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         Wigner Eugene:     more books (87)
  1. Nuclear physics by Eugene Paul Wigner, 1936
  2. Science and society by Eugene Paul Wigner, 1973
  3. Michael Polanyi 1891-1976, elected F.R.S. 1944 (Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society. [Offprint]) by Eugene Paul Wigner, 1977
  4. Symmetries and Reflections: Scientific Essays by Eugene Wigner, 1979
  5. Violations of symmetry in physics, by Eugene Paul Wigner, 1965
  6. Nuclear War Survival Skills by Eugene P (Designer), and Kearny, Cresson H Wigner, 1988
  7. Theory of Relativity in Contemporary Science: Papers Read at the Celeb by Eugene P. Wigner,
  8. Invariance principles and its applications to spectroscopy and nuclear reactions by Eugene Paul Wigner, 1959
  9. Project Harbor controversy (Scientist and Citizen) by Eugene Paul Wigner, 1965
  10. On the matrices which reduce the Kronecker products of representations of S.R. groups by Eugene Paul Wigner, 1950
  11. The growth of science--: Its promise and its dangers (Iowa State University. John Franklin Carlson lecture) by Eugene Paul Wigner, 1964
  12. Group Theory And its Application to the Quantum Mechanics of Atomic Spectra by Wigner Eugene P. & J.J. Griffin, 1968-01-01
  13. Leo Szilard ;: February 11, 1898-May 30, 1964 (Biographical memoirs / National Academy of Sciences) by Eugene Paul Wigner, 1969
  14. Who Speakes for Civil Defense by Eugene Wigner, 1968

81. Eugene P. Wigner, Mathematical Physicist
eugene Paul wigner. I met wigner quite often when I was instructor in physics at Princeton University, for the academic year 1960
Eugene Paul Wigner
I met Wigner quite often when I was instructor in physics at Princeton University, for the academic year 1960-1961, and again when I was working with Wightman on our book, from Sept 1962 to Feb 1963. He was an extremely polite man, and never preceded anyone in passing through a door. I always accepted his offer to stand back, since if I argued, and tried to get him through the door first, then a bottle-neck in the corridor would be created. He was always sympathetic to what I was trying to do in research, but it was difficult to assess whether he thought it was any good. Wigner put the subject of relativistic quantum mechanics on a firm footing, when he showed that the relativistic wave equations of Klein and Gordon, and of Dirac , and Maxwell and Proca, were realisations of unitary representations of the group, and so fell into his general theory of symmetry. I think that Dirac, in 1933, started to worry that his equation was not unitary, because the gamma matrices are not unitary. This might have induced Dirac to dabble with infinite-component fields, where he found some unitary irreducible representations of the homogeneous Lorentz group, a problem that was considered too difficult by mathematicians at the time.

82. Fizikai Szemle 1999/5 - Eugene P. Wigner: ON THE FUTURE OF PHYSICS
ON THE FUTURE OF PHYSICS. eugene P. wigner (19021995). Gravity and Quantum Theory. eugene P. wigner with Werner Heisenberg. Physics and Life.
Fizikai Szemle honlap
Fizikai Szemle 1999/5. 174.o.
Eugene P. Wigner
Gravity and Quantum Theory
Today the central problem of physics is that there is no common theory which could include the general relativity and quantum theory. General relativity describes macroscopic phenomena, quantum theory deals with microscopic phenomena. This division of duties is strange in physics. In most cases this duality is not disturbing, because the interest of the present physics focuses on the microcosmos and there neglecting gravity does not result in relevant error. All the other forces are 10 times more intensive than gravity, and this is a very large number. The Basic quantity in general relativity is the metric tensor. The relation of the metric tensor to quantum theory is still puzzling. In atomic physics we do not touch the question how the metric tensor can be measured. As a matter of fact, it cannot be measured microscopically. To know the metric tensor, the distance of two space-time points should be measured. But how can we specify two space-time events? One may think upon the collisions of mass points but in quantum mechanics this would not make much sense. The quantum behavior of gravity has not yet been demonstrated. We are convinced, however, that gravitational waves exist, and it is pretty sure that they show quantum behavior as well, in which the Planck constant plays a role. There are occasional claims that a quantum theory of gravity has been developed, but this is far from being convincing.

4, wigner, EP, Simple search, Hepnames . 36, wigner, eugene P, Simple search, Hepnames . 1, wigner, eugene P, Simple search, Hepnames . Wigner, Eugene P.

84. Definition Of Eugene Wigner - WordIQ Dictionary & Encyclopedia
eugene wigner. eugene was eugene wigner. They invited him back and he accepted. He rejoined the Princeton faculty in the fall of 1938.
Encyclopedia Dictionary Thesaurus The Web eBooks loadkeyword("Eugene Wigner");
Eugene Wigner
Encyclopedia Definition: Eugene Wigner
Eugene Wigner (left) and Alvin Weinberg Eugene Paul Wigner Hungarian November 17 January 1 ) was a Hungarian American physicist and mathematician He was one of a generation of physicists of the who remade the world of physics . It was a collection of people from Berlin to London to Zürich to Pisa , though not quite yet to New York or Chicago . The first physicists in this new generation Werner Heisenberg Erwin Schrödinger , and Paul Dirac , to name three created quantum mechanics . Quantum mechanics was a dazzling new world, which threw open dozens of fundamental physical questions. A new set of men (and a few women) came along behind them, to answer the first questions and pose others, often more complex. Wigner was in this second set of physicists. He posed and answered some of the most profound questions of 20th-century physics. He laid the foundation for the theory of symmetries in quantum mechanics. In the late , he extended his research into atomic nuclei Between and , this generation of physicists helped to remake the world again. This time it was a far greater, more public world they remade: one of armies, peoples, ideologies. They did it first by seeing that an

85. VEDA
29.11. MATEMATIKOVÉ V HISTORII eugene Paul wigner Jirí Svršek narozen 17. eugene wigner byl prítelem Johna von Neumanna.
Ètvrtek 29.11.2001
Svátek má Zina
Biologie a pøíroda




Archiv vydání
Nadpis Autor Text èlánku
MÉDIA: Novináøi a vydavatelé v Evropì poprvé jednotnì - proti Evropské unii Irena Válová Poprvé v historii se spojili evropští novináøi, vydavatelé, provozovatelé soukromých televizí a rádii, unie veøejnoprávních vysilatelù (EBU), ale také napøíklad britská obdoba Komise pro etiku - Komise stížností na tisk. Dùvodem je návrh direktivy EU "Zneužití trhu", který by v jeho souèasné podobì zcela zlikvidoval ekonomické zpravodajství. Pokud by návrh prošel, tak bude napøíštì trestné nevìdomé šíøení falešné, zavádìjící zprávy, nevinná chyba ve finanèním zpravodajství stejnì jako šíøení vìdomých drbù a dezinformací v ekonomickém zpravodajství. Podle direktivy by bylo napøíštì trestné šíøit zavádìjící informace, které napøíklad novináø získá v oficiálním rozhovoru s pøedsedou pøedstavenstva spoleènosti stejnì jako nevinná chyba nebo vyjádøení, které mùže ovlivnit trh, aèkoli za ním následovala oprava.
Souèasný návrh direktivy oznaèuje všechny nepublikované ekonomické informace jako exkluzivní a naøizuje zpùsob zacházení s nimi. Pro novináøe neèiní žádnou výjimku, takže ti podléhají stejnému režimu jako emitenti finanèních instrumentù èi obchodníci, kteøí by se šíøením falešné informace pokoušeli ovlivnit nabídku, poptávku nebo cenu.

86. VEDA
HLAVNÍ STRÁNKA, 29.11. MATEMATIKOVÉ V HISTORII eugene Paul wigner Jirí Svršek narozen 17. eugene wigner byl prítelem Johna von Neumanna.
Ètvrtek 29.11.2001
Svátek má Zina
Biologie a pøíroda




Archiv vydání
Nadpis Autor Text èlánku
MÉDIA: Novináøi a vydavatelé v Evropì poprvé jednotnì - proti Evropské unii Irena Válová Poprvé v historii se spojili evropští novináøi, vydavatelé, provozovatelé soukromých televizí a rádii, unie veøejnoprávních vysilatelù (EBU), ale také napøíklad britská obdoba Komise pro etiku - Komise stížností na tisk. Dùvodem je návrh direktivy EU "Zneužití trhu", který by v jeho souèasné podobì zcela zlikvidoval ekonomické zpravodajství. Pokud by návrh prošel, tak bude napøíštì trestné nevìdomé šíøení falešné, zavádìjící zprávy, nevinná chyba ve finanèním zpravodajství stejnì jako šíøení vìdomých drbù a dezinformací v ekonomickém zpravodajství. Podle direktivy by bylo napøíštì trestné šíøit zavádìjící informace, které napøíklad novináø získá v oficiálním rozhovoru s pøedsedou pøedstavenstva spoleènosti stejnì jako nevinná chyba nebo vyjádøení, které mùže ovlivnit trh, aèkoli za ním následovala oprava.
Souèasný návrh direktivy oznaèuje všechny nepublikované ekonomické informace jako exkluzivní a naøizuje zpùsob zacházení s nimi. Pro novináøe neèiní žádnou výjimku, takže ti podléhají stejnému režimu jako emitenti finanèních instrumentù èi obchodníci, kteøí by se šíøením falešné informace pokoušeli ovlivnit nabídku, poptávku nebo cenu.

87. Eugene Paul Wigner Papers
eugene Paul wigner Papers. (C0742) A Guide. 5, Recollections of the Uranium Project eugene wigner s personal account April 16, 1941.
Eugene Paul Wigner Papers
A Guide
Manuscripts Division
Department of Rare Books and Special Collections
Princeton University Library
Boxes I. Writings A. Scientific Papers B. Book Drafts C. Articles and Reviews ... V. Visual Material A. Photographs B. Slides VI. Andrew Szanton/Wigner Interview Tapes (1988-1989) VII. Documents VIII. Amelia Frank Materia l IX. Papers of Others X. Printed Matter XI. Oversize Material XII. Additional Material
Box/Folder Listing
I. Writings A. Scientific Papers 1. Drafts Box/Folder
A Covariant Phase Space Representation: Y. S. Kim and E. P. Wigner Covariant Phase Space Representation and Overlapping.... - D D E - L M - P Q - S U - V Miscellaneous Scientific Papers: untitled 2. Offprints B. Book Drafts Group Theory : Chapters I, II, V, VI, notes and correspondence: 1956 Incomplete Manuscript: Chapter I, "Introduction:" two copies from an untitled work Incomplete manuscript: "Forward:" untitled work Incomplete manuscript: "Use of Invariance Principles...:" two copies from an untitled work "Recollections of the Uranium Project:" Eugene Wigner's personal account: April 16, 1941

88. Índice De Títulos
Translate this page Índice de títulos. Para ver el registro completo, seleccione uno de los títulos aquí abajo. author wigner, eugene P.
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author: WIGNER, Eugene P.
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  • 89. Eugene Paul Wigner
    Translate this page eugene wigner, 1962. Süddeutscher Verlag Bilderdienst, München. eugene (früher Eugen) wigner wurde als Sohn jüdischer Eltern in Budapest geboren.
    Eugene Wigner, 1962 Süddeutscher Verlag Bilderdienst, München Die Vertreibung der jüdischen Wissenschaftler nach 1933
    Eugene Paul Wigner
    Physiker, Nobelpreisträger E ugene (früher Eugen) Wigner wurde als Sohn jüdischer Eltern in Budapest geboren. Er studierte Chemische Verfahrenstechnik an den Technischen Hochschulen Budapest und Berlin, entdeckte jedoch bald seine Neigung für die Theoretische Physik. So nahm er an den berühmten Nachmittags- kolloquien der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft teil, wo sich die bedeutendsten Wissenschaftler der damaligen Zeit trafen. Nach Abschluß seines Studiums ging Wigner 1925 für kurze Zeit nach Budapest, um in einer Gerberei zu arbeiten. Aufgrund des damals in Ungarn herrschenden Antisemitismus kehrte er jedoch 1926 nach Deutschland zurück. Nach einer Assistentenzeit in Berlin und Göttingen wurde er 1928 zum Privatdozenten und 1930 zum a.o. Professor für Physik an der Technischen Hochschule Berlin ernannt.

    90. International: Italiano: Scienze: Fisica: Fisici_e_Ricercatori: Wigner,_Eugene_P
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    91. Wigner Page

    92. Universitätsbibliothek Karlsruhe

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