www.blaxland.com/ozships/passengr/W/1/23.htm | |
86. D. Samuel Gottesman Library -- AECOM Authors -- January, 2004 L, wilks M, Towler E, Kim M, Yoon JJ. HeringBreuer reflex and sleep state in thepreterm infant. Pediatric Pulmonology 2004; 37(1)61-64. D. samuel Gottesman http://library.aecom.yu.edu/resources/current/january2004.htm | |
87. Census 1871 Farsley ED10 3, Woodhall, samuel, CARTWRIGHT, Head, m, 55, farmer 34 acres 1 lab,Rufforth, 172. 16, Woodhall Hills, George, wilks, Head, m, 31, Ag Lab,Woodhall, 173. http://www.calverley.info/cen_fars_1871_ed10.htm | |
88. Samuel Ramsey Chapter, NSDAR, Past Regents Mrs. Leo J. Caton Jr. 1987 1989. Mrs. Virgil J. Gergen. 1989 - 1991. Mrs. JamesD. wilks. 1991 - 1993. Mrs. Gerald N. Aikman. 1993 - 1995. Mrs. Don W. Alecock. http://www.californiadar.org/chapters/samuelramsey/pastregents.html | |
89. Adams County Family History Assistance Church, viz., James Mackey, Elizabeth Mackey, David Byler, Lucinda Burrows, ElizabethByler, John Byler, Nancy Walker, Thomas Asher, samuel wilks, and Sarah http://www.carthage.lib.il.us/community/churches/primbap/FamHist-Adams.html | |
90. SAMUEL VOLNER From descendents of samuel Volner now living in Missouri, I learned of the two grandsons,William and Elias Bud Volner, sons of Wilkerson wilks Volner were http://www.tngenweb.org/macon/Pioneers/samuel_volner.html | |
91. Billard Receives Statistics Award The samuel S. wilks Memorial Medal was established in 1964 as a tribute to samuelStanley wilks, who led the development of statistics in the United States. http://www.uga.edu/news/newsbureau/releases/1999releases/billard.html | |
92. Biographies - Wiberg To Wladyslaw WILDER, samuel Billy (1906 ) American director and producer. wilks, Mark ( -1831)British officer, author, colonial administrator, journalist - Great Britain http://www.philately.com/philately/biowiwl.htm | |
93. SSRN Author Page For Thomas Wilks 1, January 2000 Robert J. Bloomfield and T. Jeffrey wilks Cornell University SamuelCurtis Johnson Graduate School of Management and Brigham Young University http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=48325 |
94. Portraits Of Statisticians WIENER, Norbert 18941964. WILCOXON, Frank 1892-1965. wilks, SamuelStanley 1906-1964. WISHART, John 1898-1956. De WITT, Jan 1625-1672. http://www.stat.ucla.edu/history/people/ | |
95. Harold Hotelling Papers 1, Weaver, Warren. 1, Wheeler, John A. 1, Wilbur, Ray Lyman. 1, wilks, SamuelS. 1, Wilson, Edwin B. Arranged Correspondence. 2, A Miscellaneous. 2, B Miscellaneous. http://www.columbia.edu/cu/libraries/indiv/rare/guides/Hotelling/main.html | |
96. CENTRO DE INVESTIGACION EN MATEMATICAS (CIMAT), GUANAJUATO, MEXICO http://www.cimat.mx/info_general/cimat/pag_externa.php?m=1&ext=noti_01_09_03.htm |
97. Descripteur - 62Lxx http://bibli.cirm.univ-mrs.fr/Thesaurus.htm?numrec=051946491912820 |
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